Hey Everybody,
I hope that each and every one of you continue to enjoy the never ending fruits of life and endless opportunities that are afforded us each day. A hearty WELCOME ABOARD to all our new readers. If you are joining us for the first time or have missed an edition for whatever reason you can read back issues from the archives at either: (lower left corner of page)
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Have you been thinking about creating your own website? It’s a great way to build credibility and really personalize your relationship between you and your business prospects. What’s that you say? You never built a site before? You don’t know HTML from the PTA? Well, GOOD NEWS !!! If you can drag and drop then YOU can build a website. And guess what? The website building program is 100 % FREE !!! All you pay is about $5 a month for hosting !!! And what’s even better is that it is set up on a affiliate program so you can make your money back and then some by referring others to build their sites there. Go check it out TODAY !!!
I’ve been thinking a lot about one of this week’s topics. It is a subject that really hits home in the business world and PARTICULARLY in the world of DIRECT SALES and NETWORK MARKETING. It’s the POWER OF PERSUASION and being able to get the other person to see things your way. Let’s face it. If you don’t make a psychological sale you don’t make ANY !!! People buy or participate based on emotion and you selling YOURSELF rather than your product or opportunity. But one must be careful here. You should never confuse persuasion with manipulation. Manipulation causes you to get your way at the moment but is a fleeting victory. Persuasion lasts long after you are gone and the person continues to believe that they have made the right choice. This will come back to benefit you later in the form of repeat sales, referrals, etc. Also, manipulation usually implies that you convinced someone else of something that you yourself DO NOT BELIEVE !!! You simply convinced THEM in order to make the sale or get the sign-up and that is just wrong. I would like to reference a quote by Jeffrey Gitomer:
“You have to believe that by persuading the other person you are helping them - and that after you have persuaded them, they will BENEFIT.”
You see, self-belief in what you do is CRITICAL and is the defining ingredient that separates PERSUASION from MANIPULATION. You have to feel good about what you do and what you have to offer. It shows in your presentation and it can be felt in the air. Have you ever been at the mall and had one of those kiosk operators CORNER you as you passed by to demo what they were selling? Have you ever felt a higher level of INSINCERITY in your entire life? Sounds like they are just reciting from a memorized script, doesn’t it? Well, if you don’t believe in what you do and what you have to offer then you, my friend, are being perceived in the exact same manner. Manipulation comes from the head but persuasion comes from the heart.
That’s why I am so passionate about my Success University business!!! I am doing something and am part of something that I can be proud of . I was telling everyone on Mike Ward’s training call just a couple of weeks ago that even if I didn’t do it as a business, I would want to be a part of it ANYWAY !!! The benefits that I have encountered and the changes to my life have been nothing short of PHENOMENAL!!! That’s how passionate I am about what I do and what I have to offer and it is that VERY passion that is assuring my success. Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not implying that you should work for FREE. I’m simply saying that you need to ask yourself one question… “Do I believe in what I am doing ENOUGH that even if I didn’t need to, would I do it anyway?” If you can answer YES to that question then your sincerity will exude from you like the scent of a beautiful rose and you will have the POWER OF PERSUASION that will take your business to new heights and cause you to grow in ways you never before thought possible.
“It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS: Don’t forget about our ongoing enrollment competition. I’ll be making the announcement soon about what I have in store for the winners and all the associated details. Also, if you’re not yet a member of Success University, Now would be a REALLY good time to start so you too can participate. For all the details on how you can become part of this PHENOMENAL COMPANY go to:
I’m headed to the top !!! Are YOU coming with me ???
I was speaking with a good friend of mine the other day and I told them that doing this newsletter has been such a joyous undertaking for me. But, not only that, it has been a learning experience for me. When all of you email and call me with your questions and various areas you wish to learn about you cause me to learn as well. The best way to be a good teacher is to be a good student and each time one of you picks my brain it gives me cause to delve even deeper into things and learn even more than I already know. Often times one of you will ask me something that maybe I am unsure of and, consequently, I have to do a little research. Well, most of the time that research not only answers YOUR question but causes me to stumble across some important piece of information that I didn’t already know so we BOTH won !!! So, PLEASE, keep those questions coming. Together, we will continue to take in all life’s lessons TOGETHER !!!
“The teacher is the one who gets the most out of the lessons, and the true teacher is the learner“.
- Elbert Hubbard
I would like to cover something that I feel is VITAL to your success in business or even in life in general. I’m sure that you have heard this a million times but I would like to put it into perspective for you so that you understand why each is a separate quality that relies on the other two to create the desired effect in your business.
You need to be…
TEACHABLE: Teachable means that you have the ability to absorb information. However, It does not mean that you can be trained to utilize that information in a practical situation.
TRAINABLE: Trainable means that you are able to take what you have learned and put it into use in a practical situation. However, it does not mean that you can be self-motivated enough to do that.
COACHABLE: Coachable means that you can be motivated through proper support and resources to perform a given task. However, being coachable in worthless unless you have to first two qualities.
Now, I don’t know about you but the first time anybody ever said to me, “As long as you’re teachable, trainable and coachable I can assure you an advantage over everyone else in your business”, it didn’t click right away. I hope this helped to make it a little more clear what is meant by that.
All that having been said, there is one thing that is an ABSOLUTE MUST if you ever want to get to that place in your life where you want to be. I would like to leave all of you with this thought…
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.”
- Calvin Coolidge
Everyone, as always it has been a distinct pleasure as well as an honor to capture your attention for a brief moment. I hope that each one of you find some value in my words. May God bless and keep you all and until next time, just remember…
Jeff Hodges