Hey there everyone,
It’s great to be back to once again spend some time sharing my thoughts with you. I hope all of you are experiencing tremendous success in whatever endeavors you are pursuing. It has been such a wonderful week. The Universe has brought so many great people and experiences into my life. Also, as always, a very warm welcome to all our newcomers. Remember, if you have missed an issue or you are new you can always access the previous editions at either: (bottom left corner of page)
************************ SUCCESS UNIVERSITY *****************
I always tell everyone I meet that there are lots of ways to make money online and off but that the issue is NOT who has the best compensation plan and it is NOT who has the best product or service. The real issue is two simple things… Does the company have a simple, duplicable system that requires NO special skills or training AND is it comprised of QUALITY people that really care about and take a personal interest in your success? I am here to tell you that Success University fills both of those criteria completely !!! Believe me, I have been around this industry for a long time and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else except Success University. So, take my advice. Go see the presentation, read the information and then give me a call so that we can get all of your questions answered and get you started on YOUR road to success !!!
Well, I have come to the conclusion that we could dramatically increase the quality and success levels of everyone’s lives by the elimination of certain words and phrases in our language completely !!! I know that we could easily do without ones such as MAYBE, CAN’T, IF, I THINK I CAN, I’LL TRY, ETC. These all have one common factor. They all put conditions on your success and basically verbalize your acknowledgement that you don’t expect results. This is one of the HARDEST things that I help people to overcome when I work with them on their particular issues. Their mouths are COMPLETELY out of control !!!
Take for example the phrase “I’ll try”. Look at it and interpret it literally. The word TRY by Webster’s own definition means “To make an attempt at…”. I don’t know about you but when I set out to do something, merely making an attempt is NOT going to produce the desired result. By the power of your own words you have doomed whatever it is that you wish to accomplish.
Based on the rules of the Law of Attraction, what you think about is what you create in your world. Your words are simply a manifestation of your thoughts. Which brings us to another problem. Did you know that statistically 87% of the thoughts of the average person are negative and that is PURELY because of the negative environment they live in. Did you also know that the average person has 60,000 thoughts a day? That’s a LOT of negative energy flying around loose !!!
So, you see, you are in a constant battle with not only your own thoughts but the thoughts of those around you. Kind of makes you think twice about the company you keep, doesn’t it? But on the reverse side of that coin is that you can counter those effects by having more POSITIVE people in your life. You see, in a Universe where LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE, it works for your thoughts and energy too. So, as you begin to have more positive people in your life then your positive energy level begins to grow. And, since LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE, it will start a chain reaction in you that will begin to change the way you think and those negative thoughts will begin to disappear, thus eliminating all those negative words and phrases from your day to day life. You have effectively TAKEN THE BULLETS OUT OF THE GUN !!! Believe me when I tell you that after a while you will not only notice a difference in the way you talk but also a DRAMATIC difference in your energy level and how you feel in general. Give it a try. You’ll be glad you did.
FUN EXERCISE: When you were a kid, did you ever have a penalty jar? You know, like if you did something on a consistent basis that you knew you weren’t supposed to, every time you did it you had to put a quarter in the jar? Well, try this with your negative words. Every time you use a negative word like TRY, MAYBE, CAN’T, ETC. put a quarter in the jar. Then, you can either use the money to buy some good self improvement products like a book, cd or dvd OR you will stop using those words. Either way you win !!!
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.
- Thomas Jefferson
NOTE: If it seems sometimes that I spend a lot more time on things like this rather than on more practical application things such as marketing, I am GUILTY AS CHARGED !!! Don’t forget, success in your business is always going to be 80% ATTITUDE and 20% APTITUDE. In a world where your thoughts control your very existence, these issues should be MUCH more your focal point than the nuts and bolts of things. But, don’t worry, we’re going to stay on top of that too.
For success, attitude is equally as important as ability.
- Harry S. Banks
Ok, I feel really led to share this story with you. It ties in directly with what I talked about earlier concerning you thoughts and words. Sometimes when you are dealing with things that you consider insignificant it is easy to fall to the way side in your monitoring of your thoughts and words. And, since I’m just as human as the next person and I, like everyone else, make mistakes……….
Today I had to run some errands and, it being a beautiful day here in Tn, I decided to run them on my Harley. For days and days I had been having problems with my cell phone and I had grown increasingly intolerant of the situation. Without even realizing it, I had been letting seemingly harmless little phrases escape my mouth. You know, phrases like “Piece of junk!!!” and “I want a new phone!!!” and so on. Well, it has been said to be careful what you wish for, you just might get it. Today I finally came to the realization of EXACTLY what that means. It means that you better be SPECIFIC in your requests and you had better make them in a positive way.
Yes, that’s right folks. After making just one too many SEEMINGLY HARMLESS comments about my distain for my cell phone, SOMEWHERE…… AT SOME POINT……. AT 75 MPH……. ON A 30 MILE STRETCH OF FREEWAY…….. I GOT RID OF MY “PIECE OF JUNK !!!” I think maybe it was the bumps in the constructions zone. The real irony is that just yesterday I threw away my old spare while cleaning out my office. Now, I WILL say this. Thanks to my extreme focus on positive thinking (except when it comes to my cell phone….LOL) I actually, not even for a moment was upset. In fact, after it dawned on me what had happened I actually burst out laughing. Anyway, I thought you might find my little story entertaining as well as enlightening. I suppose I’ll be getting that new phone now……………
To make mistakes is human; to stumble is commonplace; to be able to laugh at yourself is maturity.
- William Arthur Ward
I’ve been thinking about what would be a good subject to touch on from a technical standpoint and since I’ve received no requests for anything specific so far, I thought I would touch on something that everyone needs to know about. You really need to have your own website even if the company you work for supplies you with one. A company supplied website is great for the purpose it serves but it gives you no identity. It gives you no way to relate to your clients and potential clients on a personal level and we all know that purchases are made with emotion as the motivator.
Most people think that they have only one of two choices. They think that they either have to learn HTML (which you will NOT do overnight !!!) or they will have to pay someone hundreds or even thousands of dollars to build one for them. There is another way. It’s called style sheets and drag-n-drop. There are many companies out there that will GIVE you the program FREE of charge. All you pay them is for their hosting services. The programs themselves are generally very user friendly and with just a little practice and patience you can crank out some pretty cool sites. Yes, I promote a specific one on my website but I personally don’t care who’s you use. I just promote that particular one because it is the easiest to use, the tech support is great and it has an affiliate program built into it so it becomes an income stream as well.
Also, if you decide to use this particular one that I recommend, since I’m familiar with the program I can be of assistance to you as well as the company providing the program. Just don’t let your lack of programming abilities either keep you from having a site at all or, worse yet, let someone take you for a FINANCIAL RIDE by having them build it for you !!! It’s really not rocket science. If you can follow simple instructions and have at least a basic working knowledge of things like CUT, PASTE, COPY, ETC. then you can have a site up and running in no time. And if you lack in even the most basic of computer skills then get with me and we’ll deal with that too. I’m always ready to help stretch an eager mind. I love to teach and, as I’ve pointed out before, every time I teach one of you something I learn something in the process.
The turtle makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.
- James Bryant Conant
TIP OF THE DAY: Take the time to clean out your office, briefcases and wallet/purse. I decided it was long over due for me and just when I thought I had exhausted my warm market, I found 48 business cards of people I had not spoken to in a long time.
Well, it’s been a pleasure and an honor as usual. I only hope that my words have touched you in some kind of a positive way and maybe even made you smile. Keep the calls and emails coming. Oh, yea, for the time being you’ll only be able to reach me on my office phone or via email. LOL.
May God bless and keep each and every one of you till we meet again…………
Jeff Hodges