Hey everyone,
It’s almost that time. It’s almost time to say good bye to good ole 2007 and embrace 2008 with open arms and a positive outlook. I realize that this a time of celebration and that things are pretty much going in circles right now but I would encourage you to use this also as a time reflection. What the future holds is largely dependent on what lessons you learned from your past. Welcome back to all my regulars and welcome aboard to my new readers. As always, if you are new and want to catch up or if you just missed an edition, you can always go back and read them by going to either… (bottom left corner of page)
******************* Success University *******************
Here we go !!! It’s time to start the New Year and you need to start it right. I hope all of you have included in your list of resolutions to make 2008 a phenomenal year for you financially. Also, I hope that you have set some serious goals in the Personal Development department. Now, wouldn’t it be sweet if you had a place to go where all those areas could be covered and covered by the best??? Success University has teamed up with over fifty of the World’s foremost authorities on all areas of Personal Development. You will have access to a curriculum put together by the likes of Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Denis Waitley, and many, many more. These are people that ARE where YOU want to be in life and for less than the price of a value meal you can take an ALL ACCESS, UNRESTRICTED, FULL FEATURED 14 day Trial Membership. Get in there, get your feet wet and see what We are all about. Then, 14 days later if you don’t feel that Success University is a fit for you then simply call and cancel. You owe nothing and we part as friends. And, the best part is that the FULL $2 is donated to an International children’s charity that we are partnered with. Do your self a favor and check it out…..
Ok, it’s after Christmas and it’s started again just like it always has. For as long as I’ve been working with people in network marketing, whether in my own personal organization or helping others in my group, right after Christmas the first thing everybody comes to me with is “Every time I try to talk to somebody about joining my business they say they are broke and can’t afford it”. HORSE HOCKEY !!!
This is called an objection of convenience. And, as we all know, objections are just a cry for more information. People that are sincerely not interested will tell you that they are not interested. Objections are simply a way of a person telling you that you have not covered all their questions and concerns. It’s not that they can’t afford it right now. It’s that they want to be convinced of why working the money for your business into their budget is a wise thing to do.
I LOVE it when someone tries to use the NO MONEY or IT COSTS TOO MUCH routine on me. I have a literal ARSENAL of weapons to use in that scenario and if you try to tell me one of those things I’m coming out with guns blazing !!! Too many people let situations like this intimidate and discourage them. I just look at them as a challenge and a battle of wits and I just LOVE a good challenge.
You see, we all make decisions every day concerning what we want and what we are willing to do to get it. People today are so caught up in the IMMEDIATE GRATIFICATION mindset that sacrifice is a word that is losing it’s place in our society. But, on a daily basis people make purchasing and business decisions based on what they are willing to give up to get it. The only problem is that they are willing to give up things to get what they want RIGHT NOW but not to achieve their goals for the future because that would cause them to be UNCOMFORTABLE right now.
Just let somebody tell ME that they can’t afford my business and watch me work. Some of you who know me personally know exactly what I’m talking about. The first thing I’ll do is analyze their lifestyle. Do they eat out all the time? Do they consistently buy their kids EVERYTHING they ask for? Are they driving outlandishly expensive cars to try and keep up with the Jones’s? Do they have a TV the size of my refrigerator? How about a swimming pool in the back yard and a boat in the driveway. That was one of my personal favorites. Yes, these are actual circumstances of real people I have dealt with that tried to tell me that they couldn’t afford $50 a month to change their financial future.
Now, I know what you’re thinking. “Jeff, what about people that really don’t have any money?” I have got you covered there too. My grandmother used to say “You know, there’s a really good place to go when you don’t have any money…… TOO WORK !!!” Think about it using my business of Success University as an example. Excluding people living under a bridge and frequenting soup kitchens, who can’t come up $50 a month ??? I mean give me a break ! That’s just a little over ten hours or work at minimum wage AFTER TAXES. That’s less than three hours a week. Can you say PART TIME JOB ?!!
Ok, I guess I’ve hammered on this long enough but I think you get my point. If someone honestly cares about there future and is willing to get off their butt and put forth a little extra effort there is no such thing as someone that can’t afford your business. I can take anybody to my site right now and show them how to spend 30 min. A MONTH and make enough money to be in my business for FREE !!!
Tell them that if they are not interested then that’s totally fine but you tell them FOR ME that if MONEY is the best they can do for a reason to not go into business for themselves and with you then you have a solution to their problem. It’s a little thing I like to call EFFORT !!!
“If money is your hope for independence you will never have it. The only real security that a man will have in this world is a reserve of knowledge, experience, and ability.”
- Henry Ford
I would like to share something with all of you that I have recently incorporated into my life. I am quite sure that the vast majority of you have been exposed to the high levels of stress and chaos that can be a familiar part of being in business for yourself. But, what a lot of you might not know is that this can affect your health in ways your never thought of. I mean, everyone has heard that stress is bad for your and can cause things like high blood pressure but did you know that it can actually affect things like how long your hair keeps it’s color, how long your teeth stay in your head, how efficiently your body digests the food you eat, your sex drive and stamina, the condition of your skin and your immune system, just to name a few ???
I’m talking about day to day relaxation techniques. Not just the ones that you use to relax after the fact but, also, the ones you can use to prevent stress in the first place. It has been working wonders for me and how I deal with the stressors that I have. Now, some of you “I’m a MAN’S MAN” kind of guys might not like the thought of doing some of this stuff but all I can tell you is GET OVER YOURSELF !!!
The first thing I have done is to make sure that I take a long walk of one mile every morning be fore I do ANYTHING else. Now, this has nothing to do with my workout. If it’s cardio day I still do my cardio in what ever fashion I had planned but this is a RELAXING walk. It’s the perverbial “Stop and smell the roses” kind of walk. It gives your mind time to get geared up for the day while allowing you to remind yourself that before there were planes to catch, before there were meetings to attend and before there were calls to be made….. THERE WAS LIFE !!!
The next thing is your work environment in general. When you walk into my office you would swear you are in a spa instead of a place where I spend my day chasing my tail. First, I have some very soothing music playing in the background on my laptop. I shopped around until I found the music that best connected with me and, surprisingly enough, I found it at good ole Wal-mart. I’m sure you’ve seen the display close to the candles. It’s entitled Feng Shui. It is an excellent sub-conscious distracter and I keep it playing constantly.
Next, I have a small, table-top waterfall going. It may sound crazy but the sound of that water gently splashing really blends with the music to create an atmosphere like you just can’t imagine. Yep, you guessed it… I found it right there next to the candles too. Hey, who needs to go to a department store to get good stuff. Frugality is one of basic concepts of wealth.
One final touch to my office of tranquility is the aroma therapy candles. Your external sensory organs are very closely tied to your mindset and largely control your emotions. If you don’t believe me, try walking by a bakery where they are making fresh donuts if you are a donut fan and attempt to not let it affect your mood. You get excited. Ask a race fan if they don’t get excited at the track partly from the smell of burning tires and exhaust fumes. I’m serious. The right smell can make your day.
Ok, now comes the good part. What do you do after you are winding down for the day? I can tell you what I do. I grab a good book and head for the tub !!! And, that’s not where the story ends. Oh, No. Have you ever enjoyed a good foot soak with Epsom salts in the water? Well, modern technology has taken that to the next level. I’m talking about effervescence balls. You ladies probably know what I’m talking about and you guys are probably raising one eyebrow but, I’m telling you, these are the best things since sliced bread !!! You spend about a half hour or so in a hot tub with one of these little wonders in the water and you are going to sleep like a baby and wake up in the morning totally refreshed.
I would have never thought in a thousand years how much of a difference in my day could be made with doing things as simple as these but I’ll never have it any other way. Let’s face it, when you are relaxed and not all stressed out you are more productive, you make less mistakes and you are a LOT nicer to be around. Ask the people around me !!! LOL
“To be at one with God is to be at peace ... peace is to be found only within, and unless one finds it there he will never find it at all. Peace lies not in the external world. It lies within one's own soul.”
- Ralph Waldo Trine
Well, it’s about time for my hot soak !!! Seriously though, it is really easy to get caught up in working toward your goals and cheat yourself out of the simple pleasures in life, not to mention the added stress you bring on yourself which is not only counterproductive but unhealthy. I’m going to go read a few pages from the Good Book now and set my mind to thinking about the coming events. Stay focused, stay determined and stay the course. It’s going to be a GREAT year !!! See you in 2008. Until our Heavenly Father grants us this time together again, just remember to……..
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
The purpose of this blog is to create a community of like minded people pursuing their dreams and sharing the wealth of information that they collectively have. "None of us are as smart as ALL of us".
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Newsletter 12/23/07
Hey Everybody,
Is everyone ready for tomorrow ??? I know I am. I am blessed to be surrounded by friends and family that are all very gifted in the cooking department. That’s not so good for my waistline but my taste buds are absolutely ecstatic !!! For all my returning readers, a very warm welcome to you and for all my new additions to my mailing list, a very warm welcome aboard to all of you. If you are new and want to read back editions or just missed one and want to catch up, you can by just going to either… (bottom left corner of page)
***************** Success University ******************
Have you heard the news ? Success University has COMPLETELY re-vamped it’s entire website platform. That’s right. Now, the already phenomenal business opportunity is even better than before. With the more streamlined layout and higher level of functionality you will have it even easier as you promote Success University to the World. Success University is turning three years old in January and is looking forward to making YOU it’s next success story !!! Make 2008 YOUR year !!! Check it out at:
Well, with only a few days remaining in 2007 many of you will begin to look to January to establish your annual NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS. January symbolizes a new beginning. It symbolizes a chance to reflect on the previous year, decide where our lives need improvement and RESOLVE to make those improvements. The problem is, this time honored tradition has become more of a meaningless ritual than a serious effort to make effective and PERMANENT changes in our lives.
I challenge you to make this year different. I challenge you to take this tradition TO THE NEXT LEVEL ! Make this the year that marks a new beginning for you and not a new beginning that you will have to start all over again next year. Dig way down deep inside and find the strength, find the courage and find the diligence to make this years resolutions stick. You can do it but only if you believe you can. If you go into it with a “Well, I’ll try to keep my resolutions this year” attitude I can all but guarantee your failure.
I am going to make some simple suggestions that, if you APPLY THEM, you will greatly increase the likelihood of your resolutions taking root in your life and becoming permanent instead of a running joke at the office three months from now. It, like many other things I teach you, all comes down to MINDSET !!! That is one common factor in anything you do in life and very much so in this particular case. So, take note of these suggestions, APPLY THEM and make 2008 the year that marked the beginning of a new and prosperous life for you and those you love……
NOTE: Replace the word RESOLUTION with the word GOAL and you can easily see how these same methods can be applied to your personal and business life throughout the year.
1) Make sure the resolution is YOUR resolution. Too many people try to live their lives in a way that will keep others happy and this is a self-defeating strategy. If you are not working toward something because YOU wanted to you are almost certain to fail
2) Clearly define what the resolution is. Picture in your mind EXACTLY what your life will be like upon the adherence to this resolution. You cannot simply resolve to lose weight. You must specify what you will weigh and upon what date will you weigh that much. You cannot be vague or you will get vague results.
3) Determine what your motivation is. You have to be very clear in your mind WHY you wish to adhere to this resolution. In life you are constantly either moving away from pain or moving toward pleasure. Develop your personal motivator and focus on it.
4) Create a plan of action. Treat your resolution like you would treat your business. You wouldn’t open a business without a business plan, would you? Outline EXACTLY what you are going to do to achieve the desired results.
5) Evaluate your progress DAILY. If you don’t maintain constant focus on where you are going it is very easy to get off course. Make it the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do at night before you go to bed.
6) Believe in yourself. Self doubt is the leading cause of failure, no matter what you do in life. If you are not COMPLETELY convinced in your mind and in your heart that you can do what you are setting out to do then YOU just became your own worst enemy. How can you possibly expect to accomplish anything while harboring feelings of weakness and uncertainty?
7) You must establish accountability. Tell everybody you know EXACTLY what you are doing, EXACTLY why you are doing it and EXACTLY when it is going to be done. You can easily fail at something if you have only yourself to answer to but when you have people that you know and care about and who care about you making the journey with you that changes EVERYTHING !!! Besides, accountability partners are an excellent source of positive energy and act as a support group if you begin to weaken.
I hope you find these methods useful and are able to effectively apply them not only to your New Years Resolutions but, also, to your day to day life. Just remember what Henry Ford said in one of my favorite quotes, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right”.
“The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, learn about them, or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.”
- Denis Waitley
Christmas time is a wonderful time of year. Coming right after Thanksgiving, it is filled with Love and Kindness that can be felt throughout the world. Everyone reaches deep inside and pours out all that they are to make everyone else around them happy and hopeful. Generosity abounds and Mankind seems to take a break from the usual chaos of the World and embrace Peace and Concern for all Humanity.
I just have one issue with this. Why can’t we be like this ALL YEAR LONG ??? Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus loves us all year long. Why, for a brief few weeks, do we become these Ambassadors of good will and then in January everything returns to the way it was. Why do we spend such a brief moment in time showing everyone how kind, caring and generous we can be and then spend the rest of the year being Self-indulged and Self-centered? Do we love our children and celebrate that love ONLY on their birthdays? Of course not. And we should treat the Christmas Spirit no differently.
Now, obviously everyone is not this way but I would submit to you to take a brief moment and search yourself. Do you treat everyone the rest of the year the way you treat them at Christmas time? Do you help out the less fortunate all year round or just at Christmas time? Do you have the same mindset all year long or do you have one for Christmas and one for your day to day life. Just imagine for a moment, if you will, a World where EVERYDAY was Christmas !!! How wonderful would that be ???
“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.”
- Calvin Coolidge
Wow, Christmas is just a few hours away. I love to think back to my childhood and the family Christmas gatherings. Many of the loved ones that I shared them with are long since gone to be with Jesus but I will always have the memories of the times spent with them. It was a simpler time and one that, even though I enjoy all the benefits of modern times just as you do, that I SINCERELY MISS !!! As each and every one of you gather with those that you love, make each moment a special one. Treat every second that you are together as though it were a one time affair. I am just as guilty as the next person of getting TOO COMFORTABLE in my surroundings and sometimes I too need to stop and dwell a bit on just how special the people in my life are and how much they really mean to me. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I hope that it is every bit as wonderful for you as you have imagined it is going to be. I love each and every one of you as my Brothers and Sisters. I wish all of you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Until we are once again granted the opportunity to enjoy each other’s company again, just remember to……..
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Hey Everybody,
Is everyone ready for tomorrow ??? I know I am. I am blessed to be surrounded by friends and family that are all very gifted in the cooking department. That’s not so good for my waistline but my taste buds are absolutely ecstatic !!! For all my returning readers, a very warm welcome to you and for all my new additions to my mailing list, a very warm welcome aboard to all of you. If you are new and want to read back editions or just missed one and want to catch up, you can by just going to either… (bottom left corner of page)
***************** Success University ******************
Have you heard the news ? Success University has COMPLETELY re-vamped it’s entire website platform. That’s right. Now, the already phenomenal business opportunity is even better than before. With the more streamlined layout and higher level of functionality you will have it even easier as you promote Success University to the World. Success University is turning three years old in January and is looking forward to making YOU it’s next success story !!! Make 2008 YOUR year !!! Check it out at:
Well, with only a few days remaining in 2007 many of you will begin to look to January to establish your annual NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS. January symbolizes a new beginning. It symbolizes a chance to reflect on the previous year, decide where our lives need improvement and RESOLVE to make those improvements. The problem is, this time honored tradition has become more of a meaningless ritual than a serious effort to make effective and PERMANENT changes in our lives.
I challenge you to make this year different. I challenge you to take this tradition TO THE NEXT LEVEL ! Make this the year that marks a new beginning for you and not a new beginning that you will have to start all over again next year. Dig way down deep inside and find the strength, find the courage and find the diligence to make this years resolutions stick. You can do it but only if you believe you can. If you go into it with a “Well, I’ll try to keep my resolutions this year” attitude I can all but guarantee your failure.
I am going to make some simple suggestions that, if you APPLY THEM, you will greatly increase the likelihood of your resolutions taking root in your life and becoming permanent instead of a running joke at the office three months from now. It, like many other things I teach you, all comes down to MINDSET !!! That is one common factor in anything you do in life and very much so in this particular case. So, take note of these suggestions, APPLY THEM and make 2008 the year that marked the beginning of a new and prosperous life for you and those you love……
NOTE: Replace the word RESOLUTION with the word GOAL and you can easily see how these same methods can be applied to your personal and business life throughout the year.
1) Make sure the resolution is YOUR resolution. Too many people try to live their lives in a way that will keep others happy and this is a self-defeating strategy. If you are not working toward something because YOU wanted to you are almost certain to fail
2) Clearly define what the resolution is. Picture in your mind EXACTLY what your life will be like upon the adherence to this resolution. You cannot simply resolve to lose weight. You must specify what you will weigh and upon what date will you weigh that much. You cannot be vague or you will get vague results.
3) Determine what your motivation is. You have to be very clear in your mind WHY you wish to adhere to this resolution. In life you are constantly either moving away from pain or moving toward pleasure. Develop your personal motivator and focus on it.
4) Create a plan of action. Treat your resolution like you would treat your business. You wouldn’t open a business without a business plan, would you? Outline EXACTLY what you are going to do to achieve the desired results.
5) Evaluate your progress DAILY. If you don’t maintain constant focus on where you are going it is very easy to get off course. Make it the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do at night before you go to bed.
6) Believe in yourself. Self doubt is the leading cause of failure, no matter what you do in life. If you are not COMPLETELY convinced in your mind and in your heart that you can do what you are setting out to do then YOU just became your own worst enemy. How can you possibly expect to accomplish anything while harboring feelings of weakness and uncertainty?
7) You must establish accountability. Tell everybody you know EXACTLY what you are doing, EXACTLY why you are doing it and EXACTLY when it is going to be done. You can easily fail at something if you have only yourself to answer to but when you have people that you know and care about and who care about you making the journey with you that changes EVERYTHING !!! Besides, accountability partners are an excellent source of positive energy and act as a support group if you begin to weaken.
I hope you find these methods useful and are able to effectively apply them not only to your New Years Resolutions but, also, to your day to day life. Just remember what Henry Ford said in one of my favorite quotes, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right”.
“The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don't define them, learn about them, or even seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.”
- Denis Waitley
Christmas time is a wonderful time of year. Coming right after Thanksgiving, it is filled with Love and Kindness that can be felt throughout the world. Everyone reaches deep inside and pours out all that they are to make everyone else around them happy and hopeful. Generosity abounds and Mankind seems to take a break from the usual chaos of the World and embrace Peace and Concern for all Humanity.
I just have one issue with this. Why can’t we be like this ALL YEAR LONG ??? Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Jesus loves us all year long. Why, for a brief few weeks, do we become these Ambassadors of good will and then in January everything returns to the way it was. Why do we spend such a brief moment in time showing everyone how kind, caring and generous we can be and then spend the rest of the year being Self-indulged and Self-centered? Do we love our children and celebrate that love ONLY on their birthdays? Of course not. And we should treat the Christmas Spirit no differently.
Now, obviously everyone is not this way but I would submit to you to take a brief moment and search yourself. Do you treat everyone the rest of the year the way you treat them at Christmas time? Do you help out the less fortunate all year round or just at Christmas time? Do you have the same mindset all year long or do you have one for Christmas and one for your day to day life. Just imagine for a moment, if you will, a World where EVERYDAY was Christmas !!! How wonderful would that be ???
“Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.”
- Calvin Coolidge
Wow, Christmas is just a few hours away. I love to think back to my childhood and the family Christmas gatherings. Many of the loved ones that I shared them with are long since gone to be with Jesus but I will always have the memories of the times spent with them. It was a simpler time and one that, even though I enjoy all the benefits of modern times just as you do, that I SINCERELY MISS !!! As each and every one of you gather with those that you love, make each moment a special one. Treat every second that you are together as though it were a one time affair. I am just as guilty as the next person of getting TOO COMFORTABLE in my surroundings and sometimes I too need to stop and dwell a bit on just how special the people in my life are and how much they really mean to me. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I hope that it is every bit as wonderful for you as you have imagined it is going to be. I love each and every one of you as my Brothers and Sisters. I wish all of you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Until we are once again granted the opportunity to enjoy each other’s company again, just remember to……..
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Newsletter 12/16/07
Hey Everyone,
It’s a pleasure to be back with all of you this week. Welcome back to all my regular readers and welcome home to all my new readers. It’s our time together by the fireplace. It’s our chance to channel our thoughts and feelings in such a way that we can improve our businesses, our lives and our futures together. It has been an incredible week for me and I’m sure it has been for you too. As always, if you are new or have missed an edition and want to go back and read it you can by simply going to either…. (lower left corner of page)
Note: If you have your own web site that you CONTROL THE CONTENT of then you absolutely MUST read the following information !!! You will not be sold anything and you will make money EVERYTIME anyone visits your site. They don’t have to click on ANYTHING !!! I’m doing it and you’ll be nuts if YOU don’t…….Oh yeah, did I mentions it’s FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
**************** ANNOUNCNING: PAY PER PLAY **************
I want to show you how to get a 100% conversion rate on your website traffic. This is not a sales pitch and there is nothing to buy. There is no squeeze page that is designed to sell you anything later either. This is an event that you should know about... First there was Pay Per Click advertising which pays you on the small percentage of website visitors that actually click on an advertisement. Now there is "Pay Per Play" advertising that will pay you on 100% of your website traffic... NO CLICKS NECESSARY! Pay Per Play caters to an audience that is larger than radio, television and print media combined! Billions of dollars are being spent by big brand advertisers and they are ready to pay you. Will you claim your share of the pie? Or will you let someone else have it? To learn more about Pay Per Play visit:
I’m going to put a little different spin on my usual training in this week’s edition. I’m going to touch on a widely neglected but extremely important area that is CRUCIAL to your success !!! I’m going to talk to you today about your body. Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter how much money you make and how happy you become if you “check out” way before you should.
It is my guess that the one area of all our lives that suffer the most from our pursuit of success in our business endeavors is the area of physical fitness. I am a strong advocate of physical fitness and work everyday at improving my health. But, I DO understand that it can be quite a challenge to fit it in. However, in my opinion, if something has to be left out of my daily schedule it’s going to be something besides my fitness training.
I get up every morning and take my dog for a one mile walk around my neighborhood. It takes discipline and focus but YOU CAN DO IT !!! I don’t want to hear about NOT ENOUGH TIME. Exercise is something that is best done in the morning and the only thing you have to do to make time for it is to change the setting on you alarm clock. Your body needs AT LEAST twenty minutes of cardio and it needs it AT LEAST three times a week. See your doctor about what type and how much is suitable for your particular circumstances.
The other obvious area that is in the same category is what you eat. This is an area that is very easy to falter in but with even the most basic information you can make dramatic changes in your health and the way you feel. I am going to share that basic information with you and IF YOU WILL APPLY IT you too can start to put your body back on the path to good health. What follows are ten basic things to change about the way you eat.
1) Eat six small meals a day, one every two to three hours. This will stabilize your blood sugar levels and cause a more efficient burning of fat and calories.
2) Eat a portion of Protein and Carbohydrates with each meal and DO NOT ELIMINATE FAT from your diet. Your body needs a certain amount of fat for various functions. Just avoid Saturated and Trans Fats.
3) Add a portion of vegetables to at least two of the six meals. This is necessary to ensure that you ingest an adequate amount of essential Vitamins and Minerals.
4) A portion is the size of your palm for flat meats such as pork chops and the size of your clenched fist for carbohydrates and vegetables.
5) Consume one tablespoon of UNSATURATED oil daily or three portions of salmon per week. These fats are necessary to provide your body with all the essential fatty acids it needs.
6) Drink at least ten cups of water a day. Many people don’t know this but a lack of water in the body will actually SLOW DOWN the fat burning process because water is needed for the chemical reaction.
7) Use Meal Replacement Shakes if necessary to make sure that you get your six meals in if a real meal is not possible. Missing a meal slows the metabolism as the body interprets this as a lack of available food.
8) Plan your meals in advance. This will make staying on track much easier and will decrease the chance of missed meals due to unavailability of food. It will also help in the Time Management department.
9) Plan your grocery list. You will probably have a good idea of what you will eat on a regular basis so always make sure you have the basics for preparing those meals.
10) Listen to me !!! This is an important one !!! Once a week take a FREE DAY and eat what you want. It will have a negligible impact on your program and treating yourself increases motivation and diligence.
It may seem like a lot to do at first but once it becomes a part of your life it will become second nature. But, then again, even if it was a nuisance it’s certainly better than the alternative. Wouldn’t you agree ??? Take care of your body. Do it for yourself but, more importantly, do it for the ones you love. I’m sure they would love to have you around as long as possible.
“When you gain control of your body you will gain control of your life.”
- Bill Phillips, International Trainer and Coach
Have you ever known of ANYONE who’s last words as they lay dying on their death bed were “My only regret is that I didn’t spend more time at work away from my family”? Me neither !!! I often comment on the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season but there is another hustle and bustle lying just beneath the surface. It is the hustle and bustle of the WORK-A-HOLIC.
You see, the work-a-holic has a condition that is difficult to treat because he is under the illusion that he is doing himself and his family a service by all of his devotion and commitment. Now, before you start throwing rocks at me and yelling “Hypocrite” allow me to clarify. I’m not talking about the person who diligently performs all his daily tasks before calling it a night. I’m not talking about the person who goes into the office on his day off or misses a fishing trip with his buddies to make an important deadline. I’m talking about the person who LIVES for his business and spends what ever time may be left over with his family IF he can work it into his schedule !!!
The problem is that it’s easy to cross that line without realizing it. I fight that dragon every day of my life. I doubt that there are many of you that have more going on than I do at any given moment but you have to develop a plan to make sure that you maintain control over it instead of letting it maintain control over you. Trust me, it takes MUCH less time to destroy a family or a life than it does to create and properly develop one.
I was working in my office today (see what I mean? Today is Sunday) and I got so wrapped up in what I was doing that I literally came to a screeching halt. I had to go for a drive to relax my mind and give it pause to go back to a healthy state so that when my son came home later I was able to enjoy my time with him. It’s not just about time. If you don’t give yourself some separation from your work your time with those you love will still suffer from a Quality standpoint.
I stopped at an old bridge in town and parked my truck so I could walk down to the water’s edge. I stood there with the cold wind on my face just watching the water go by. It really made me think. I realized how easy it was to become so involved in what you are doing that so many of life’s simple pleasures can slip right by unnoticed just like that water was slipping by under the bridge, unnoticed by the passers by. How many of life’s simple pleasures have you let slip by because you just needed to work a little bit longer?
“Don’t spend so much time making a living that you fail to make a life !!!”
- Anonymous
Devotion and Commitment are wonderful and vital traits to have but you have to be careful. Even race car engines have to be treated properly. They are built for performance as I am sure you are on top of your game in your business as well but just ask a race driver sometime what happens when you RED LINE !!!! Be Prosperous, be Successful and Be A Winner but just don’t forget where your True Loyalty lies. Don’t ever forget that it’s not your business that you work for but rather yourself and your family. If you don’t take care of the latter the other just DOESN’T MATTER !!!
“The great danger for family life, in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish.”
- Pope John Paul II
Well, the clock hasn’t cut me any more slack this week than it ever does. Seems like I just sat down a few moments ago. But, tomorrow is a new day and a new week. I need to make preparations to be ready to take it HEAD-ON !!! Remember that TIME MANAGEMENT is one of the main keys to your success. It may seem like an unnecessary task to you sometimes but I guarantee you that you save ten times more time than you use up planning your next days activities. I challenge you to find any successful person that would disagree with me on that one. So, that having been said, I wish you all a wonderful week and a wonderful life. Until the Good Lord favors us with the opportunity to do this again just always remember to…….
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Hey Everyone,
It’s a pleasure to be back with all of you this week. Welcome back to all my regular readers and welcome home to all my new readers. It’s our time together by the fireplace. It’s our chance to channel our thoughts and feelings in such a way that we can improve our businesses, our lives and our futures together. It has been an incredible week for me and I’m sure it has been for you too. As always, if you are new or have missed an edition and want to go back and read it you can by simply going to either…. (lower left corner of page)
Note: If you have your own web site that you CONTROL THE CONTENT of then you absolutely MUST read the following information !!! You will not be sold anything and you will make money EVERYTIME anyone visits your site. They don’t have to click on ANYTHING !!! I’m doing it and you’ll be nuts if YOU don’t…….Oh yeah, did I mentions it’s FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
**************** ANNOUNCNING: PAY PER PLAY **************
I want to show you how to get a 100% conversion rate on your website traffic. This is not a sales pitch and there is nothing to buy. There is no squeeze page that is designed to sell you anything later either. This is an event that you should know about... First there was Pay Per Click advertising which pays you on the small percentage of website visitors that actually click on an advertisement. Now there is "Pay Per Play" advertising that will pay you on 100% of your website traffic... NO CLICKS NECESSARY! Pay Per Play caters to an audience that is larger than radio, television and print media combined! Billions of dollars are being spent by big brand advertisers and they are ready to pay you. Will you claim your share of the pie? Or will you let someone else have it? To learn more about Pay Per Play visit:
I’m going to put a little different spin on my usual training in this week’s edition. I’m going to touch on a widely neglected but extremely important area that is CRUCIAL to your success !!! I’m going to talk to you today about your body. Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter how much money you make and how happy you become if you “check out” way before you should.
It is my guess that the one area of all our lives that suffer the most from our pursuit of success in our business endeavors is the area of physical fitness. I am a strong advocate of physical fitness and work everyday at improving my health. But, I DO understand that it can be quite a challenge to fit it in. However, in my opinion, if something has to be left out of my daily schedule it’s going to be something besides my fitness training.
I get up every morning and take my dog for a one mile walk around my neighborhood. It takes discipline and focus but YOU CAN DO IT !!! I don’t want to hear about NOT ENOUGH TIME. Exercise is something that is best done in the morning and the only thing you have to do to make time for it is to change the setting on you alarm clock. Your body needs AT LEAST twenty minutes of cardio and it needs it AT LEAST three times a week. See your doctor about what type and how much is suitable for your particular circumstances.
The other obvious area that is in the same category is what you eat. This is an area that is very easy to falter in but with even the most basic information you can make dramatic changes in your health and the way you feel. I am going to share that basic information with you and IF YOU WILL APPLY IT you too can start to put your body back on the path to good health. What follows are ten basic things to change about the way you eat.
1) Eat six small meals a day, one every two to three hours. This will stabilize your blood sugar levels and cause a more efficient burning of fat and calories.
2) Eat a portion of Protein and Carbohydrates with each meal and DO NOT ELIMINATE FAT from your diet. Your body needs a certain amount of fat for various functions. Just avoid Saturated and Trans Fats.
3) Add a portion of vegetables to at least two of the six meals. This is necessary to ensure that you ingest an adequate amount of essential Vitamins and Minerals.
4) A portion is the size of your palm for flat meats such as pork chops and the size of your clenched fist for carbohydrates and vegetables.
5) Consume one tablespoon of UNSATURATED oil daily or three portions of salmon per week. These fats are necessary to provide your body with all the essential fatty acids it needs.
6) Drink at least ten cups of water a day. Many people don’t know this but a lack of water in the body will actually SLOW DOWN the fat burning process because water is needed for the chemical reaction.
7) Use Meal Replacement Shakes if necessary to make sure that you get your six meals in if a real meal is not possible. Missing a meal slows the metabolism as the body interprets this as a lack of available food.
8) Plan your meals in advance. This will make staying on track much easier and will decrease the chance of missed meals due to unavailability of food. It will also help in the Time Management department.
9) Plan your grocery list. You will probably have a good idea of what you will eat on a regular basis so always make sure you have the basics for preparing those meals.
10) Listen to me !!! This is an important one !!! Once a week take a FREE DAY and eat what you want. It will have a negligible impact on your program and treating yourself increases motivation and diligence.
It may seem like a lot to do at first but once it becomes a part of your life it will become second nature. But, then again, even if it was a nuisance it’s certainly better than the alternative. Wouldn’t you agree ??? Take care of your body. Do it for yourself but, more importantly, do it for the ones you love. I’m sure they would love to have you around as long as possible.
“When you gain control of your body you will gain control of your life.”
- Bill Phillips, International Trainer and Coach
Have you ever known of ANYONE who’s last words as they lay dying on their death bed were “My only regret is that I didn’t spend more time at work away from my family”? Me neither !!! I often comment on the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season but there is another hustle and bustle lying just beneath the surface. It is the hustle and bustle of the WORK-A-HOLIC.
You see, the work-a-holic has a condition that is difficult to treat because he is under the illusion that he is doing himself and his family a service by all of his devotion and commitment. Now, before you start throwing rocks at me and yelling “Hypocrite” allow me to clarify. I’m not talking about the person who diligently performs all his daily tasks before calling it a night. I’m not talking about the person who goes into the office on his day off or misses a fishing trip with his buddies to make an important deadline. I’m talking about the person who LIVES for his business and spends what ever time may be left over with his family IF he can work it into his schedule !!!
The problem is that it’s easy to cross that line without realizing it. I fight that dragon every day of my life. I doubt that there are many of you that have more going on than I do at any given moment but you have to develop a plan to make sure that you maintain control over it instead of letting it maintain control over you. Trust me, it takes MUCH less time to destroy a family or a life than it does to create and properly develop one.
I was working in my office today (see what I mean? Today is Sunday) and I got so wrapped up in what I was doing that I literally came to a screeching halt. I had to go for a drive to relax my mind and give it pause to go back to a healthy state so that when my son came home later I was able to enjoy my time with him. It’s not just about time. If you don’t give yourself some separation from your work your time with those you love will still suffer from a Quality standpoint.
I stopped at an old bridge in town and parked my truck so I could walk down to the water’s edge. I stood there with the cold wind on my face just watching the water go by. It really made me think. I realized how easy it was to become so involved in what you are doing that so many of life’s simple pleasures can slip right by unnoticed just like that water was slipping by under the bridge, unnoticed by the passers by. How many of life’s simple pleasures have you let slip by because you just needed to work a little bit longer?
“Don’t spend so much time making a living that you fail to make a life !!!”
- Anonymous
Devotion and Commitment are wonderful and vital traits to have but you have to be careful. Even race car engines have to be treated properly. They are built for performance as I am sure you are on top of your game in your business as well but just ask a race driver sometime what happens when you RED LINE !!!! Be Prosperous, be Successful and Be A Winner but just don’t forget where your True Loyalty lies. Don’t ever forget that it’s not your business that you work for but rather yourself and your family. If you don’t take care of the latter the other just DOESN’T MATTER !!!
“The great danger for family life, in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish.”
- Pope John Paul II
Well, the clock hasn’t cut me any more slack this week than it ever does. Seems like I just sat down a few moments ago. But, tomorrow is a new day and a new week. I need to make preparations to be ready to take it HEAD-ON !!! Remember that TIME MANAGEMENT is one of the main keys to your success. It may seem like an unnecessary task to you sometimes but I guarantee you that you save ten times more time than you use up planning your next days activities. I challenge you to find any successful person that would disagree with me on that one. So, that having been said, I wish you all a wonderful week and a wonderful life. Until the Good Lord favors us with the opportunity to do this again just always remember to…….
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Newsletter 12/09/07
Hey Everybody,
Are all of you ready for Christmas ??? It’s right around the corner !!! It’s almost like the whole world is in Fast Forward. The days seem to pass right by us. It just doesn’t feel like it could be Sunday night again already. That’s ok though. I’m glad it’s time for us to be together again. Welcome back to all my regulars and welcome home to all my new readers. As always, if you have missed an edition or are new and want to read the previous ones, you can by going to either…, (lower left corner of page)
******************** Success University **********************
It’s almost Christmas and guess what comes right after that? That’s right, New Years. The New Year is a time of new beginnings and making appropriate, necessary changes in our lives. New Years resolutions abound and many promises are made to ourselves about the changes we intend on making. If you are going to make QUALITY changes in your life you need to learn from the best. Success University has put together a curriculum based on the materials and teachings of over 50 of the World’s TOP speakers, trainers and coaches. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day you can have them in your corner helping you to take your life to new heights and insuring your prosperity. What better way to start off the New Year than with the #1 ranked Personal Development University online today helping you get there !!!
As all of you know, I try to help you with your businesses by providing you with as many QUALITY and REPUTABLE sources and I can covering areas such as advertising, e-mail, traffic, etc. One of the most important things you can do in your business is Network !!! Forming new and beneficial relationships with people that are either where you want to be or are HEADED to where you want to be is a crucial part of growing your business.
Well, I have found yet another weapon to add to my arsenal !!! And, bear in mind folks, I don’t have any affiliation with any of these resources. I don’t make a single dime by telling you about them. I pass this information along to you as a courtesy and as a benefit of being one of my readers. The new resource I want to tell you about is a web site called . This place is a veritable GOLD MINE of relationships and networking !!! The way it works is simple. You can approach it from two different angles.
First, you can simply pick a category (Personal Growth), put in your zip code and put in your distance criteria then BAM !!! You get a list of ALL groups in that area that are already having meetings concerning the subject you chose. Imagine finding out that there was a meeting JUST FOR BUSINESS ENTREPRENEURS being held at the local library right down the street from you and you didn’t even know about it. Talk about missed opportunities. The use of the site in this manner is completely FREE !!!
Secondly, YOU can start your own meetings. That’s right. For just a little over $10 dollars a month you can start and manage your very own group. Remember, I don’t make anything on this. I’m just telling you because I use it myself to have meetings in my own local area. For that small fee you have complete use of the site to manage your group; everything from sending out e-mails to posting information about your meetings. This is a powerful way to find other like-minded people in your area, especially important, influential ones.
I hope you will go check it out. I was very happy to find it. I will continue to point you in the right direction any time the opportunity presents itself. Likewise, if you happen to locate a really good, reliable, reputable resource and would be so kind as to send me the information on it, I would greatly appreciate it and I am sure the rest of the readers would as well. Just one thing, NO AFFILIATE PROGRAMS !!! I want this to just be straight forward resources that I can tell my readers about. I don’t want my newsletter to become a forum for cross marketing.
“I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way.”
- Franklin P. Jones
Ok, I’ve got my steel toed boots on and I’m getting ready to step on some toes !!! If, by any chance, you are guilty as charged after readying this and you get your little feelings hurt…… GOOD !!! If you are currently using what I am about to describe to promote your business I would like to cordially invite you to UNSUBSCRIBE from my newsletter because YOU are part of the problem with the internet and home based businesses in general !!! I am talking about DIS-crediting other businesses to promote yours.
I’m sure you’ve received one of these e-mails. “SCAM ALERT !!! Let me show you why company XYZ and many others like them are taking your money and giving you the shaft !!!” If you are new to internet marketing or home based business you may not know exactly how this works. Believe me, you’re going to know now.
Company “A” (won’t tell you what I say that stands for) wants to really boost their business so they decide the best way to do this is to BRING DOWN THE COMPETITION. So, they portray themselves as some sort of Knight in shining armor that are ready to run to your rescue and save you from company “B” (their toughest competition) and others like them.
The way they do this is quite simple. First, they go online and search for any tiny morsel that they can get their hands on that may seem credible to use against company “B”. You know, how the CEO got caught shoplifting a piece of bubble gum when he was 5. Then they use their best resource, their own imagination. They make reference to SUPPOSED newspaper articles and any other form of media they can think of to make up some REAL GOODIES about company “B” (conveniently leaving out the information you would need to confirm this without researching it yourself). Then, to top it off, they take testimonials from VICTIMS of company “B” (their business partners, who conveniently leave off their last names) to set this little charade in concrete.
Now, here you come along. You have been looking for an opportunity to start your own business so you have filled out an information request or two…… THOUSAND !!! Company “A” gets your contact information and puts you on their mailing list. You, in turn, get this wonderful e-mail from these incredibly caring people whose only wish in life is to make sure you don’t get taken for a ride in your search for a business opportunity. They tell you all these tales of HORROR about how easy of a target you are and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah ………..
THEN….. Well, what have we here ??? You may not believe this but these wonderful people that just went to all kinds of extremes to PROTECT YOU from mean ole’ nasty company “B” just happens to CONVENIENTLY have a COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE business opportunity that you should really take a look at. You say to yourself, “My goodness, anyone who would go to all this trouble to look out for a perfect stranger MUST be of good morale character. Maybe I should look into their business opportunity”.
People, if you want to know something about a company go to the appropriate places to get your information. If company “B” really STUCK that many people then the proper channels are going to know about it. Contact the BBB, call the company’s local Chamber of Commerce (if they are legit, they will provide location information) or actually take the time to research any derogatory information about the company but DO NOT take the word of some half-baked GOOD SAMARITAN that came looking for you to WARN you about another company !!!
If anyone reading this has stooped to these unscrupulous, almost POLITICIAN style tactics to promote their business….. I HOPE YOU GO BANKRUPT TOMORROW !!!
Note: If anyone found my little RANT unacceptable, I apologize for the tone but NOT the content !!! I spend every day of my life working with people and trying to help them regain faith not only in themselves but in the business world in general and when IDIOTS like these people I spoke of are out there conducting business the way they are it serves only to deepen the wounds for those who are making an honest go of it !!
“It is possible that the scrupulously honest man may not grow rich so fast as the unscrupulous and dishonest one; but the success will be of a truer kind, earned without fraud or injustice. And even though a man should for a time be unsuccessful, still he must be honest: better lose all and save character. For character is itself a fortune…”
- Samuel Smiles
“I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an Honest Man."
- George Washington
As I stare out the office window in front of me watching it rain I can’t help but think about what it feels like in the business world sometimes. We try to predict the rainy days and we try to prepare for them but sometimes you just get caught out without an umbrella. But, just as your hair will eventually dry, your business will eventually be back on the up-swing. However, it’s up to you how long that takes. Are you going to sit around and wait for it to happen or are you going to put forth the effort and GRAB A TOWEL ? It’s been a pleasure, as always. Until our Loving Heavenly Father grants us the opportunity to do this again, just remember to……..
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Hey Everybody,
Are all of you ready for Christmas ??? It’s right around the corner !!! It’s almost like the whole world is in Fast Forward. The days seem to pass right by us. It just doesn’t feel like it could be Sunday night again already. That’s ok though. I’m glad it’s time for us to be together again. Welcome back to all my regulars and welcome home to all my new readers. As always, if you have missed an edition or are new and want to read the previous ones, you can by going to either…, (lower left corner of page)
******************** Success University **********************
It’s almost Christmas and guess what comes right after that? That’s right, New Years. The New Year is a time of new beginnings and making appropriate, necessary changes in our lives. New Years resolutions abound and many promises are made to ourselves about the changes we intend on making. If you are going to make QUALITY changes in your life you need to learn from the best. Success University has put together a curriculum based on the materials and teachings of over 50 of the World’s TOP speakers, trainers and coaches. For less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day you can have them in your corner helping you to take your life to new heights and insuring your prosperity. What better way to start off the New Year than with the #1 ranked Personal Development University online today helping you get there !!!
As all of you know, I try to help you with your businesses by providing you with as many QUALITY and REPUTABLE sources and I can covering areas such as advertising, e-mail, traffic, etc. One of the most important things you can do in your business is Network !!! Forming new and beneficial relationships with people that are either where you want to be or are HEADED to where you want to be is a crucial part of growing your business.
Well, I have found yet another weapon to add to my arsenal !!! And, bear in mind folks, I don’t have any affiliation with any of these resources. I don’t make a single dime by telling you about them. I pass this information along to you as a courtesy and as a benefit of being one of my readers. The new resource I want to tell you about is a web site called . This place is a veritable GOLD MINE of relationships and networking !!! The way it works is simple. You can approach it from two different angles.
First, you can simply pick a category (Personal Growth), put in your zip code and put in your distance criteria then BAM !!! You get a list of ALL groups in that area that are already having meetings concerning the subject you chose. Imagine finding out that there was a meeting JUST FOR BUSINESS ENTREPRENEURS being held at the local library right down the street from you and you didn’t even know about it. Talk about missed opportunities. The use of the site in this manner is completely FREE !!!
Secondly, YOU can start your own meetings. That’s right. For just a little over $10 dollars a month you can start and manage your very own group. Remember, I don’t make anything on this. I’m just telling you because I use it myself to have meetings in my own local area. For that small fee you have complete use of the site to manage your group; everything from sending out e-mails to posting information about your meetings. This is a powerful way to find other like-minded people in your area, especially important, influential ones.
I hope you will go check it out. I was very happy to find it. I will continue to point you in the right direction any time the opportunity presents itself. Likewise, if you happen to locate a really good, reliable, reputable resource and would be so kind as to send me the information on it, I would greatly appreciate it and I am sure the rest of the readers would as well. Just one thing, NO AFFILIATE PROGRAMS !!! I want this to just be straight forward resources that I can tell my readers about. I don’t want my newsletter to become a forum for cross marketing.
“I find that a great part of the information I have was acquired by looking up something and finding something else on the way.”
- Franklin P. Jones
Ok, I’ve got my steel toed boots on and I’m getting ready to step on some toes !!! If, by any chance, you are guilty as charged after readying this and you get your little feelings hurt…… GOOD !!! If you are currently using what I am about to describe to promote your business I would like to cordially invite you to UNSUBSCRIBE from my newsletter because YOU are part of the problem with the internet and home based businesses in general !!! I am talking about DIS-crediting other businesses to promote yours.
I’m sure you’ve received one of these e-mails. “SCAM ALERT !!! Let me show you why company XYZ and many others like them are taking your money and giving you the shaft !!!” If you are new to internet marketing or home based business you may not know exactly how this works. Believe me, you’re going to know now.
Company “A” (won’t tell you what I say that stands for) wants to really boost their business so they decide the best way to do this is to BRING DOWN THE COMPETITION. So, they portray themselves as some sort of Knight in shining armor that are ready to run to your rescue and save you from company “B” (their toughest competition) and others like them.
The way they do this is quite simple. First, they go online and search for any tiny morsel that they can get their hands on that may seem credible to use against company “B”. You know, how the CEO got caught shoplifting a piece of bubble gum when he was 5. Then they use their best resource, their own imagination. They make reference to SUPPOSED newspaper articles and any other form of media they can think of to make up some REAL GOODIES about company “B” (conveniently leaving out the information you would need to confirm this without researching it yourself). Then, to top it off, they take testimonials from VICTIMS of company “B” (their business partners, who conveniently leave off their last names) to set this little charade in concrete.
Now, here you come along. You have been looking for an opportunity to start your own business so you have filled out an information request or two…… THOUSAND !!! Company “A” gets your contact information and puts you on their mailing list. You, in turn, get this wonderful e-mail from these incredibly caring people whose only wish in life is to make sure you don’t get taken for a ride in your search for a business opportunity. They tell you all these tales of HORROR about how easy of a target you are and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah ………..
THEN….. Well, what have we here ??? You may not believe this but these wonderful people that just went to all kinds of extremes to PROTECT YOU from mean ole’ nasty company “B” just happens to CONVENIENTLY have a COMPLETELY LEGITIMATE business opportunity that you should really take a look at. You say to yourself, “My goodness, anyone who would go to all this trouble to look out for a perfect stranger MUST be of good morale character. Maybe I should look into their business opportunity”.
People, if you want to know something about a company go to the appropriate places to get your information. If company “B” really STUCK that many people then the proper channels are going to know about it. Contact the BBB, call the company’s local Chamber of Commerce (if they are legit, they will provide location information) or actually take the time to research any derogatory information about the company but DO NOT take the word of some half-baked GOOD SAMARITAN that came looking for you to WARN you about another company !!!
If anyone reading this has stooped to these unscrupulous, almost POLITICIAN style tactics to promote their business….. I HOPE YOU GO BANKRUPT TOMORROW !!!
Note: If anyone found my little RANT unacceptable, I apologize for the tone but NOT the content !!! I spend every day of my life working with people and trying to help them regain faith not only in themselves but in the business world in general and when IDIOTS like these people I spoke of are out there conducting business the way they are it serves only to deepen the wounds for those who are making an honest go of it !!
“It is possible that the scrupulously honest man may not grow rich so fast as the unscrupulous and dishonest one; but the success will be of a truer kind, earned without fraud or injustice. And even though a man should for a time be unsuccessful, still he must be honest: better lose all and save character. For character is itself a fortune…”
- Samuel Smiles
“I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an Honest Man."
- George Washington
As I stare out the office window in front of me watching it rain I can’t help but think about what it feels like in the business world sometimes. We try to predict the rainy days and we try to prepare for them but sometimes you just get caught out without an umbrella. But, just as your hair will eventually dry, your business will eventually be back on the up-swing. However, it’s up to you how long that takes. Are you going to sit around and wait for it to happen or are you going to put forth the effort and GRAB A TOWEL ? It’s been a pleasure, as always. Until our Loving Heavenly Father grants us the opportunity to do this again, just remember to……..
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Newsletter 12/02/07
Hey Everybody,
It’s that time again; time to gather together, collect our thoughts and put the upcoming week’s game plan together. I love Sundays because it is such a great time to reflect on the previous week and decide what we can do to improve on it in the week upcoming. Every week is a learning experience and should be treated as such. It’s such a pleasure to have both my new readers and my readers from weeks past here with me. As you know, if you have missed and edition or are new and want to read previous editions you can go to either: (bottom left corner of the page)
******************* Success University ********************
Christmas is a time for giving and I believe that you should give something of value. I am a firm believer in the GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING !!! I have decided that I am going to give some of you a very nice gift. I am going to give you the gift of SELF DEVELOPMENT. Now, pay attention here. For the next 72 hours and the next 72 hours ONLY, anyone who goes to my site and signs up with Success University will receive a $50 REBATE directly from me upon being with the company for 90 days. (you must email me to let me know you signed up so I can match you against my mailing list.) That is how strongly I believe that I can show you the path to prosperity; the same path I follow everyday. But, remember, you only have 72 hours to take advantage of this special offer so head on over an get your 14 day FREE trial membership going now !!!
Can any of you think of a more commercialized time of the year than the Christmas Holiday? I can’t. I am just amazed at the ad campaigns that are flying around, both on the conventional mediums such as radio and television and, also, the internet. But, the simple truth of the matter is that good sales copy is what sells products and services. Just having a great product or service isn’t enough. You have to be able to put it in mind of the prospective customer that they will benefit from having or using it.
You may notice that from time to time I will talk about people wasting money on advertising by using unreliable sources. Well, there is another time that advertising dollars get wasted. It is when you purchase an ad and use substandard ad copy. If you can’t create a desire in your prospective customer to have what you have to offer them, it doesn’t matter who you use to place your ad or where you place it. That having been said, I decided to pass along the following ad copy writing tips.
1. Create a COMPELLING headline !!! You just get one shot at getting the potential customer to read the rest of your ad copy. If you don’t arouse their interest IMMEDIATELY you may lose them coming out of the gate.
2. Stay away from using CAPS and BOLD CAPS if at all possible. It interrupts the flow of your message, makes it difficult to read and is very distracting to the reader. Use bold and/or underlined to emphasize your really important points.
3. Write your copy in an enticing fashion. Keep them wanting to continue through the rest of the ad by keeping them on the edge of their seat. Try looking at a good sales letter that has sold you in the past and use it as a template. (be sure not to infringe on copyright laws by stealing their exact words or phrases)
4. Be sure and keep a good flow. There is nothing wrong with long ad copy. You just need to make sure that it flows like a story because the purpose of every line of ad copy in your ad is to get the reader to want to read the next line.
5. Avoid writing ad copy that is just screaming with hype !!! People will shy away from hype so fast it will make your head spin. They are sick and tired of it and it is the ULTIMATE AD KILLER !!!!!!
6. Be sure and include any testimonials you may have from satisfied customers. They give you added credibility and will make a HUGE difference in your sales. If you don’t have any testimonials already, you might consider offering your product or service free to a few people in return for their testimonials.
7. Proper editing is CRUCIAL !!! Take the time to read your ad carefully and correct ALL errors. Not only does it cost you sales because they may be clueless as to what that sentence meant but, also, it really weighs heavily on how you project yourself as a professional.
8. Get a few impartial people (friends, relatives, etc.) to proof read your ad. Have them tell you what they thought about when they read the ad. Were they able to follow your train of thought? Were they left with unnecessary questions at the end? DID THEY WANT TO BUY after reading it???
9. Keep your sentences and paragraphs as short as possible. There is no easier way in the world to lose a customer than to make them have to read and re-read a sentence two or three times to make sense out of it because it was so long that it took on a life of it’s own. Make the paragraphs long enough to be informative but not torturous to read.
10. Features TELL but benefits SELL !!! For example, the potential customer doesn’t care how long it will last if it isn’t going to give them what they want while it’s lasting. Tell them what benefits they will receive from it BECAUSE it lasts so long.
11. Make the ad personal. Use words like “You” and “Your” in your ads. It helps the potential customer to see themselves using your product or service in their own day to day life. It’s like when the car salesman wants you to sit in the car so you can visualize yourself driving it.
12. Always include your contact information. When doing so, avoid P.O. boxes. It makes it look like you’re trying to hide. Giving them your contact information gives them a sense of your reliability, trustworthiness and willingness to stand behind what you advertise.
13. Offer FREE BONUSES. It doesn’t have to be anything mind blowing. It just portrays you as a giver and not a taker. The size of the bonus is irrelevant. It’s just human nature. People love free stuff and they love the people that give it to them.
I would recommend that you put this information somewhere handy and the next time you decide to submit an ad come back to it and use it as a reference. I am quite sure you will have a decided advantage over the competition if you do.
“Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.
- Thomas Alva Edison
I would like to pose a question to you. Where do you think the most wealth in the world comes from? Think about it for a minute. Think really hard and be creative in your thinking. You could quite possibly refer to this as a TRICK QUESTION, even though I don’t think of it that way.
I think that there is only one possible answer to this question. The place that produces them most wealth of any place on the planet is the hospital maternity ward. You see, everything we have, everything we see and everything that we strive to attain is the result of a new idea or a new way of thinking. With every birth, the world gains a new chance at the next Alexander Graham Bell, the next Martin Luther King or the next Bill Gates. Every birth gives us another shot at progress and improving our lives, as well as the lives of others. Without new thinking there can be no progress and without progress there can be NO TOMORROW !!!
We are all born with the ability to be great. We all come with the same basic operating system. The only thing missing is the proper software. The key to our world having unbounded potential is in the proper cultivation of our minds. There is NOTHING that we cannot accomplish in our very own lifetime if we just take what we have and push it to the limit. It is so very sad that we utilize such a small percentage of our mental capabilities but we have no one to blame but ourselves. Our mind is like a muscle. The only reason it doesn’t’ grow is a poor exercise program. Properly stimulated, our minds hold the keys to the future and the secrets to all things. Our minds have a power so great that they make an atomic bomb seem like a firecracker !!!
I issue a challenge to each and every one of you. I challenge you to exercise your minds. I challenge you to push yourself to limits you never dreamed of and to strive for things that you never imagined possible. Cross that line between perceived reality and the boundless reaches of the human mind. I further challenge you to make sure to give your children every opportunity possible to do the same in their lives. Teach them to live in a world of opportunity, not obstacles. Teach them that the only places they can’t go and the only things they can’t do are the ones that they decide they can’t. You have the power to teach them the ways of right thinking. Don’t be derelict in your duties. Everyone is given the same bag of cement and bucket of water. You can either build a stumbling block or a stepping stone. Which one are you going to build ???
“The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.”
- Robert M. Hutchins
Wow, could the time possibly go by any faster? It seems like only moments ago that I sat down to write. I just get so lost in myself during this time. I can only hope that it is as beneficial to you as it is fulfilling to me. Not a week goes by that I don’t learn something new in the course of writing this newsletter. I hope that all of you have high goals and aspirations for the week. I know I do. Just remember, when you wake up in the morning don’t think about how you would like for the day to go. Claim it and take it !!! Until next week when God brings us together again by the fire, above and beyond everything else……
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Hey Everybody,
It’s that time again; time to gather together, collect our thoughts and put the upcoming week’s game plan together. I love Sundays because it is such a great time to reflect on the previous week and decide what we can do to improve on it in the week upcoming. Every week is a learning experience and should be treated as such. It’s such a pleasure to have both my new readers and my readers from weeks past here with me. As you know, if you have missed and edition or are new and want to read previous editions you can go to either: (bottom left corner of the page)
******************* Success University ********************
Christmas is a time for giving and I believe that you should give something of value. I am a firm believer in the GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING !!! I have decided that I am going to give some of you a very nice gift. I am going to give you the gift of SELF DEVELOPMENT. Now, pay attention here. For the next 72 hours and the next 72 hours ONLY, anyone who goes to my site and signs up with Success University will receive a $50 REBATE directly from me upon being with the company for 90 days. (you must email me to let me know you signed up so I can match you against my mailing list.) That is how strongly I believe that I can show you the path to prosperity; the same path I follow everyday. But, remember, you only have 72 hours to take advantage of this special offer so head on over an get your 14 day FREE trial membership going now !!!
Can any of you think of a more commercialized time of the year than the Christmas Holiday? I can’t. I am just amazed at the ad campaigns that are flying around, both on the conventional mediums such as radio and television and, also, the internet. But, the simple truth of the matter is that good sales copy is what sells products and services. Just having a great product or service isn’t enough. You have to be able to put it in mind of the prospective customer that they will benefit from having or using it.
You may notice that from time to time I will talk about people wasting money on advertising by using unreliable sources. Well, there is another time that advertising dollars get wasted. It is when you purchase an ad and use substandard ad copy. If you can’t create a desire in your prospective customer to have what you have to offer them, it doesn’t matter who you use to place your ad or where you place it. That having been said, I decided to pass along the following ad copy writing tips.
1. Create a COMPELLING headline !!! You just get one shot at getting the potential customer to read the rest of your ad copy. If you don’t arouse their interest IMMEDIATELY you may lose them coming out of the gate.
2. Stay away from using CAPS and BOLD CAPS if at all possible. It interrupts the flow of your message, makes it difficult to read and is very distracting to the reader. Use bold and/or underlined to emphasize your really important points.
3. Write your copy in an enticing fashion. Keep them wanting to continue through the rest of the ad by keeping them on the edge of their seat. Try looking at a good sales letter that has sold you in the past and use it as a template. (be sure not to infringe on copyright laws by stealing their exact words or phrases)
4. Be sure and keep a good flow. There is nothing wrong with long ad copy. You just need to make sure that it flows like a story because the purpose of every line of ad copy in your ad is to get the reader to want to read the next line.
5. Avoid writing ad copy that is just screaming with hype !!! People will shy away from hype so fast it will make your head spin. They are sick and tired of it and it is the ULTIMATE AD KILLER !!!!!!
6. Be sure and include any testimonials you may have from satisfied customers. They give you added credibility and will make a HUGE difference in your sales. If you don’t have any testimonials already, you might consider offering your product or service free to a few people in return for their testimonials.
7. Proper editing is CRUCIAL !!! Take the time to read your ad carefully and correct ALL errors. Not only does it cost you sales because they may be clueless as to what that sentence meant but, also, it really weighs heavily on how you project yourself as a professional.
8. Get a few impartial people (friends, relatives, etc.) to proof read your ad. Have them tell you what they thought about when they read the ad. Were they able to follow your train of thought? Were they left with unnecessary questions at the end? DID THEY WANT TO BUY after reading it???
9. Keep your sentences and paragraphs as short as possible. There is no easier way in the world to lose a customer than to make them have to read and re-read a sentence two or three times to make sense out of it because it was so long that it took on a life of it’s own. Make the paragraphs long enough to be informative but not torturous to read.
10. Features TELL but benefits SELL !!! For example, the potential customer doesn’t care how long it will last if it isn’t going to give them what they want while it’s lasting. Tell them what benefits they will receive from it BECAUSE it lasts so long.
11. Make the ad personal. Use words like “You” and “Your” in your ads. It helps the potential customer to see themselves using your product or service in their own day to day life. It’s like when the car salesman wants you to sit in the car so you can visualize yourself driving it.
12. Always include your contact information. When doing so, avoid P.O. boxes. It makes it look like you’re trying to hide. Giving them your contact information gives them a sense of your reliability, trustworthiness and willingness to stand behind what you advertise.
13. Offer FREE BONUSES. It doesn’t have to be anything mind blowing. It just portrays you as a giver and not a taker. The size of the bonus is irrelevant. It’s just human nature. People love free stuff and they love the people that give it to them.
I would recommend that you put this information somewhere handy and the next time you decide to submit an ad come back to it and use it as a reference. I am quite sure you will have a decided advantage over the competition if you do.
“Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.
- Thomas Alva Edison
I would like to pose a question to you. Where do you think the most wealth in the world comes from? Think about it for a minute. Think really hard and be creative in your thinking. You could quite possibly refer to this as a TRICK QUESTION, even though I don’t think of it that way.
I think that there is only one possible answer to this question. The place that produces them most wealth of any place on the planet is the hospital maternity ward. You see, everything we have, everything we see and everything that we strive to attain is the result of a new idea or a new way of thinking. With every birth, the world gains a new chance at the next Alexander Graham Bell, the next Martin Luther King or the next Bill Gates. Every birth gives us another shot at progress and improving our lives, as well as the lives of others. Without new thinking there can be no progress and without progress there can be NO TOMORROW !!!
We are all born with the ability to be great. We all come with the same basic operating system. The only thing missing is the proper software. The key to our world having unbounded potential is in the proper cultivation of our minds. There is NOTHING that we cannot accomplish in our very own lifetime if we just take what we have and push it to the limit. It is so very sad that we utilize such a small percentage of our mental capabilities but we have no one to blame but ourselves. Our mind is like a muscle. The only reason it doesn’t’ grow is a poor exercise program. Properly stimulated, our minds hold the keys to the future and the secrets to all things. Our minds have a power so great that they make an atomic bomb seem like a firecracker !!!
I issue a challenge to each and every one of you. I challenge you to exercise your minds. I challenge you to push yourself to limits you never dreamed of and to strive for things that you never imagined possible. Cross that line between perceived reality and the boundless reaches of the human mind. I further challenge you to make sure to give your children every opportunity possible to do the same in their lives. Teach them to live in a world of opportunity, not obstacles. Teach them that the only places they can’t go and the only things they can’t do are the ones that they decide they can’t. You have the power to teach them the ways of right thinking. Don’t be derelict in your duties. Everyone is given the same bag of cement and bucket of water. You can either build a stumbling block or a stepping stone. Which one are you going to build ???
“The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives.”
- Robert M. Hutchins
Wow, could the time possibly go by any faster? It seems like only moments ago that I sat down to write. I just get so lost in myself during this time. I can only hope that it is as beneficial to you as it is fulfilling to me. Not a week goes by that I don’t learn something new in the course of writing this newsletter. I hope that all of you have high goals and aspirations for the week. I know I do. Just remember, when you wake up in the morning don’t think about how you would like for the day to go. Claim it and take it !!! Until next week when God brings us together again by the fire, above and beyond everything else……
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
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