Hello Everyone,
Welcome back. And a big welcome to all my new subscribers !!! As promised, I have begun to archive these weekly printings in PDF form and you may retrieve them from the FAV LINKS page of my web-site at You will find the links listed by print date in the lower left hand corner of the page. The blog submissions will be beginning in the near future.
People are like stained glass windows: they sparkle and shine when the sun's
out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there
is light within.
Unknown Author
Wow !!! Where has the week gone? There seems to be a lot of truth to the old saying that time flies when you’re having fun. And I have CERTAINLY been having fun! Working in the area of personal development is such a rewarding path in life. I am blessed to meet and work with some of the most dynamic and inspiring people on the planet. I have been in the business of Network Marketing for a number of years but the last year that I have spent with Success University has LITERALLY changed my life. And now I am blessed with the opportunity to share my experiences and knowledge with all of you so that we may all continue to grow together.
*** If you are not a member of Success University I highly encourage you to check it out ***
I have spent a lot of time the last week thinking of various projects that I believe will be the most beneficial to all of us. I would like to cover them here today one at a time…
1. I am currently constructing an FAQ page on my personal site. What I would like from each of you is for you to e-mail me with any particular questions you may have and then I will post your question along with the answer to it on that page so that everyone may benefit from it. The questions may be about anything you like. Also, the questions you ask will give me some insight as to particular areas to cover in the newsletter in the future.
2. I feel that unity and a feeling of FAMILY contribute enormously to the ability of any team to succeed in reaching their goals. We are a very diversified group, each with our own business and/or personal goals but no matter what your individual goals are, we all have the common goal of SUCCESS. That having been said, sometimes when we rely on our own self-motivating abilities we fall short. It’s far too easy to sometimes justify why we didn’t accomplish all the things that we should have for the week. That is why I have decided to implement a group accountability service. I will act as the personal accountability partner for anyone who requests it. In addition, if you would like to help and volunteer to act as someone’s personal accountability partner I will assist in pairing you up with someone. You will be amazed at how much more you will accomplish. TRUST ME, that phone gets really heavy when you have to pick it up to call your partner and give them your list of EXCUSES for that week !!!
3. Actually, this project is already in place so this is more of a reminder but, as promised, I have spent this week getting some items on my FREE STUFF page. Now, those of you with Success University will notice immediately that you may already have a few of the items but there is also many on there that you do not.. Those of you who are stepping outside the box and creating your own online presence with your own personal site like I am using will find three items in particular of great value…
Now, I know some of you are WANTING to strike out and do your own thing but maybe you lack the technical know-how or have some other form of stumbling block in your way. If any of you fall into that category and would like some help, TIME PERMITTING I will do what I can to steer you in the right direction. I’m pretty busy most of the time but I will always do what I can within reason. Also, I plan to cover various areas of that subject in upcoming editions of the newsletter but I do understand that sometimes you need some actual one-on-one to learn a new skill.
For those of you that did not already know this and since I haven’t completed construction of my web-site page concerning it, I would like to announce that I am writing a book on the decision making process, how it affects your day to day life and my own formula for proper decision making. It’s not due to go to print till probably early spring and I, as of yet, do not have a working title but I will update you on it’s progress as developments occur. As a thank you to all my loyal readers, I will be giving each and every one of you a COMPLIMENTARY downloadable E-book copy upon it’s completion.
“Your chances of success are directly proportional to the degree of pleasure you derive from what you
– Michael Korda, publishing executive
I would like to shift gears now if I may. My true passion in life is working in the area of personal
motivation and overcoming what life throws at you. I would like to share a story with you that has always inspired me. What I love the most about it is it’s SIMPLICITY. Sometimes the simplest solution to a problem is the most effective. The story goes like this…
There once was a very mean farmer and he had a mule. He worked this mule extremely hard and as time went by the poor mule grew more and more weary. Finally, one day while pulling a very heavy plow in the sweltering sun the mule finally collapsed. “You worthless nag !” , the farmer exclaimed. “I’ll fix you !”.
With that, the farmer dug a huge hole on the back of the farm. It was at least 5 feet deeper than the mule was tall. He then proceeded to coax the mule near the hole and, with a blast from his shotgun, startled the mule causing it to fall in the hole. The sadistic farmer was going to bury the poor mule alive.
He began throwing the dirt in the hole shovel full after shovel full. Well, the mule wasn’t just going to stand still when the dirt was thrown in on him so, in a panic, it began to try to climb the walls of the hole. Now, obviously it wasn’t going to be able to climb the walls but because of it’s efforts something miraculous began to happen.
Each time the farmer would throw a shovel of dirt in the hole the mule, because of all it’s panic and struggling, was shaking the dirt off it’s back and stepping on the dirt. The more the farmer threw in the hole, the more the mule struggled, and so the hole began to fill up but the mule was constantly staying on top of the dirt. The farmer was shoveling so frantically that he didn’t realize what was happening and, before you know it, the mule had risen close enough to the surface that he was able to jump out of the hole and run away.
People, I think that this story should make one point crystal clear to you. And that point is this. Life is constantly throwing all of us in a hole and throwing dirt in on us. The difference in the outcome is how we react. If you stand still and do nothing YOU’RE GONNA GET COVERED !!! But if you will put a steady and consistent effort into conquering the adversity, you will finally rise to the surface and make it back out of that hole !!!
So, the next time you find yourself in a hole just remember that poor mule… No matter what the circumstances, the worst thing you can possibly do is NOTHING !!!
Well ladies and gentlemen, I think I’ll rap things up for now but don’t forget to send me those emails with your questions and subjects you would like to see covered and also, if you would like to volunteer as a personal accountability partner OR if you need one.
Next week we are going to discuss how to take the things that cost you in your business and turn them into streams of income. We are also going to touch on such subjects as the actual definition of SUCCESS and the right ways and wrong ways to FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT.
Until then, it has been an honor and a privilege.
Just remember what Henry Ford said…
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, either way you are right.”
- Henry Ford
Jeffrey Scott Hodges
The purpose of this blog is to create a community of like minded people pursuing their dreams and sharing the wealth of information that they collectively have. "None of us are as smart as ALL of us".
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Newsletter 08/05/07
Hello everyone and welcome to the first edition of my weekly
newsletter. Along with making them available for download from my
website, I additionally plan on archiving the weekly editions in
my blog coming in the near future for easy access as a courtesy to
those who join my list later.
First of all, Let me get a couple of technical things out of the way.
You were added to my database by visiting my landing page at This is my own personal page (which is still
somewhat under construction, by the way...) that is there for the promotion
of my book, my speaking and coaching services, as well as providing you
with a variety of FREEBIES including but not limited to marketing tips,
motivational tools, advertising tools, e-books, and access to the one
company that I feel is THE BEST ONLINE BUSINESS available today...
Please understand that while I AM a member of Success University and I
DO PROMOTE and HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT TO YOU, this newsletter is here for
the benefit of everyone whether you are a member of Success University or
not. Some of you are already in Success University and for that I
congratulate you. For those of you that are not, You REALLY need to go
take a look !!! You will NOT find a finer group of people to work with
and be associated with ANYWHERE !!!
In addition, as my site reaches completion and the features, I mentioned
above are added, there will NEVER be a fee for access to any of my sites
content or this newsletter. The only things that there will ever be a charge
for are the services listed on my SERVICES PAGE. EVERYTHING else
on the site will always be FREE !!!
Also, now that you are in my database and will be receiving my
newsletter, to access my site directly without having to go through the
landing page go to:
Alright, let's get started:
First of all, let me tell you what I'm all about. I am a very upbeat,
positive person. I DETEST negativity and blame it for the majority of
people's failures. You will quickly discover that I am very straight
forward and I will tell what you NEED to hear, not necessarily what you
WANT to hear !!! I don't believe in holding people's hands and crying
with them over what is wrong in their life or business. I believe that
is wasted energy that could be much more effectively used to create a
Winston Churchill said, "You create your own universe as you go along."
There is a lot of power in that statement. There is a lot of POWER IN
YOUR OWN THOUGHTS. Those of you that are familiar with the law of
attraction know what I am talking about. Anyone that is unfamiliar with
the law of attraction needs to go to and watch the
movie. You can either watch it directly from the site or you can
purchase it. I am not affiliated with nor do I receive
any monetary compensation from them for recommending their site. It is
just something I believe in whole heartedly !!!
Folks, I have pretty much lived the full gamete of life. I've been
poor and I've been prosperous... I've been hungry and I've been full...
I've been cold and I've been warm... I've been unloved and I've been
loved... and in retrospect I can honestly say that in each of those
cases, the less desirable of the two could have been prevented. You are
in control of your own life whether it feels like it or not. Your
actions... your thoughts put you to the place that you are in EACH AND
EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE !!! That's a little hard to swallow sometimes
but, hey, it's true.
This first edition of this newsletter was not really to get into
anything in particular but rather to touch on the subject of MINDSET.
You can take on the world with the right mindset. And with the wrong one
you will NEVER WIN. I don't care what your qualifications are. You can
have all the training available, you can have an IQ of 140 and you can
have UNLIMITED RESOURCES but if your mind is not in the right place it
will all fall to pieces.
Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or think you can't, either
way you are right."
This is the main point I strive to impress upon people when I coach them.
You have to see yourself as a winner from the word go. You have to
succeed in your own mind before you can manifest it in the real world.
For me to try to help anyone in any area of their life would be an effort
in futility if I had not first gotten through to them on this one thing.
And it's something that YOU need to get in touch with !!! As the weeks
go by I will be covering everything from places to advertise for FREE, to
technical issues, to just plain motivation and how to keep it going.
But first you MUST acquire a WINNING MINDSET !!! You will be amazed at
how fast your personal, professional and spiritual life will improve.
Well, now that we have spent a little time together , I will leave you
with these closing thoughts and look forward to next weeks edition.
Also, sometime in the next few weeks, I will begin conducting LIVE
tele-seminars and webinars. I'll keep you posted as things develop.
Christian D. Larson said, "That a man can change himself... and master
his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the
power of right thought."
The following is something I personally strive to live by each day:
Until next week..
This is Jeffrey Scott Hodges saying ,
"Just say NO to negativity"
Jeffrey Scott Hodges
newsletter. Along with making them available for download from my
website, I additionally plan on archiving the weekly editions in
my blog coming in the near future for easy access as a courtesy to
those who join my list later.
First of all, Let me get a couple of technical things out of the way.
You were added to my database by visiting my landing page at This is my own personal page (which is still
somewhat under construction, by the way...) that is there for the promotion
of my book, my speaking and coaching services, as well as providing you
with a variety of FREEBIES including but not limited to marketing tips,
motivational tools, advertising tools, e-books, and access to the one
company that I feel is THE BEST ONLINE BUSINESS available today...
Please understand that while I AM a member of Success University and I
DO PROMOTE and HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT TO YOU, this newsletter is here for
the benefit of everyone whether you are a member of Success University or
not. Some of you are already in Success University and for that I
congratulate you. For those of you that are not, You REALLY need to go
take a look !!! You will NOT find a finer group of people to work with
and be associated with ANYWHERE !!!
In addition, as my site reaches completion and the features, I mentioned
above are added, there will NEVER be a fee for access to any of my sites
content or this newsletter. The only things that there will ever be a charge
for are the services listed on my SERVICES PAGE. EVERYTHING else
on the site will always be FREE !!!
Also, now that you are in my database and will be receiving my
newsletter, to access my site directly without having to go through the
landing page go to:
Alright, let's get started:
First of all, let me tell you what I'm all about. I am a very upbeat,
positive person. I DETEST negativity and blame it for the majority of
people's failures. You will quickly discover that I am very straight
forward and I will tell what you NEED to hear, not necessarily what you
WANT to hear !!! I don't believe in holding people's hands and crying
with them over what is wrong in their life or business. I believe that
is wasted energy that could be much more effectively used to create a
Winston Churchill said, "You create your own universe as you go along."
There is a lot of power in that statement. There is a lot of POWER IN
YOUR OWN THOUGHTS. Those of you that are familiar with the law of
attraction know what I am talking about. Anyone that is unfamiliar with
the law of attraction needs to go to and watch the
movie. You can either watch it directly from the site or you can
purchase it. I am not affiliated with nor do I receive
any monetary compensation from them for recommending their site. It is
just something I believe in whole heartedly !!!
Folks, I have pretty much lived the full gamete of life. I've been
poor and I've been prosperous... I've been hungry and I've been full...
I've been cold and I've been warm... I've been unloved and I've been
loved... and in retrospect I can honestly say that in each of those
cases, the less desirable of the two could have been prevented. You are
in control of your own life whether it feels like it or not. Your
actions... your thoughts put you to the place that you are in EACH AND
EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE !!! That's a little hard to swallow sometimes
but, hey, it's true.
This first edition of this newsletter was not really to get into
anything in particular but rather to touch on the subject of MINDSET.
You can take on the world with the right mindset. And with the wrong one
you will NEVER WIN. I don't care what your qualifications are. You can
have all the training available, you can have an IQ of 140 and you can
have UNLIMITED RESOURCES but if your mind is not in the right place it
will all fall to pieces.
Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can or think you can't, either
way you are right."
This is the main point I strive to impress upon people when I coach them.
You have to see yourself as a winner from the word go. You have to
succeed in your own mind before you can manifest it in the real world.
For me to try to help anyone in any area of their life would be an effort
in futility if I had not first gotten through to them on this one thing.
And it's something that YOU need to get in touch with !!! As the weeks
go by I will be covering everything from places to advertise for FREE, to
technical issues, to just plain motivation and how to keep it going.
But first you MUST acquire a WINNING MINDSET !!! You will be amazed at
how fast your personal, professional and spiritual life will improve.
Well, now that we have spent a little time together , I will leave you
with these closing thoughts and look forward to next weeks edition.
Also, sometime in the next few weeks, I will begin conducting LIVE
tele-seminars and webinars. I'll keep you posted as things develop.
Christian D. Larson said, "That a man can change himself... and master
his own destiny is the conclusion of every mind who is wide-awake to the
power of right thought."
The following is something I personally strive to live by each day:
Until next week..
This is Jeffrey Scott Hodges saying ,
"Just say NO to negativity"
Jeffrey Scott Hodges
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