Hey Everybody,
Has is been a week already? It always amazes me at where the time goes. Of course, Time is only a concept anyway. Scientifically speaking, it is always RIGHT NOW, all time immediately becomes the PAST and the FUTURE never arrives !!! Yea, spend a little time chewing on that one. It kind of gives you a little better understanding of why you must use the Law of Attraction by visualizing in the Present rather than the Future, huh? Anyway, on that note, I would like to welcome back all my dear, dear friends and welcome aboard all my new ones. As always, if you are new and want to read back editions or maybe you just missed one, just go to either......... (bottom left corner of the page)
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********************* Success University *********************
Jim Rohn is quoted as saying, "Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune." Jim and many more like him make up the faculty that have contributed their materials to our outstanding curriculum at Success University. To date, Success University has accumulated approximately 100 authors, speakers and coaches as faculty members and it continues to grow every single day. We are on a mission to change the World through Personal Development. Considering that we are currently providing excellent service to over 60,000 active students in approximately 170 countries, I think we are on the correct path for filling the bill on that mission. Make a difference in YOUR life while making a difference in the lives of thousands of others. Join us for a 14 FREE Trial Membership and see what we are really all about !!!
As most of you know, I work as the Director of Support for my Team in Success University so I have first hand exposure to a lot of different scenarios in peoples businesses. I'm always watching and listening, looking for common threads in what they do and how they do it. It helps me to do a much better job of providing them with the support and training they need. Another thing that I do, however, is to spend a considerable amount of time researching business in general and sometimes I run across some pretty eyebrow raising little tidbits. Allow me to share a couple with you.
I was on the Small Business Administration's website today ( ) and found something I find to be very interesting. It had a list of the Top Ten Reasons Why Most Small Businesses Fail. Now, bearing in mind that when someone's business fails that they immediately want to blame the product or service they are providing, what would you say if I told you that SALES ranked NUMBER TEN in that list??? You just spend a couple of minutes thinking about that. The volume of sales of the actual Product or Service that is being sold is the LAST THING ON THE LIST of the reason's the businesses fail !!!
Would you like a sampling of the reasons that outranked the actual sales? I thought you would. Try some of these on for size:
1) Lack of Knowledge
2) Poor Management
3) Over-Investment in Fixed Assets (i.e. Buying new office furniture, unnecessary equipment, etc.)
4) Irresponsible Use of Credit
5) Personal Use of Business Funds
All in all, the main theme here seems to be that the people who's businesses fail seem to be as prepared and take their business about as seriously as a seven year old opening a lemonade stand. People, you have GOT to get out and stay out of this mentality that just because you have a small business and you're not working our of the business towers down town that you can just WING IT !!! Having a business, large or small, is a HUGE undertaking and a HUGE responsibility. You simply have to have the proper mindset, adequate level of maturity and a burning desire for professionalism or you are GOING TO BECOME A STATISTIC!!!
Furthermore, I was reading an article on and discovered some more interesting facts. When listing the four things that successful businesses have that troubled ones do not, they listed the following characteristics as the NUMBER ONE thing...
1) They have a Positive Attitude toward their business and life in general. (Hmmm... Wonder where you've heard that before ???)
2) They are Committed to their effort.
3) They are PATIENT !!!
4) They are PERSISTENT !!!
These are not my theories or facts that I just made up. These are the cold, hard facts that any of you could find just as I did. They stand as evidence that most of the time, with very little exception, if you want to know why your business is failing you need look no further than the bathroom mirror to locate the source of the trouble. These are the very things that I stand on when I tell all of you to TAKE INVENTORY of not only your business but also of yourself and how you approach it. You see, for the most part there are no BAD BUSINESSES, just bad BUSINESS OWNERS !!!
"Entrepreneurs are simply those who understand that there is little difference between obstacle and opportunity and are able to turn both to their advantage."
- Victor Kiam
Let me ask all of you something. Are you in your respective businesses JUST FOR THE MONEY ??? Now, that may seem like a bit of a strange question at first but think about it. Are you doing something that you truly enjoy and that brings you a high degree of satisfaction? Are you doing something that puts a song in your heart and lets you sleep well at night knowing that, not only are you being successful and providing adequately for your family, but that you are doing something that makes a difference in someone else's life?
I hope you are because if you are then you are truly leading a blessed life. I know that I am. PASSION FOR and LOVE OF what you do is about the single most powerful tool available to any business today. I know for me that nothing compares, not even money, to the satisfaction of someone telling me how I have helped them through a tough time or motivated them in some way. I suppose that is the reason that I don't charge for my counseling service. I accept the rewards inside as payment in full.
Now, don't misunderstand me. You don't have to be a counselor or a motivational speaker or anything like that for this concept to apply. Any business can be fulfilling in that way if you are the right person for that business. Think about a few examples..... A photographer creates loving memories for their clients. A construction worker creates a loving home for those memories to take place. A candy vendor brings a smile to the face of a child. An artist brings beauty to a world desperately in need of that very thing. And the list goes on and on. The point is that there are no specific businesses that generate passion in the hearts of their owners. There is only proper matching of business owner to business.
I want to share something very special with you from my weeks events and it ties directly to what I just spoke of. I spend, sometimes, fourteen to sixteen hours a day working with people and helping them deal with issues in their business and sometimes just life in general and sometimes that can get a bit stressful. But every once in a while, right when I'm in need of a break, something phenomenal will happen. This week has been no exception.
There is this kind, sweet little lady from down south that I work with helping her to develop her business. She is a very nice person who loves to talk. Sometimes we'll spend an hour on the phone. We start out talking about business then, the next thing you know, we're talking about her kids or her church group. She is just a joy to talk to.
Well, she called me this week and during the course of our conversation she expressed to me how much I meant to her and how it brightened her day to spend time talking to me. Folks, that will take the WORK out of ANY business you are running. But that is not the best part of this story. We began talking about the fact that she writes poetry and songs. She asked me if I would like for her to share a couple with me. Naturally, I told her yes. I want you to know that dear, sweet little lady sat there on that telephone and SANG two songs to me. I'm not ashamed to tell all of you that I sat there with tears in my eyes while she sang to me. People, I can't even imagine what else I could be doing that would be able to compare to the joy that she brought to my heart during those few moments. It's just this simple, you can make money at ANYTHING !!! But you can only be truly happy and successful doing what you LOVE !!!
"Love is a fruit in season at all times, and in reach of every hand."
- Mother Teresa
I have to tell you, when I look back over my life at where I came from then look at where I am and where I'm headed it is absolutely mind boggling !!! What I mean by that is when you look at every turning point in my life there was one common thread. It had nothing to do circumstances but what I chose to do with those circumstances. Sadly, we don't get a second chance at life. There is no REWIND button. But, I suppose that could be to our advantage. If we were able to REWIND in order to make better choices in life just think about all the blessings that you would eliminate from your past. If you could go back 20 years and do it all over again maybe you wouldn't have your wonderful children or that spouse that you love so dearly. So, don't dwell on what MIGHT HAVE BEEN. Just focus on getting it right the first time from now on. As always, it has been an honor to have this time with all of you and until the Good Lord grants it to us once again next week just remember to..........
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
The purpose of this blog is to create a community of like minded people pursuing their dreams and sharing the wealth of information that they collectively have. "None of us are as smart as ALL of us".
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Newsletter 02/17/08
Hey Everybody,
I am just so excited. It's only about 30 more days till the first day of Spring and I'm really looking forward to the nice weather. There is just something about a warm Spring morning that is just so rejuvenating. It gives you the feeling of having a fresh start and having the hardships of Life's Winter behind you. That having been said, I would like to welcome all my loyal readers back and welcome all my newcomers to another edition of my newsletter. As always, if you are new and want to read back editions or if you just missed one you can always go to either....... (bottom left corner of the page)
********************* Success University *********************
Three years ago a young man by the name of Matt Morris had a Vision. Three years later Matt Morris has a debt free, multi-million dollar company that is changing lives all around the globe !!! This company has put together a team of around 100 of the greatest names in the Personal Development industry. You may have heard of a few...... Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Denis Waitely...... Anybody sound familiar ??? They should. They are the BACKBONE of the Personal Development community around the World. These people command thousands of dollars each for a weekend seminar and now you can have access to their material for less than that the cost of a cup of coffee a day AND earn a substantial income while you do it. Now, that 's really the best of both worlds. Let Success University change your life. It changed MINE !!!
Zig Ziglar tells a story of a lumberjack who's performance suffered by more than 40% because he wouldn't stop and take the time to sharpen his axe. Now, most of us understand that the reference to the man's axe signifies our taking the time to sharpen our skills through extended education and Personal Development but I would like to take this in another direction. With very little exception, we all conduct business using our computer in some capacity whether it is to go on-line or just to store and manipulate files but I have learned through working with people on a daily basis that there is an area where a surprisingly high number of people are weak.......... COMPUTER MAINTANENCE !!!
What I would like to do is to point out some very important and yet normally neglected practices. I am going to name certain products by name but, FOR THE RECORD, I have no affiliation with and receive no compensation from any of the companies that I am going to name. I make these references and recommendations entirely from my own experiences using these products. They have served me well and, properly utilized, I'm sure they will serve you well too.
First of all, NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE !!! People, you have got to stop downloading everything that is put in front of your face just because it's free. Also, stop opening every email you get !!! If you didn't ask for the email to be sent and you don't know the sender DON'T OPEN IT !!! You see, an alarmingly large number of websites out there on the internet are just a tad unscrupulous. NOW, THERE'S A SHOCKER !!! A large percentage of the time when you download a FREEBIE you are also downloading spyware. Do you honestly think that these companies are taking the time to develop and give you all these goodies for FREE? HELLO, McFLY !!!
There are many products on the market for removing spyware but here's the thing, some cost money and some don't. The reason some of them are free is that the company has a more high end product they want to sell you so you can get the lower end one for free to try out. It's basically like getting the trial or demo version but normally works just as well as the full version with just less bells and whistles. The next thing is to understand that these companies do not all have the same list of potential hazards that exist out there so you need more than one spyware program to run so that you get better overall coverage. The two FREE ones that I recommend and actually use on my own computer are SPYBOT SEARCH AND DESTROY and ADAWARE personal version. You can find these at such places as and . These programs will try to get you to pay for REAL TIME protection but all you have to do is take the time to run these programs manually a couple times a week OR you can spend the money. It's up to you.
The other thing we need to cover is just plain maintenance. This includes Virus Protection, Firewall Protection and Maintenance of the internal workings of your computer. I can lump these three major problems of computers into one pile for these purposes because any software worth the money you paid for it will tackle all three. DO NOT spend your money buying a separate software package for Anti-virus, Anti-hacker (Fire Wall) and System Maintenance !!! This is a complete waste of your good hard earned cash. Also, the software that I am going to recommend to you comes all inclusive for about half what the name brands go for and works much more efficiently. Also, my good friends at Wal-Mart will sell you this software for about $5 less than the technology Super Stores.
You need to purchase a program call System Mechanic Professional. It will run you about $35-40 and comes with 3 licenses. This means that you can install it on 3 separate computers and it is licensed for a complete year, giving you access to all system updates and a constantly updated Anti-virus Database. It is a very user friendly software and normally finds many more errors that need repairing that the leading name brand software. Make SURE that you purchase the PROFESSIONAL edition, as this is the one that has ALL the goodies in one package deal. It is very easy to install and most features can be set up to run automatically during what ever portion of a day or days that you don't need to use your computer, like while you're sleeping. I've used pretty much everything on the market and I've always come back to System Mechanic Professional.
If you will acquire and make use of the items that I've suggested and do so according to the instructions that they come with I can say with a lot of confidence that you will find a lot of new life in your old computer and a lot longer life in ANY computer, new or old. For computers in particularly bad shape you will often have to run the various softwares a few times before you get maximum results but I guarantee you that you will see a difference in performance. My computer is over 5 years old and every year that I update my maintenance software and keep it in good operating condition I am saving myself hundreds of dollars. Let's see....... $35 for software OR $$$$$$$$ for a new computer...... Hmmmm, YOU DO THE MATH !!!
"As technology advances, it reverses the characteristics of every situation again and again. The age of automation is going to be the age of DO IT YOURSELF."
- Marshall McLuhan
As those of you who are close to me know, I was the victim of a crime a few weeks ago and so, for the time being anyway, I won't be enjoying the nice weather when it gets here doing my FAVORITE thing in the world which is riding my motorcycle. While I was away from my home someone went into the storage building in the back yard and took my customized 1997 Harley Davidson Softail Classic. As worldly possessions go, there was nothing in existence that they could have taken from me that would have hurt me any more than taking that bike. But, as we all know, that which does not kill us only makes us stronger. The way in which I was able to deal with that incident speaks highly of what Personal Development has done for me in my life.
Now, I didn't tell you about that for sympathy. I told you about that to make a point. The point is that Life is not about what happens to you but rather how you REACT to what happens to you. You see, there were many possible scenarios that could have come into play when that happened to me. I could have become angry and let hate come into my heart. I could have become extremely sad and let depression sink it's hooks into me. I could have even became vengeful and went on some crazy mission to find the person who took my prize possession and "Make them pay for what they did !!!"
But I did none of those things. As difficult as it was and as UNLIKE ME from an earlier point in my life as it was, I immediately began to search inside myself for all the positives. "POSITIVES ???" you may be saying. Yes, positives. Just like when someone close to you passes away and you begin to think of positive things like "They are gone to Heaven now" or "They are not suffering anymore", there are positives in ANY situation. Granted, you must be strong and search DEEP and HARD inside yourself for them sometimes but they are there.
Now, this is generally a newsletter about business and I always try to tie the things I talk about into business so you may be wondering where I am going with this. The lesson involved here is that all aspects of your life are tied together and affect each other. Think about it. If I had let that incident take over my mind and my attitude do you not think that would have affected my business? How would I be able to sit at my desk and talk to people all day long about proper attitude and mindset if I wasn't even in control of my own ??? How could I effectively help them deal with the problems and issues they were calling me about if I couldn't even deal with my own problems and issues. Not to mention the fact that my focus in general would have been diminished causing the quality of service that I provide to suffer.
Everyday, no matter how large or how small, Life is going to challenge you in some way. The key to your success lies in your ability to react is a POSITIVE manner as opposed to a NEGATIVE one. Most of us have close friends and loved ones that we can draw strength from in times of need while some of us DO NOT and even those of us who do, occasionally turn around for support and find that those friends and loved ones need us more than we need them. So, it is VERY important that you have it instilled in yourself to have the PROPER MINDSET and the INNER STRENGTH to react to Life's events and to react PROPERLY !!! Personal Development is NOT just some courses that you take in your spare time or listening to an occasional Audio CD. Personal Development is a LIFESTYLE !!! Make it yours.
"Never suppose that in any possible situation or under any circumstances that it is best for you to do a dishonorable thing however slightly so it may appear to you. Encourage all your virtuous dispositions, and exercise them whenever an opportunity arises, being assured that they will gain strength by exercise...and that exercise will make them habitual."
- Thomas Jefferson
Well, my friends, barring the Good Lord hitting the button on the stop watch and calling GAME OVER, tomorrow is waiting on each and every one of us to take it on HEAD-ON !!! I can't speak for all of you but I, personally, look forward to each new day and all the challenges and/or adventures that it has waiting for me. Sometimes inner strength isn't easy to have and even harder to use but it is a NECESSITY for a successful life. Wake up tomorrow, thank God that you DID wake up and make good of what the day has to offer. Until we are afforded this special time together again by our Gracious Heavenly Father, just remember to always........
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Hey Everybody,
I am just so excited. It's only about 30 more days till the first day of Spring and I'm really looking forward to the nice weather. There is just something about a warm Spring morning that is just so rejuvenating. It gives you the feeling of having a fresh start and having the hardships of Life's Winter behind you. That having been said, I would like to welcome all my loyal readers back and welcome all my newcomers to another edition of my newsletter. As always, if you are new and want to read back editions or if you just missed one you can always go to either....... (bottom left corner of the page)
********************* Success University *********************
Three years ago a young man by the name of Matt Morris had a Vision. Three years later Matt Morris has a debt free, multi-million dollar company that is changing lives all around the globe !!! This company has put together a team of around 100 of the greatest names in the Personal Development industry. You may have heard of a few...... Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, Denis Waitely...... Anybody sound familiar ??? They should. They are the BACKBONE of the Personal Development community around the World. These people command thousands of dollars each for a weekend seminar and now you can have access to their material for less than that the cost of a cup of coffee a day AND earn a substantial income while you do it. Now, that 's really the best of both worlds. Let Success University change your life. It changed MINE !!!
Zig Ziglar tells a story of a lumberjack who's performance suffered by more than 40% because he wouldn't stop and take the time to sharpen his axe. Now, most of us understand that the reference to the man's axe signifies our taking the time to sharpen our skills through extended education and Personal Development but I would like to take this in another direction. With very little exception, we all conduct business using our computer in some capacity whether it is to go on-line or just to store and manipulate files but I have learned through working with people on a daily basis that there is an area where a surprisingly high number of people are weak.......... COMPUTER MAINTANENCE !!!
What I would like to do is to point out some very important and yet normally neglected practices. I am going to name certain products by name but, FOR THE RECORD, I have no affiliation with and receive no compensation from any of the companies that I am going to name. I make these references and recommendations entirely from my own experiences using these products. They have served me well and, properly utilized, I'm sure they will serve you well too.
First of all, NOTHING IN LIFE IS FREE !!! People, you have got to stop downloading everything that is put in front of your face just because it's free. Also, stop opening every email you get !!! If you didn't ask for the email to be sent and you don't know the sender DON'T OPEN IT !!! You see, an alarmingly large number of websites out there on the internet are just a tad unscrupulous. NOW, THERE'S A SHOCKER !!! A large percentage of the time when you download a FREEBIE you are also downloading spyware. Do you honestly think that these companies are taking the time to develop and give you all these goodies for FREE? HELLO, McFLY !!!
There are many products on the market for removing spyware but here's the thing, some cost money and some don't. The reason some of them are free is that the company has a more high end product they want to sell you so you can get the lower end one for free to try out. It's basically like getting the trial or demo version but normally works just as well as the full version with just less bells and whistles. The next thing is to understand that these companies do not all have the same list of potential hazards that exist out there so you need more than one spyware program to run so that you get better overall coverage. The two FREE ones that I recommend and actually use on my own computer are SPYBOT SEARCH AND DESTROY and ADAWARE personal version. You can find these at such places as and . These programs will try to get you to pay for REAL TIME protection but all you have to do is take the time to run these programs manually a couple times a week OR you can spend the money. It's up to you.
The other thing we need to cover is just plain maintenance. This includes Virus Protection, Firewall Protection and Maintenance of the internal workings of your computer. I can lump these three major problems of computers into one pile for these purposes because any software worth the money you paid for it will tackle all three. DO NOT spend your money buying a separate software package for Anti-virus, Anti-hacker (Fire Wall) and System Maintenance !!! This is a complete waste of your good hard earned cash. Also, the software that I am going to recommend to you comes all inclusive for about half what the name brands go for and works much more efficiently. Also, my good friends at Wal-Mart will sell you this software for about $5 less than the technology Super Stores.
You need to purchase a program call System Mechanic Professional. It will run you about $35-40 and comes with 3 licenses. This means that you can install it on 3 separate computers and it is licensed for a complete year, giving you access to all system updates and a constantly updated Anti-virus Database. It is a very user friendly software and normally finds many more errors that need repairing that the leading name brand software. Make SURE that you purchase the PROFESSIONAL edition, as this is the one that has ALL the goodies in one package deal. It is very easy to install and most features can be set up to run automatically during what ever portion of a day or days that you don't need to use your computer, like while you're sleeping. I've used pretty much everything on the market and I've always come back to System Mechanic Professional.
If you will acquire and make use of the items that I've suggested and do so according to the instructions that they come with I can say with a lot of confidence that you will find a lot of new life in your old computer and a lot longer life in ANY computer, new or old. For computers in particularly bad shape you will often have to run the various softwares a few times before you get maximum results but I guarantee you that you will see a difference in performance. My computer is over 5 years old and every year that I update my maintenance software and keep it in good operating condition I am saving myself hundreds of dollars. Let's see....... $35 for software OR $$$$$$$$ for a new computer...... Hmmmm, YOU DO THE MATH !!!
"As technology advances, it reverses the characteristics of every situation again and again. The age of automation is going to be the age of DO IT YOURSELF."
- Marshall McLuhan
As those of you who are close to me know, I was the victim of a crime a few weeks ago and so, for the time being anyway, I won't be enjoying the nice weather when it gets here doing my FAVORITE thing in the world which is riding my motorcycle. While I was away from my home someone went into the storage building in the back yard and took my customized 1997 Harley Davidson Softail Classic. As worldly possessions go, there was nothing in existence that they could have taken from me that would have hurt me any more than taking that bike. But, as we all know, that which does not kill us only makes us stronger. The way in which I was able to deal with that incident speaks highly of what Personal Development has done for me in my life.
Now, I didn't tell you about that for sympathy. I told you about that to make a point. The point is that Life is not about what happens to you but rather how you REACT to what happens to you. You see, there were many possible scenarios that could have come into play when that happened to me. I could have become angry and let hate come into my heart. I could have become extremely sad and let depression sink it's hooks into me. I could have even became vengeful and went on some crazy mission to find the person who took my prize possession and "Make them pay for what they did !!!"
But I did none of those things. As difficult as it was and as UNLIKE ME from an earlier point in my life as it was, I immediately began to search inside myself for all the positives. "POSITIVES ???" you may be saying. Yes, positives. Just like when someone close to you passes away and you begin to think of positive things like "They are gone to Heaven now" or "They are not suffering anymore", there are positives in ANY situation. Granted, you must be strong and search DEEP and HARD inside yourself for them sometimes but they are there.
Now, this is generally a newsletter about business and I always try to tie the things I talk about into business so you may be wondering where I am going with this. The lesson involved here is that all aspects of your life are tied together and affect each other. Think about it. If I had let that incident take over my mind and my attitude do you not think that would have affected my business? How would I be able to sit at my desk and talk to people all day long about proper attitude and mindset if I wasn't even in control of my own ??? How could I effectively help them deal with the problems and issues they were calling me about if I couldn't even deal with my own problems and issues. Not to mention the fact that my focus in general would have been diminished causing the quality of service that I provide to suffer.
Everyday, no matter how large or how small, Life is going to challenge you in some way. The key to your success lies in your ability to react is a POSITIVE manner as opposed to a NEGATIVE one. Most of us have close friends and loved ones that we can draw strength from in times of need while some of us DO NOT and even those of us who do, occasionally turn around for support and find that those friends and loved ones need us more than we need them. So, it is VERY important that you have it instilled in yourself to have the PROPER MINDSET and the INNER STRENGTH to react to Life's events and to react PROPERLY !!! Personal Development is NOT just some courses that you take in your spare time or listening to an occasional Audio CD. Personal Development is a LIFESTYLE !!! Make it yours.
"Never suppose that in any possible situation or under any circumstances that it is best for you to do a dishonorable thing however slightly so it may appear to you. Encourage all your virtuous dispositions, and exercise them whenever an opportunity arises, being assured that they will gain strength by exercise...and that exercise will make them habitual."
- Thomas Jefferson
Well, my friends, barring the Good Lord hitting the button on the stop watch and calling GAME OVER, tomorrow is waiting on each and every one of us to take it on HEAD-ON !!! I can't speak for all of you but I, personally, look forward to each new day and all the challenges and/or adventures that it has waiting for me. Sometimes inner strength isn't easy to have and even harder to use but it is a NECESSITY for a successful life. Wake up tomorrow, thank God that you DID wake up and make good of what the day has to offer. Until we are afforded this special time together again by our Gracious Heavenly Father, just remember to always........
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Newsletter 02/10/08
Hey Everybody,
It's great to be with all of you once again. I have grown to look so forward to the writing of these newsletters that I just can't imagine a week without writing one. It not only helps you by giving you valuable information to use in your business and personal life but it's a learning experience for me each and every time. I always come away in the end with a new look on things and, often times, with a lot more knowledge than I, myself, had when I first sat down to write. I would like to welcome back all my long standing, devoted readers and welcome aboard all my new arrivals. As always, if you have missed an edition or are new and want to read all my previous writings you can do so by simply going to either........ (bottom left corner of page)
**************************** Success University **************************
Have any of you heard of a publication called EMPOWER MAGAZINE ??? Empower Magazine is a magazine that spotlights very successful companies. In their latest issue they devoted the ENTIRE MAGAZINE to Success University !!! Now, why would they do that ? They did that because they recognize Success University for what it is......... THE BEST OF THE BEST !!! They recognize that this three year old, debt free company, whose mission is to empower others to take control of their lives through personal development, embodies the true Spirit of Entrepreneurship. You simply WILL NOT FIND a higher caliber of people with more love in their heart and devotion to what they do than in Success University !!! They've completely changed MY life. Let them change YOURS !!!!!!
As some of you know, I am writing a book. While I have not yet decided on a title for the book, the core issue that I cover in it is PROPER DECISION MAKING. This is a very important part of anyone's life and yet it is usually one of the most neglected areas of day to day life. What I would like to do is to share with you the actual Formula that is the basis for my book. So, basically, you are getting an exclusive preview, if you will.
People go through their entire lives living in the midst of the results of the decisions they make. Everything from what career path they choose, to how they take care of themselves, to how they raise their children and interact with their spouse. The problem is that most people don't realize the power behind this daily event of decision making and some give it no more due diligence or focus than breathing. They just do it, often times, without thinking about the choices they are making. I call this the "flip a coin" syndrome because that's about all the effort or care that goes into it for some.
You see, life is a chain of events, each causing the next to happen. Every single time you make a decision about something, no matter how seemingly small, it directly affects the next event, and the next, and the next. Just think about it for a minute. Sometimes when I sit back and think of all the crossroads in life that I have found myself at and the possibilities of what could or would be different about my life it can really be scary. But the fact of the matter is that I am exactly where I put myself. There are no accidents, coincidences, magic wands, bad luck or anything else responsible for my life or yours except the decisions we make each and every day. That having been said, here is the Formula that I use and it serves me well.
EVALUTE: Let me ask you a question. When you get up in the middle of the night to do whatever, (drink of water, restroom, etc.) do you do it in the dark or do you turn on a light so that you can navigate the room based on what’s in front of you at that particular moment? Proper decision making is based entirely on having all the available information possible at that moment so that you make the best possible decision, given your current situation.
FORMULATE: The next step in the decision making process is formulating all the possible decisions that you could make in regards to the subject matter at hand. Just think of a professional football team for a moment. Their situation is changing from one minute to the next during the game. Think of their playbook as a pre-written guideline that encompasses a very large number of possible scenarios on the playing field. After EVALUATING their situation they then FORMULATE a plan of action by using one of the plays in the playbook.
PROJECT: This is where you consider the possible outcomes of the potential pathways you have chosen. You MUST be able to, as much as is possible, pre-determine the outcome of whatever decision you make. If you can’t tell with a reasonable degree of accuracy what is most likely to come from your decision you are pretty well shooting in the dark. This process can be time consuming and sometimes even frustrating but will be time VERY WELL SPENT !!! Compare it to playing chess. The game is literally won or lost based on your ability to look far enough into the game to PROJECT the outcome of a series of complex moves in secession. He or she who can do that one thing the best will, in all likelihood, emerge victorious.
DECIDE: Alright, now for the fun part !!! Now, you have to DECIDE which of the FORMULATED paths that you have PROJECTED is the right one for you. No problem, right ??? Yeah, sure !!! Indecision is a horrible thing and CAN be your undoing. You see, the best decision you could possibly make is worthless if it’s not made in a timely fashion because time changes the conditions and renders your original evaluation NO LONGER ACCURATE !!!
EXECUTE: Finally, we get to the piece of the puzzle that brings it all together. Let’s face it, if we don’t act on or EXECUTE our decision then the rest of the entire process was for nothing! What would we have accomplished by all of our efforts involved in the other four steps if we didn’t EXECUTE our decision. It was once said that ,”A good idea without action is worthless.”. You have to take the plunge. It’s so sad that this one very important phase of the decision making process is, all too often, left out and, as a result, many missed opportunities have resulted. Les Brown said, “Live full but die empty.”. Don’t miss out on what life has to offer because you had a really good, well thought out idea and let it pass you by simply because you didn’t act on it !!!
Well folks, that’s it in a nutshell. It’s not really rocket science but, at the same time, it’s a process that we all go through every day of our life except that most of the time there is no CONSCIOUS THOUGHT put into it so it is done so haphazardly that the results are quite often, shall we say, LESS THAN FAVORABLE!!! I hope you will take these five steps and apply them to your lives so that you spend much more time ENJOYING your life and much less time correcting mistakes or living with the ones that you CAN'T correct.
"No problem can be solved until it is reduced to some simple form."
– J. P. Morgan, Financier
I want to go off in a little different direction today on the subject of business. I want to talk about children. You see, I've had the distinct honor over the course of the last few weeks to spend some time with and get to know my new friend and mentor, Philip Dale Smith. Dale, as he is affectionately known by many, has spent the majority of his life (about half a century) devoted to children. A list of Dale's accomplishments are that he is a two time winner of the Toast Masters International Speakers Competition, an award winning children's picture book author and novelists, has founded numerous youth camps in the U. S. and Canada, and conducts parenting seminars for adults as well as school programs for children.
While my main focus is on the adult world, Dale has given me much food for thought. Being exposed to his materials such as his books, audios and websites has put my mind to thinking in a little different perspective. It has really had me thinking about the fact that, in relation to the business world, children are basically adults that haven't grown up yet !!! Now, before you start cracking jokes and saying things like "Way to go Einstein !!!!" allow me to elaborate.
I realized that while we go through the process of raising and educating our children we normally place all the focus on just learning the basic skills, such as math, science and language. It came to me that we are missing a piece of the puzzle here. Just because they are not adults yet doesn't mean that we should wait until they are to teach them the importance of what they learn in school in regards to the real world and how it is applied.
What I'm eluding to is that as you go through the motions of running your business you should take available opportunities to expose your children to what you do. They may not have a specific interest in what you have chosen as a career path but that doesn't matter. The idea here is to give them first hand exposure to what you do and what you need from you formal education to do it. Think about it for a minute. How many times have your children complained about not understanding why they have to learn math or science or what ever class it is that they hate? How many times have they used that as an excuse for not taking the class seriously or for doing poorly at it? If they were exposed to the workings of an average business day how long do you think that it would take for them to catch on that they DO need all those things that they are being taught and that they are NOT wasting their time learning them?
I'm far from perfect and I feel that, in many areas such as this, that I possibly short changed my own children by not realizing this years ago. My children are all grown and on their own now but there are many people who still have plenty of time to grasp this concept and hopefully instill a new found excitement for learning in their children as well as a much needed understanding of the impact that it will have on their lives if they don't take full advantage of the educational system. Just stop and think for a moment of all the times that you have went to do something in your business that called upon a particular skill and you thought to yourself "Man, I sure wish I had paid better attention in class and I wouldn't be asking someone else to help me with this !!!" Give your children an edge. Show them what you do, show them how what they are learning in school directly relates to it and get them to understand that it is within their own power to brighten their future and make life CONSIDERABLY easier for themselves !!!
NOTE: Do yourself a big favor and visit Dale's sites. You'll be glad you did. Dale is a PHENOMENAL individual full of Love, Caring and a WEALTH of knowledge and Life experience !!!
"You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth."
- Kahlil Gibran
"I trust the time is coming, when the occupation of an instructor to children will be deemed the most honorable of human employment."
- Angelina Grimke
As we draw to the end of another wonderful night together by the campfire, I eagerly await the coming of the new week. It never fails to be filled with new adventures and new opportunities. The main thing is what you do with those opportunities. There is an ancient Chinese proverb that says "Opportunities multiply as they are seized, they die when neglected". Think about that for a moment and then take on the challenges of the coming week with a SEIZING mentality !!! Remember, a concrete block can be a Stumbling Block OR a Stepping Stone. The choice is ultimately yours. So my friends, until the Good Lord affords us the opportunity to share each others company once again, remember to always....................
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Hey Everybody,
It's great to be with all of you once again. I have grown to look so forward to the writing of these newsletters that I just can't imagine a week without writing one. It not only helps you by giving you valuable information to use in your business and personal life but it's a learning experience for me each and every time. I always come away in the end with a new look on things and, often times, with a lot more knowledge than I, myself, had when I first sat down to write. I would like to welcome back all my long standing, devoted readers and welcome aboard all my new arrivals. As always, if you have missed an edition or are new and want to read all my previous writings you can do so by simply going to either........ (bottom left corner of page)
**************************** Success University **************************
Have any of you heard of a publication called EMPOWER MAGAZINE ??? Empower Magazine is a magazine that spotlights very successful companies. In their latest issue they devoted the ENTIRE MAGAZINE to Success University !!! Now, why would they do that ? They did that because they recognize Success University for what it is......... THE BEST OF THE BEST !!! They recognize that this three year old, debt free company, whose mission is to empower others to take control of their lives through personal development, embodies the true Spirit of Entrepreneurship. You simply WILL NOT FIND a higher caliber of people with more love in their heart and devotion to what they do than in Success University !!! They've completely changed MY life. Let them change YOURS !!!!!!
As some of you know, I am writing a book. While I have not yet decided on a title for the book, the core issue that I cover in it is PROPER DECISION MAKING. This is a very important part of anyone's life and yet it is usually one of the most neglected areas of day to day life. What I would like to do is to share with you the actual Formula that is the basis for my book. So, basically, you are getting an exclusive preview, if you will.
People go through their entire lives living in the midst of the results of the decisions they make. Everything from what career path they choose, to how they take care of themselves, to how they raise their children and interact with their spouse. The problem is that most people don't realize the power behind this daily event of decision making and some give it no more due diligence or focus than breathing. They just do it, often times, without thinking about the choices they are making. I call this the "flip a coin" syndrome because that's about all the effort or care that goes into it for some.
You see, life is a chain of events, each causing the next to happen. Every single time you make a decision about something, no matter how seemingly small, it directly affects the next event, and the next, and the next. Just think about it for a minute. Sometimes when I sit back and think of all the crossroads in life that I have found myself at and the possibilities of what could or would be different about my life it can really be scary. But the fact of the matter is that I am exactly where I put myself. There are no accidents, coincidences, magic wands, bad luck or anything else responsible for my life or yours except the decisions we make each and every day. That having been said, here is the Formula that I use and it serves me well.
EVALUTE: Let me ask you a question. When you get up in the middle of the night to do whatever, (drink of water, restroom, etc.) do you do it in the dark or do you turn on a light so that you can navigate the room based on what’s in front of you at that particular moment? Proper decision making is based entirely on having all the available information possible at that moment so that you make the best possible decision, given your current situation.
FORMULATE: The next step in the decision making process is formulating all the possible decisions that you could make in regards to the subject matter at hand. Just think of a professional football team for a moment. Their situation is changing from one minute to the next during the game. Think of their playbook as a pre-written guideline that encompasses a very large number of possible scenarios on the playing field. After EVALUATING their situation they then FORMULATE a plan of action by using one of the plays in the playbook.
PROJECT: This is where you consider the possible outcomes of the potential pathways you have chosen. You MUST be able to, as much as is possible, pre-determine the outcome of whatever decision you make. If you can’t tell with a reasonable degree of accuracy what is most likely to come from your decision you are pretty well shooting in the dark. This process can be time consuming and sometimes even frustrating but will be time VERY WELL SPENT !!! Compare it to playing chess. The game is literally won or lost based on your ability to look far enough into the game to PROJECT the outcome of a series of complex moves in secession. He or she who can do that one thing the best will, in all likelihood, emerge victorious.
DECIDE: Alright, now for the fun part !!! Now, you have to DECIDE which of the FORMULATED paths that you have PROJECTED is the right one for you. No problem, right ??? Yeah, sure !!! Indecision is a horrible thing and CAN be your undoing. You see, the best decision you could possibly make is worthless if it’s not made in a timely fashion because time changes the conditions and renders your original evaluation NO LONGER ACCURATE !!!
EXECUTE: Finally, we get to the piece of the puzzle that brings it all together. Let’s face it, if we don’t act on or EXECUTE our decision then the rest of the entire process was for nothing! What would we have accomplished by all of our efforts involved in the other four steps if we didn’t EXECUTE our decision. It was once said that ,”A good idea without action is worthless.”. You have to take the plunge. It’s so sad that this one very important phase of the decision making process is, all too often, left out and, as a result, many missed opportunities have resulted. Les Brown said, “Live full but die empty.”. Don’t miss out on what life has to offer because you had a really good, well thought out idea and let it pass you by simply because you didn’t act on it !!!
Well folks, that’s it in a nutshell. It’s not really rocket science but, at the same time, it’s a process that we all go through every day of our life except that most of the time there is no CONSCIOUS THOUGHT put into it so it is done so haphazardly that the results are quite often, shall we say, LESS THAN FAVORABLE!!! I hope you will take these five steps and apply them to your lives so that you spend much more time ENJOYING your life and much less time correcting mistakes or living with the ones that you CAN'T correct.
"No problem can be solved until it is reduced to some simple form."
– J. P. Morgan, Financier
I want to go off in a little different direction today on the subject of business. I want to talk about children. You see, I've had the distinct honor over the course of the last few weeks to spend some time with and get to know my new friend and mentor, Philip Dale Smith. Dale, as he is affectionately known by many, has spent the majority of his life (about half a century) devoted to children. A list of Dale's accomplishments are that he is a two time winner of the Toast Masters International Speakers Competition, an award winning children's picture book author and novelists, has founded numerous youth camps in the U. S. and Canada, and conducts parenting seminars for adults as well as school programs for children.
While my main focus is on the adult world, Dale has given me much food for thought. Being exposed to his materials such as his books, audios and websites has put my mind to thinking in a little different perspective. It has really had me thinking about the fact that, in relation to the business world, children are basically adults that haven't grown up yet !!! Now, before you start cracking jokes and saying things like "Way to go Einstein !!!!" allow me to elaborate.
I realized that while we go through the process of raising and educating our children we normally place all the focus on just learning the basic skills, such as math, science and language. It came to me that we are missing a piece of the puzzle here. Just because they are not adults yet doesn't mean that we should wait until they are to teach them the importance of what they learn in school in regards to the real world and how it is applied.
What I'm eluding to is that as you go through the motions of running your business you should take available opportunities to expose your children to what you do. They may not have a specific interest in what you have chosen as a career path but that doesn't matter. The idea here is to give them first hand exposure to what you do and what you need from you formal education to do it. Think about it for a minute. How many times have your children complained about not understanding why they have to learn math or science or what ever class it is that they hate? How many times have they used that as an excuse for not taking the class seriously or for doing poorly at it? If they were exposed to the workings of an average business day how long do you think that it would take for them to catch on that they DO need all those things that they are being taught and that they are NOT wasting their time learning them?
I'm far from perfect and I feel that, in many areas such as this, that I possibly short changed my own children by not realizing this years ago. My children are all grown and on their own now but there are many people who still have plenty of time to grasp this concept and hopefully instill a new found excitement for learning in their children as well as a much needed understanding of the impact that it will have on their lives if they don't take full advantage of the educational system. Just stop and think for a moment of all the times that you have went to do something in your business that called upon a particular skill and you thought to yourself "Man, I sure wish I had paid better attention in class and I wouldn't be asking someone else to help me with this !!!" Give your children an edge. Show them what you do, show them how what they are learning in school directly relates to it and get them to understand that it is within their own power to brighten their future and make life CONSIDERABLY easier for themselves !!!
NOTE: Do yourself a big favor and visit Dale's sites. You'll be glad you did. Dale is a PHENOMENAL individual full of Love, Caring and a WEALTH of knowledge and Life experience !!!
"You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth."
- Kahlil Gibran
"I trust the time is coming, when the occupation of an instructor to children will be deemed the most honorable of human employment."
- Angelina Grimke
As we draw to the end of another wonderful night together by the campfire, I eagerly await the coming of the new week. It never fails to be filled with new adventures and new opportunities. The main thing is what you do with those opportunities. There is an ancient Chinese proverb that says "Opportunities multiply as they are seized, they die when neglected". Think about that for a moment and then take on the challenges of the coming week with a SEIZING mentality !!! Remember, a concrete block can be a Stumbling Block OR a Stepping Stone. The choice is ultimately yours. So my friends, until the Good Lord affords us the opportunity to share each others company once again, remember to always....................
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Newsletter 02/03/08
Hey Everybody,
It's Super Bowl Sunday and today one of those teams is going to be richly rewarded for all their dedication and countless hours spent in preparation. There are a lot of similarities between the business world and other aspects of our lives. Every week you spend running your respective business is a chance not only to reap the rewards of your efforts but also to learn something new from those experiences that will make the weeks to come even more productive. Today on the field those players will experience much the same situation. No matter who wins or who loses, both teams will walk away with vast amounts of new knowledge and experience gained during the course of the game. That having been said, welcome back to all my friends and welcome home to all my new friends. As always, if you are new and want to catch up on your reading or if you just missed an edition, all you have to do is go to either..... (bottom left corner of the page)
**************************** Success University **************************
THEY'VE DONE IT AGAIN !!! Success University has just sent out the special promotions for the month of February and are putting their money where their mouth is as usual. Are you missing out ??? If you are not a member of this PHENOMANAL company, you are !!! Every month they are giving away literally thousands of dollars in bonus money for all sorts of different aspects of the business. Do they have to do this to make your membership with Success University worthwhile ? ABSOLUTELY NOT !!! I was making money with Success University long before the monthly bonuses came into existence. They are doing it because they care about your Success. Don't miss out on YOUR piece of the action !!! Go check it out at......
As many of you know, I am a member of Toastmasters International, an organization specifically geared at helping you refine and develop your communication and presentation skills. Now, you don't have to be pursuing a speaking career to benefit from the knowledge you will gain by being a member of Toastmasters. You may find yourself in one or more of many possible situations where your ability to properly get your message and/or information across is vital to the success of your business. The following are ten tips that will help you to do a much better job of accomplishing this task......
NOTE: Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and even beneficial, but too much nervousness can be detrimental.
Here are some proven tips on how to control your butterflies and give better presentations:
1) Know your material. Knowing your topic will increase your own interest. Know more about it than
you include in your presentation, that way you will have extra material in your head if you are running
short on your speech. Use humor, personal stories and conversational language and you will be a lot
more apt to not forget what to say as opposed to a memorized speech.
2) Practice. Practice. Practice! Rehearse out loud and use all material that you plan on using during the
real thing. Revise as your presentation as necessary. Work to filter out your "UH's" and "UM'S".
Practice your breathing. Practice with a timer and allow time for the unexpected.
3) Know the audience. Make it a point to meet and talk to some of the audience members as they
arrive. It’s easier to speak to friends than to strangers.
4) Know the room. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and
any visual aids that you plan on incorporating into your presentation. Make all necessary adjustments
then instead of having your presentation spoiled with technicalities.
5) Relax. Begin by addressing the audience. It buys you time and calms your nerves. Pause, smile and
count to three before saying anything. Transform nervous energy into enthusiasm. The energy will still
be released except in a positive manner.
6) Visualize yourself giving your presentation. All of you know how much emphasis I put on
visualization and the Law of Attraction. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear and
confident. Visualize the audience clapping . It will boost your confidence.
7) Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating,
informative and entertaining. They’re rooting for you. They are not out there like a lynch mob just
waiting for you to make a mistake. In fact, most of the time YOU will be the only one who knows you
made one.
8) Don’t apologize for any nervousness or problem. There is nothing wrong with being human and
making mistakes. You need to exude nothing short of total confidence and competence.
9) Concentrate on the message. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties and concentrate
on your message and your audience. The more time you spend focusing on the content of your
presentation and how your audience is receiving it, the less time you will be focusing on your
nervousness and will, therefore, make fewer errors.
10) Gain experience. Mainly, your speech should represent you as an authority and as a person.
Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking. A Toastmasters club can provide
the experience you need in a safe and friendly environment.
"Progress comes from the intelligent use of experience."
- Elbert Hubbard
You know, it is simply amazing at how the Universe works. It seems that for everything there is an equal opposite. Love and hate, rich and poor, difficult and easy, strong and weak, etc. After having a conversation with someone this weekend, another set of opposites came to my mind. Many is the times that I have heard the quote "Success leaves clues !!!" Well, in my humble opinion, so does failure.
I have paid special attention to the chain of events that take place in a person's life when they decide to take the plunge into the world of having their own business. It is quite fascinating to watch but the average person goes through phases. Most of the time these phases are basically identical until the person reaches a certain one. It is at that point that the scales will tip either in the direction of Success or Failure !!! They go something like this ........
First, the decision is made that they are going to TAKE CONTROL OF THEIR LIVES !!! They are absolutely on fire for their new idea and visions of success and prosperity fill their minds and their dreams at night. Nothing can stop them. They set it in stone in their minds that FAILURE is not an option and that this is the turning point in their lives. Goals are set, vision boards are created and plans for a wonderful new life are made.
Next, they begin to make things happen. Business cards are ordered, advertising campaigns are set up, web sites are built, co-ops are joined, flyers are printed, and a laser focus tells them that all their dreams are just around the corner. Their whole world is simply gleaming with positive energy. They are dedicated and committed. Many hours are spent daily as they diligently make their way toward their goals.
Then, a few weeks or maybe a few months go by and things are possibly not going the exact way they were thought of going and doubt sets in. This is a common occurrence and quite a normal human reaction and yet, sadly, the beginning of the end for many people. You see, failure does not come from what life throws at you. Failure comes from not reacting properly to those things. When the doubt starts to set in (and it will) you need to first recognize the doubt for what it is and then refuse to give in to it. It is right at this point that the very important decision to press on is made !!!
But, hold on !!! You're not out of the water yet. Oh no. Life isn't going to leave you alone that easily. You are just getting started. You are going to have so many things not turn out the way you thought they would that you are going to begin to think that this whole crazy idea of having your own business is a bunch of crap !!! It is here that the true troopers rise to the surface. It is here that you must decide whether you are going to hold on or let go. It is here that you reach a very definitive T in the road. There is no Straight Ahead. You must go left or right. You must sink or swim. You must either throw up your hands and spend the rest of your life wondering "If I had hung on just a little bit longer how great would my life be now?" OR you must straighten your back, lift up that chin and proclaim "FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION !!!"
People, I'm no different than any of you. I went through all these phases but the difference between myself and a lot of people that I talk to is that I would rather DIE A MISERABLE FAILURE knowing that I never gave up on my dreams than to live a secure life of mediocrity and be tortured by the thoughts of WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN !!! You see, this conversation that I spoke of earlier was with a dear friend of mine that I LITERALLY warned about these phases and yet when the time came they still weren't strong enough. That saddens me and I cry inside for them. Hold on to your dreams like you would a canteen of water in the desert !!! Both will comfort you, both will give you much needed strength and both will help you survive until you get where you are going.......
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm."
- Winston Churchill
"Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing."
- Denis Waitley
Well, as we draw near to the end of another wonderful day and week we can thrill in the exciting anticipation of tomorrow. Tomorrow, as it is so correctly spoken of, is the first day of the rest of our lives. It is with that thought in mind that we must approach each new day as a new beginning..... a new chance to start over and GET IT RIGHT THIS TIME !!! None of us are perfect. The important thing is that we strive each and every day to head a little more in that direction. The Universe will take note of our effort and do the rest. I wish all of you a safe, prosperous and joy filled week and until the Good Lord grants us the opportunity to have this little session by the campfire again, just remember to always.........
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Hey Everybody,
It's Super Bowl Sunday and today one of those teams is going to be richly rewarded for all their dedication and countless hours spent in preparation. There are a lot of similarities between the business world and other aspects of our lives. Every week you spend running your respective business is a chance not only to reap the rewards of your efforts but also to learn something new from those experiences that will make the weeks to come even more productive. Today on the field those players will experience much the same situation. No matter who wins or who loses, both teams will walk away with vast amounts of new knowledge and experience gained during the course of the game. That having been said, welcome back to all my friends and welcome home to all my new friends. As always, if you are new and want to catch up on your reading or if you just missed an edition, all you have to do is go to either..... (bottom left corner of the page)
**************************** Success University **************************
THEY'VE DONE IT AGAIN !!! Success University has just sent out the special promotions for the month of February and are putting their money where their mouth is as usual. Are you missing out ??? If you are not a member of this PHENOMANAL company, you are !!! Every month they are giving away literally thousands of dollars in bonus money for all sorts of different aspects of the business. Do they have to do this to make your membership with Success University worthwhile ? ABSOLUTELY NOT !!! I was making money with Success University long before the monthly bonuses came into existence. They are doing it because they care about your Success. Don't miss out on YOUR piece of the action !!! Go check it out at......
As many of you know, I am a member of Toastmasters International, an organization specifically geared at helping you refine and develop your communication and presentation skills. Now, you don't have to be pursuing a speaking career to benefit from the knowledge you will gain by being a member of Toastmasters. You may find yourself in one or more of many possible situations where your ability to properly get your message and/or information across is vital to the success of your business. The following are ten tips that will help you to do a much better job of accomplishing this task......
NOTE: Feeling some nervousness before giving a speech is natural and even beneficial, but too much nervousness can be detrimental.
Here are some proven tips on how to control your butterflies and give better presentations:
1) Know your material. Knowing your topic will increase your own interest. Know more about it than
you include in your presentation, that way you will have extra material in your head if you are running
short on your speech. Use humor, personal stories and conversational language and you will be a lot
more apt to not forget what to say as opposed to a memorized speech.
2) Practice. Practice. Practice! Rehearse out loud and use all material that you plan on using during the
real thing. Revise as your presentation as necessary. Work to filter out your "UH's" and "UM'S".
Practice your breathing. Practice with a timer and allow time for the unexpected.
3) Know the audience. Make it a point to meet and talk to some of the audience members as they
arrive. It’s easier to speak to friends than to strangers.
4) Know the room. Arrive early, walk around the speaking area and practice using the microphone and
any visual aids that you plan on incorporating into your presentation. Make all necessary adjustments
then instead of having your presentation spoiled with technicalities.
5) Relax. Begin by addressing the audience. It buys you time and calms your nerves. Pause, smile and
count to three before saying anything. Transform nervous energy into enthusiasm. The energy will still
be released except in a positive manner.
6) Visualize yourself giving your presentation. All of you know how much emphasis I put on
visualization and the Law of Attraction. Imagine yourself speaking, your voice loud, clear and
confident. Visualize the audience clapping . It will boost your confidence.
7) Realize that people want you to succeed. Audiences want you to be interesting, stimulating,
informative and entertaining. They’re rooting for you. They are not out there like a lynch mob just
waiting for you to make a mistake. In fact, most of the time YOU will be the only one who knows you
made one.
8) Don’t apologize for any nervousness or problem. There is nothing wrong with being human and
making mistakes. You need to exude nothing short of total confidence and competence.
9) Concentrate on the message. Focus your attention away from your own anxieties and concentrate
on your message and your audience. The more time you spend focusing on the content of your
presentation and how your audience is receiving it, the less time you will be focusing on your
nervousness and will, therefore, make fewer errors.
10) Gain experience. Mainly, your speech should represent you as an authority and as a person.
Experience builds confidence, which is the key to effective speaking. A Toastmasters club can provide
the experience you need in a safe and friendly environment.
"Progress comes from the intelligent use of experience."
- Elbert Hubbard
You know, it is simply amazing at how the Universe works. It seems that for everything there is an equal opposite. Love and hate, rich and poor, difficult and easy, strong and weak, etc. After having a conversation with someone this weekend, another set of opposites came to my mind. Many is the times that I have heard the quote "Success leaves clues !!!" Well, in my humble opinion, so does failure.
I have paid special attention to the chain of events that take place in a person's life when they decide to take the plunge into the world of having their own business. It is quite fascinating to watch but the average person goes through phases. Most of the time these phases are basically identical until the person reaches a certain one. It is at that point that the scales will tip either in the direction of Success or Failure !!! They go something like this ........
First, the decision is made that they are going to TAKE CONTROL OF THEIR LIVES !!! They are absolutely on fire for their new idea and visions of success and prosperity fill their minds and their dreams at night. Nothing can stop them. They set it in stone in their minds that FAILURE is not an option and that this is the turning point in their lives. Goals are set, vision boards are created and plans for a wonderful new life are made.
Next, they begin to make things happen. Business cards are ordered, advertising campaigns are set up, web sites are built, co-ops are joined, flyers are printed, and a laser focus tells them that all their dreams are just around the corner. Their whole world is simply gleaming with positive energy. They are dedicated and committed. Many hours are spent daily as they diligently make their way toward their goals.
Then, a few weeks or maybe a few months go by and things are possibly not going the exact way they were thought of going and doubt sets in. This is a common occurrence and quite a normal human reaction and yet, sadly, the beginning of the end for many people. You see, failure does not come from what life throws at you. Failure comes from not reacting properly to those things. When the doubt starts to set in (and it will) you need to first recognize the doubt for what it is and then refuse to give in to it. It is right at this point that the very important decision to press on is made !!!
But, hold on !!! You're not out of the water yet. Oh no. Life isn't going to leave you alone that easily. You are just getting started. You are going to have so many things not turn out the way you thought they would that you are going to begin to think that this whole crazy idea of having your own business is a bunch of crap !!! It is here that the true troopers rise to the surface. It is here that you must decide whether you are going to hold on or let go. It is here that you reach a very definitive T in the road. There is no Straight Ahead. You must go left or right. You must sink or swim. You must either throw up your hands and spend the rest of your life wondering "If I had hung on just a little bit longer how great would my life be now?" OR you must straighten your back, lift up that chin and proclaim "FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION !!!"
People, I'm no different than any of you. I went through all these phases but the difference between myself and a lot of people that I talk to is that I would rather DIE A MISERABLE FAILURE knowing that I never gave up on my dreams than to live a secure life of mediocrity and be tortured by the thoughts of WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN !!! You see, this conversation that I spoke of earlier was with a dear friend of mine that I LITERALLY warned about these phases and yet when the time came they still weren't strong enough. That saddens me and I cry inside for them. Hold on to your dreams like you would a canteen of water in the desert !!! Both will comfort you, both will give you much needed strength and both will help you survive until you get where you are going.......
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm."
- Winston Churchill
"Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing."
- Denis Waitley
Well, as we draw near to the end of another wonderful day and week we can thrill in the exciting anticipation of tomorrow. Tomorrow, as it is so correctly spoken of, is the first day of the rest of our lives. It is with that thought in mind that we must approach each new day as a new beginning..... a new chance to start over and GET IT RIGHT THIS TIME !!! None of us are perfect. The important thing is that we strive each and every day to head a little more in that direction. The Universe will take note of our effort and do the rest. I wish all of you a safe, prosperous and joy filled week and until the Good Lord grants us the opportunity to have this little session by the campfire again, just remember to always.........
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
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