Hey everybody, I trust that each and every one of you has hung in there yet another week fighting the good fight of entrepreneurship. Myself, I have had a fun filled weekend consisting of both conducting business and moving to my new office location in Gallatin, Tn. I will be updating my website with my new contact information and it has already been updated at the bottom of this newsletter. To all of our regular readers, it’s good to be with you again and to all our new readers, welcome to our little group. As always, if you are new and want to read previous editions or just missed one and want to catch up, you can go to either: (bottom left corner of page)
***************** Success University ******************
I just want to remind everyone again about the new $50,000 ANNUAL INCOME GUARANTEE that Success University has in place. Whether you are already a member and just haven’t climbed on board yet or you are not a member and have been working on making that big decision, I highly suggest that you get moving on this !!! Tell me, where else in the world of Network Marketing are you going to get a guarantee on ANYTHING, let alone how much money you are going to make ??? This one is a no brainer folks. You need to get all the facts and then place your order for the greatest marketing tool to hit the industry in a long time. I did and you should too !!! Make the decision, make the commitment and MAKE THE MONEY !!!
NOTE: Don’t forget to send me your information if you would like to be spotlighted in the next edition of the newsletter. I would love to afford you the opportunity to put yourself out there and share with the rest of us whatever special things you may have going on in your life. I’ll be waiting for your e-mails.
Ok, let’s talk about a problem that seems to have reached EPIDEMIC proportions in this industry. ASK FOR THE SALE !!!!!!!!! I run into this all the time. People call me, email me and IM me wanting to know why nobody ever follows through and signs up with there business or purchases their product after they look at it. Do you know what I found out ? NOBODY EVER ASKED THEM TO !!!!
People, you have to ask for the decision. You have to ask them to buy or sign up or whatever the nature of your business is. That’s why they call it DIRECT SALES. You are supposed to work DIRECTLY with your potential customer. You need to COMMUNICATE with your potential customer. You need to tell them you are going to get back with them in a couple of days and get a commitment out of them to be available at that time. Also, get an alternate appointment date and time just in case SOMETHING COMES UP on their end. That way you not only increase your chances of a successful follow up but you appear much more professional and, in all likelihood, will be taken much more seriously.
Also, make sure you KNOW your product or service. When you do your follow up you can count on questions. At least from the truly interested potential customers. You can’t sell to someone that is just not interested but someone with questions is a sale that just hasn’t taken place yet. They just want to clear the air about a few things before they make the final decision. And how can you do that for them if you can’t answer their questions? You should either have the answers or have a good support system in place so that you can immediately get them on the phone with someone that has the answers. Product or service knowledge is an indispensable asset that you MUST have !!! People with questions that you can’t answer are not going to be comfortable doing business with you. In order to be successful with your product or service you must be passionate about it and how can you be passionate about something that you are clueless about?
“I never see failure as failure but rather as a learning experience, the negative feedback that i need, the opportunity to develop my sense of humor, the opportunity to practice my techniques, and the game i must play to win.”
- Les Brown
Alright, I have a question for everyone. I want you to ask this question of yourself. Ready?
“What kind of company would my company be if everyone in it were exactly like me?”
As we all know, in any business the key to success is DUPLICATION. You are in a leadership position and you need to know the answer to the question WOULD I WANT MY TEAM TO DUPLICATE ME? Seriously, take a few moments and do a little self-evaluation. Think about what you do on a day to day basis towards the advancement of your business of choice. Think about how much time you spend planning. Think about how much focus you put on developing your skills and knowledge. Think about how much time you waste doing non-productive things that you rationalize to yourself are necessary to do.
Ok, now think about that question again and determine if you are doing your part to be the kind of person that you would want your team to duplicate because guess what??? If your team isn’t winning YOU are the reason. You heard me. How can you pass blame on anyone when you yourself are falling short. Your team members are looking to you to see how you run your business because they want to be successful just as you are so, most likely, they are going to mimmick your practices. So, put your game face on, get your little duckies in a row then DUPLICATE, DUPLICATE, DUPLICATE !!!!!
“A business leader has to keep their organization focused on the mission. That sounds easy, but it can be tremendously challenging in today’s competitive and ever-changing business environment. A leader also has to motivate potential customers to join the cause.
- Meg Whitman
Did you know that failure is a learned concept? That’s right, you LEARN TO ACCEPT FAILURE !!! Now, that’s a little bit to swallow at first brush but allow me to make my point. Think about a child for a second. Picture one of your own kids or grandkids when they were very small. Remember watching them learn to walk? What did they do EVERY SINGLE TIME they fell? That’s right, they got back up. Do you know why they got back up? Because nobody told them that FAILURE WAS AN OPTION !!! Nobody told them that they couldn’t do it. All they knew was that they saw somebody else do it so they figured they could too. They didn’t understand that not succeeding was a possible option.
The same holds true for a bumble bee. Did you know that according to the laws of physics that a bumble bee isn’t supposed to be able to fly? But guess what… NOBODY TOLD THE BUMBLE BEE !!! If we could all just stay in the mindset that there are only POSSIBILITIES and no IMPOSSIBILITIES, there would be NOTHING that we could not accomplish. Remove doubt, fear and disbelief from your mind and you take control over that which was OUT OF CONTROL.
So many people set out to do something and immediately take away their ability to do it by beginning to go over in their head all the reasons they CAN’T DO IT. From that moment on, whatever it is that they are trying to do is doomed. Listen, if you make a case for you obstacles and shortcomings you get to keep them. The things that would hinder your success should never be anything more than character building learning experiences. If you focus on failure then failure is what you will receive. But, if you focus on success and do those things that will improve your chances of succeeding, such as spending as much time and energy as possible on self-development, then you will pave the way to make all your dreams come true. Your mind is the strongest weapon in your arsenal. Your thoughts can make anything possible but they can also take everything away from you. Don’t let failure be a possibility in your life. Choose SUCCESS !!!!!!
“If I had permitted my failures, or what seemed to me at the time a lack of success, to discourage me I cannot see any way in which I would ever have made progress.”
- Calvin Coolidge
Well, it’s been a long weekend with the moving and all. Guess I’ll call it a night and get some rest so I can get up in the morning and take the world the way it was meant to be taken, HEAD ON !!! Folks, as it always is, it has been a highlight of my week to spend this quality time with all of you. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I and I hope you have taken with you some little something that will improve your life in some way or another. Until the Good Lord grants us this time together again, just remember…….
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1