Hey Everybody,
Wow, the Law of Attraction has been working overtime for me the last few weeks and I hope that you have been experiencing the same kind of progress and development in your day to day life. Life is just such an adventure and, no matter what comes your way, you can always use it to your advantage if you just have the right mindset and enough faith. I would like to welcome back all my loyal readers and put out a big HELLO to all my new readers. As always, if you are new and want to read back editions or maybe you just missed one, all you have to do is go to either: (bottom left corner of the page)
********************* Success University *********************
What is the #1 reason that most marriages fail? What is the #1 reason that most kids can’t attend the University of their choice? What is the #1 reason that people, on average, spend more time with their Employer than they do with their own family? If you said MONEY you were exactly right !!! Now, isn’t that sad? What’s even sadder is that the money is there for the taking if you just know where to look and have the desire to do what you need to get it. I know of just such a place. It’s a place where you can not only solve your issues with money but can also make HUGE positive changes in your life !!! I know I did. And the great thing is that this place is just a mouse click away…..
I spend a lot of time talking to you about how to maintain your business more effectively. But, what about how to maintain your BUSINESS EQUIPMENT more effectively. Now, I’ve touched on a couple of specific areas in previous newsletters on computer maintenance but I was thinking today that I really just needed to put together a list of things to keep in mind that will have your computer spending a lot more time being TROUBLE FREE and giving you the performance that you expect WITHOUT the headaches !!!
Ten tips to keep your computer running smoothly:
1. Never, never turn your computer off with the power switch until Windows has shut down: The one exception to this rule is when your computer locks up and your hard drive is not running (hard drive light is not blinking). In this situation, you can turn the power off without harmful effects to the hard drive. Since shutting off the power manually can also result in lost data or Windows files, you should only do this when you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TOO !!!
2. I highly recommend that you purchase a UPS (uninteruptable power supply): This will keep your computer from crashing during power outages, and will also protect your computer from high and low voltage fluctuations which can easily cause permanent damage to your system. A UPS is much more superior to a surge protector and will save your computer from almost any type of power disaster.
3. Backup you data: ALWAYS back up any data you cannot afford to lose to at least two separate physical drives. So, backup data to external hard drives, flash drives, cd drives, etc. The time to backup is when you create something you can't afford to lose and back it up IMMEDIATELY !!!. Don't wait until tomorrow. Your computer is NOT going to warn you that it is about to crash !!!
4. Run Scandisk and Defragment at least once a month: This will keep your hard drive healthy and prevent crashes. The BEST thing to do is to purchase a Utilities program such as System Mechanic Professional and use it to keep your hard drive healthy.
5. Never unplug peripherals from the computer when it is powered up: Unplugging with the power on can short out the connector socket or the motherboard. The only exception to this rule is if you know a peripheral is "hot pluggable". If you do not know what "hot pluggable" means then ignore this exception because you have no business messing with it.
6. Keep at least 2 Gig of your C: drive free: This is for Windows to use. If you use Windows Me, Windows XP, or Windows Vista then you should have 2 Gig of free space on your C: drive. If you do not have enough free space you will choke Windows and it will start dumping data to your hard drive, or it will just get really, really, slow. Use the ADD/REMOVE tool in the Windows Control Panel to uninstall unneeded programs from your drive. You can also use drive cleaning tools included in the Utilities program you may have purchased to clean up your drive. If you do use this Utility or another hard drive cleaner, do not delete shared files unless you back them up. The cleaners do a rotten job of knowing if another program uses shared files.
7. Minimize the number of programs that load up when you start your computer: They use valuable memory and Windows Resources (Windows internal workspace). All programs in your Windows System Tray (in the lower right corner of your screen) are running on your computer. Close them if you don't need them or run them and configure them not to load when you boot up. Other programs running in the background can be found by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete at the same time. There is also a program I recommend called XP SMOKER if you use Windows XP. It is specifically designed to optimize Windows XP to it’s maximum performance capacity.
8. Use a virus checker regularly: Everyone should use a virus checker. The best type of protection is continuous monitoring from a dedicated anti-virus program like Iolo anti-virus, which is included in System Mechanic Professional.
9. If you have a high speed Internet connection you need a firewall program: A firewall program keeps those who want to hijack your computer from gaining access to it. You really don’t want someone else running your computer. I suggest you use Iolo’s Personal Firewall program, which is also included in System Mechanic Professional. Your firewall should boot up with your computer to protect it from invasion. Do not think you are safe from hackers!! Hackers use search programs to seek out computers at random. Get a firewall program and use it !!!
10. Keep track of the software you receive with your computer and new peripherals: This software contains valuable drivers and programs for Windows and is needed when Windows must be reloaded. Keep this software and your Windows software in a safe place !!! You never know when you will need them.
These tips are the methods that I use on an ongoing basis to make sure that all my computer usage is hassle and worry free. BELIEVE ME !!! You don’t want to neglect your computer. There are not many more unsettling feelings than to lose something VERY VALUABLE and sometimes irreplaceable on your computer and have nothing or nobody to blame but YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil.”
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
In a previous newsletter I covered some information to help you maintain a healthy body. Well, I’m sure you are familiar with the theory of Humor being an excellent way to promote good health. I’ve always believed this but since my exposure to the Law of Attraction I have developed an unusually high level of interest in this Phenomenon. You see, I know and believe it is true but, being a VERY analytical person, I had to know WHAT it does to promote good health besides the healing of injuries and maladies !!! I went online and did some research and I think you will be surprised at what I found.
Did you know that people who laugh a lot on a regular basis have lower standing blood pressure than the average person? When people have a good laugh, initially the blood pressure increases, but then it decreases to levels below normal. Their breathing becomes deeper and this sends highly oxygenated blood and nutrients throughout the entire body.
How about this. Humor actually changes our bio-chemistry during the laugh. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases the production of infection fighting antibodies.
Additionally, humor is VERY good for your heart !!! Laughter may help protect you against a heart attack, according to a study done at the University of Maryland Medical Center. The study, which is the first to indicate that laughter may help prevent heart disease, found that people with heart disease were 40 percent less likely to laugh in a variety of situations compared to people of the same age without heart disease.
Are you into fitness? Check this out. Laughter can be a great workout for your diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles. It massages abdominal organs, tones intestinal functioning, and strengthens the muscles that hold the abdominal organs in place. Not only does laughter give your midsection a workout, it can benefit digestion and absorption functioning as well. It is estimated that extended periods of continuous laughter can burn calories equivalent to several minutes on the rowing machine or the exercise bike.
Ok, how about it’s effects on that big muscle between your ears that RESPONDS to the incoming humor? Laughter stimulates both sides of the brain actually causing enhanced learning. It eases muscle tension and psychological stress, which keeps the brain alert and allows people to retain more information. I guess that explains why a good teacher that can make a subject humorous causes us to remember the material more efficiently.
Well, we have covered the Physical health benefits of humor but that is only the beginning. In short, I came into so much material on the Mental health benefits of laughter that I could not begin to do them justice in this newsletter. However, hopefully I have aroused enough interest and curiosity about this subject in general that you will pursue and obtain additional information on your own.
The point of all this is quite simple. Laughter is Fun and laughter is Healthy for you !!! How many things in the World meet both of those criteria ? In my experience, NOT NEARLY ENOUGH !!! Do yourself a favor. The next time you’re feeling a little under the weather or a little down……
“A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.”
- Henry Ward Beecher
Alright, looks like the clock has, once again, cut me no slack at all. It’s time to start packing it in for the night and getting ready for all the wonders and adventures waiting just around the corner. Monday’s are always fun. They are the “Catch up” day from the week-end and the “Head start” day for the rest of the week. So, all of you be sure and get a good night’s rest tonight and wake up with a smile and unwavering determination tomorrow morning. They will both serve you well. They do me !!! When you are in your bed tonight spend a few minutes being grateful for both what you have AND what you are about to receive. May the Good Lord bless and keep all of you until He affords us this opportunity again. In the meanwhile, always remember to….
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1