Hey everyone,
I hope each and every one of you have had as wonderful and prosperous of a week as I’ve had. It is just phenomenal how the Universe just makes everything happen the way you want it to when you have the knowledge of the power of Right Thinking. It has been said that “All that you are is a result of all that you have thought” and I whole heartedly agree. As always, I would like to welcome back all our regulars and put out the red carpet for all our new readers. If you’ve missed an issue or are new and want to read back issues you can go to either: (bottom left corner of page)
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Have you heard about Success University’s PHENOMENAL NEW MARKETING TOOL ??? They have come out with a marketing tool SO GREAT that they have put a $50,000 ANNUAL INCOME GUARANTEE on it !!!!!!!!!! People, how NO BRAINER does it have to get ???? All you do after signing up with Success University is start using this tool and if you are not making $50,000 in RESIDUAL INCOME 12 months later you get a FULL REFUND on the amount of the tool !!! HOW CAN YOU GO WRONG ??? I jumped straight on it. If you remember, a few days ago I put out a special announcement that said if you go to my site ( ) and sign up for Success University that I would give the first 10 people that wanted to build a team with me a FULL MONEY BACK GURANTEE on ALL TUITIONS paid in if they stuck it out for at least twelve months and did what I told them to do. If you put those 2 guarantees together you have ZERO to lose and $50,000 ANNUAL INCOME to gain. Wouldn’t NOW be a good time to shoot me an email and take me up on my offer AND take Success University up on theirs as well ???
Ok folks, I have decided to throw a little spice into our newsletter. I have been thinking a lot lately about all the AWESOME people I am afforded the opportunity to meet in this industry and all the interesting and unique things about them. I have decided to start a weekly spotlight (information permitting) on one person or couple at a time. It’s your opportunity to put yourself in front of the group and say hello sort of. Now, I don’t want this to turn into a forum for cross-recruiting. This is for spotlighting special things about yourself like if you’re an artist, musician, painter, etc. If you want to be featured in the Sunday edition I will need your information no later than Friday. All that having been said, this weeks spot light is on Ryan Seslow.
Ryan Seslow is a multidisciplinary artist and professor of fine art in NY. He currently teaches studio art courses in drawing, painting, sculpture and design simultaneously between 4 universities. Indeed professor Seslow has a lot of energy. Along with actively showing his work both nationally and internationally, Seslow has recently published an E-book coloring book for children. It can be viewed at Along with a passion for ART, Seslow is a student in the world of Internet marketing, and using the internet as a medium of both creativity and communication.
The Ryan Seslow E-Book Coloring Book for Kids!
The E-Book version is a one time download that you can use over and over again!
The printable book contains a collection of 77 black and white drawings that have
evolved from 1995 - 2007!! Break out your crayons, colored pencils or water colors, or color them
in on your computer!
The book is waiting for your creative energy,
Get it Here NOW!
Want to watch a fancy Video Preview version of the Book?
( with cool original song I created )
Go here NOW!
Do you have Children? Grandchildren? Nieces? Nephews?
Cousins? Brothers and Sisters? Do you have Friends and Colleagues?
Then Please send them this link! Help Me spread the word !
Thank You!
“Nature is a revelation of God; Art a revelation of man.”
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The first thing I would like to share with you today is something that I was exposed to years ago and it has helped me a lot in my goal setting. I shared this with my team in Success University a few months ago but there are MANY reading this newsletter that did not get the benefit of that exposure so I thought it was important to put it in this issue.
You see, it’s not that people don’t set goals but, like everything else, there is the correct, effective way to do something and then there is the JUST GOOD ENOUGH TO SAY YOU DID IT way of doing something. What follows will give you a whole new perspective on your goals and the way in which you set them. It is called THE TEN COMMANDMENTS OF GOAL SETTING…
1. THOU SHALL BE DECISIVE: Success is a choice. You must decide what you want, why you want it and how you plan to achieve it. No one else can, will or should do that for you.
2. THOU SHALL STAY FOCUSED: A close relative to being decisive, but your ability to sustain your focus from beginning to end determines the timing and condition of your outcomes.
3. THOU SHALL WELCOME FAILURE: The fundamental question is not whether you should accept failure. You have no choice but to expect it as a temporary condition on the pathway of progress. Rather, the question is how to anticipate failure and redirect resources to grow from the experience.
4. THOU SHALL WRITE DOWN THY GOALS: Your mind, while blessed with permanent memory, is cursed with lousy recall. People forget things. Avoid the temptation of being cocky. Write down your goals.
5. THOU SHALL PLAN THOROUGHLY: Planning saves time at a ratio of 10:1 in execution. PROPER PLANNING PREVENTS POOR PERFORMANCE !!!
6. THOU SHALL INVOLVE OTHERS: Nobody goes through life alone. Establish your own personal “Board of Directors”, people whose wisdom, knowledge, and character you respect to help achieve your goals.
7. THOU SHALL TAKE PURPOSEFUL ACTION: Success is not a spectator sport. Achievement demands action. You cannot expect to arrive at success without having made the trip.
8. THOU SHALL REWARD THYSELF: Rewards work !!! Think of what you will give yourself as a result of your hard work, focus and persistence. You deserve it.
9. THOU SHALL INSPECT WHAT THY EXPECTS: The shelf life of all plans is limited. No plan holds up against opposition. Everything changes. Therefore, inspect frequently and closely. It’s an insurance plan on your success.
10. THOU SHALL MAINTAIN PERSONAL INTEGRITY: Maintain your commitment to your commitment. Set your goals. Promise yourself that you will achieve them. Eliminate wiggle room for excuses. That’s personal integrity !!!
If you apply these 10 thing to your goal setting and be straight, firm and fair with yourself, you will be absolutely AMAZED at the difference in your ability to reach those goals. Just remember…….
YOU CANNOT HIT A TARGET THAT YOU CANNOT SEE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“A goal properly set is half way reached.”
- Zig Ziglar
I often wonder how my life would be if I had not been introduced to the LAW OF ATTRACTION. It has made such phenomenal changes in my life. And the funny thing is that, not only does my use of it now produce all the wonderful things that I am enjoying in life but it explains SO MUCH about how my life use to be. One of the leading authorities on the LAW OF ATTRACTION, Prentice Mulford, says……
“When you say to yourself, ’I am going to have a pleasant visit or a pleasant journey,’ you are literally sending elements and forces ahead of your body that will arrange things to make your visit or journey pleasant. When before the visit or the journey or the shopping trip you are in a bad humor, or fearful or apprehensive of something unpleasant, you are sending unseen agencies ahead of you which will make some kind of unpleasantness. Our thoughts, or in other words, our state of mind, is ever at work ‘fixing up’ things good or bad in advance.”
The thing is, so many people not only go through life not knowing this but when it is brought to their attention they just won’t accept it. It’s like they would rather blame it on something else than to take responsibility for their own thoughts. A lot of people think that it is some unholy mumbo jumbo or the like but if you are of the Christian faith then you would know that the Bible even says to “Speak things not as they are but as they should be”. Many other religious teachings lean in the same direction.
I would like for all of you who may not already be using the LAW OF ATTRACTION to take note of what I do and try it for yourself. I want you to do this for a week and IF YOU TRULY APPLY what I am about to tell you without any residual doubt in your mind you should see DRAMATIC results.
First of all, you must accept responsibility for your thoughts. They are yours and yours alone. If you will not concede to this then the rest will be of no benefit to you.
Next, you must STOP SPEAKING NEGATIVE THINGS !!! For example, don’t say things like “Every time I go out in the rain I get sick”.
Next, you start each and every day by saying aloud at least 10 things that you are thankful for. Don’t complain about the kind of car you have. Be grateful that you have one.
Next, you must minimize the amount of time you spend around people that do nothing but speak negatively. This is not as hard as you may think. There is nothing impolite about telling someone that you focus on positive things and really don’t want to hear about everything they are complaining about.
Next, you must spend about 5 min. a night right before you go to sleep meditating on how you want your life to be. See yourself in the house you want. See yourself with the back account you want. See yourself with the person you want. Focus on these things, blocking out all other thoughts.
People, you are NOT a physical being living in a spiritual world !!! You are a spiritual being living in a physical world. Your thoughts have more energy than you can possibly imagine. That’s why when you focus on bad things then they seem to get worse. Of course, when you focus on good things they tend to get even better. The point is, you can transform your ENTIRE LIFE by applying the LAW OF ATTRACTION to it and beginning to live each and every day of it using the power of RIGHT THINKING !!! Come on, just give it a try. Then e-mail me and tell me how it worked out for you. I know you won’t be disappointed.
You see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know. Knowing is not enough! You must take action.
- Anthony Robbins
Well, I think I will close for now and go PRACTICE WHAT I PREACH. Not only does it help me sleep but I actually almost always fall asleep while I’m meditating. It makes for a wonderful nights sleep and some very sweet dreams !!! As always, it has been not only a pleasure but an absolute honor to share my thoughts and knowledge with all of you. And, like I’ve told you before, I too learn as I teach you. It’s a wonderful cycle of events. Until next time……
May God bless and keep all of you !!!
And remember………………
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID: jeffhodges1