Sunday, March 30, 2008

Newsletter 03/30/08


Hey Everybody,

Wow, the Law of Attraction has been working overtime for me the last few weeks and I hope that you have been experiencing the same kind of progress and development in your day to day life. Life is just such an adventure and, no matter what comes your way, you can always use it to your advantage if you just have the right mindset and enough faith. I would like to welcome back all my loyal readers and put out a big HELLO to all my new readers. As always, if you are new and want to read back editions or maybe you just missed one, all you have to do is go to either: (bottom left corner of the page)


********************* Success University *********************
What is the #1 reason that most marriages fail? What is the #1 reason that most kids can’t attend the University of their choice? What is the #1 reason that people, on average, spend more time with their Employer than they do with their own family? If you said MONEY you were exactly right !!! Now, isn’t that sad? What’s even sadder is that the money is there for the taking if you just know where to look and have the desire to do what you need to get it. I know of just such a place. It’s a place where you can not only solve your issues with money but can also make HUGE positive changes in your life !!! I know I did. And the great thing is that this place is just a mouse click away…..

I spend a lot of time talking to you about how to maintain your business more effectively. But, what about how to maintain your BUSINESS EQUIPMENT more effectively. Now, I’ve touched on a couple of specific areas in previous newsletters on computer maintenance but I was thinking today that I really just needed to put together a list of things to keep in mind that will have your computer spending a lot more time being TROUBLE FREE and giving you the performance that you expect WITHOUT the headaches !!!

Ten tips to keep your computer running smoothly:

1. Never, never turn your computer off with the power switch until Windows has shut down: The one exception to this rule is when your computer locks up and your hard drive is not running (hard drive light is not blinking). In this situation, you can turn the power off without harmful effects to the hard drive. Since shutting off the power manually can also result in lost data or Windows files, you should only do this when you ABSOLUTELY HAVE TOO !!!

2. I highly recommend that you purchase a UPS (uninteruptable power supply): This will keep your computer from crashing during power outages, and will also protect your computer from high and low voltage fluctuations which can easily cause permanent damage to your system. A UPS is much more superior to a surge protector and will save your computer from almost any type of power disaster.

3. Backup you data: ALWAYS back up any data you cannot afford to lose to at least two separate physical drives. So, backup data to external hard drives, flash drives, cd drives, etc. The time to backup is when you create something you can't afford to lose and back it up IMMEDIATELY !!!. Don't wait until tomorrow. Your computer is NOT going to warn you that it is about to crash !!!

4. Run Scandisk and Defragment at least once a month: This will keep your hard drive healthy and prevent crashes. The BEST thing to do is to purchase a Utilities program such as System Mechanic Professional and use it to keep your hard drive healthy.

5. Never unplug peripherals from the computer when it is powered up: Unplugging with the power on can short out the connector socket or the motherboard. The only exception to this rule is if you know a peripheral is "hot pluggable". If you do not know what "hot pluggable" means then ignore this exception because you have no business messing with it.

6. Keep at least 2 Gig of your C: drive free: This is for Windows to use. If you use Windows Me, Windows XP, or Windows Vista then you should have 2 Gig of free space on your C: drive. If you do not have enough free space you will choke Windows and it will start dumping data to your hard drive, or it will just get really, really, slow. Use the ADD/REMOVE tool in the Windows Control Panel to uninstall unneeded programs from your drive. You can also use drive cleaning tools included in the Utilities program you may have purchased to clean up your drive. If you do use this Utility or another hard drive cleaner, do not delete shared files unless you back them up. The cleaners do a rotten job of knowing if another program uses shared files.

7. Minimize the number of programs that load up when you start your computer: They use valuable memory and Windows Resources (Windows internal workspace). All programs in your Windows System Tray (in the lower right corner of your screen) are running on your computer. Close them if you don't need them or run them and configure them not to load when you boot up. Other programs running in the background can be found by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Delete at the same time. There is also a program I recommend called XP SMOKER if you use Windows XP. It is specifically designed to optimize Windows XP to it’s maximum performance capacity.

8. Use a virus checker regularly: Everyone should use a virus checker. The best type of protection is continuous monitoring from a dedicated anti-virus program like Iolo anti-virus, which is included in System Mechanic Professional.

9. If you have a high speed Internet connection you need a firewall program: A firewall program keeps those who want to hijack your computer from gaining access to it. You really don’t want someone else running your computer. I suggest you use Iolo’s Personal Firewall program, which is also included in System Mechanic Professional. Your firewall should boot up with your computer to protect it from invasion. Do not think you are safe from hackers!! Hackers use search programs to seek out computers at random. Get a firewall program and use it !!!

10. Keep track of the software you receive with your computer and new peripherals: This software contains valuable drivers and programs for Windows and is needed when Windows must be reloaded. Keep this software and your Windows software in a safe place !!! You never know when you will need them.

These tips are the methods that I use on an ongoing basis to make sure that all my computer usage is hassle and worry free. BELIEVE ME !!! You don’t want to neglect your computer. There are not many more unsettling feelings than to lose something VERY VALUABLE and sometimes irreplaceable on your computer and have nothing or nobody to blame but YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“The secret of education lies in respecting the pupil.”

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

In a previous newsletter I covered some information to help you maintain a healthy body. Well, I’m sure you are familiar with the theory of Humor being an excellent way to promote good health. I’ve always believed this but since my exposure to the Law of Attraction I have developed an unusually high level of interest in this Phenomenon. You see, I know and believe it is true but, being a VERY analytical person, I had to know WHAT it does to promote good health besides the healing of injuries and maladies !!! I went online and did some research and I think you will be surprised at what I found.

Did you know that people who laugh a lot on a regular basis have lower standing blood pressure than the average person? When people have a good laugh, initially the blood pressure increases, but then it decreases to levels below normal. Their breathing becomes deeper and this sends highly oxygenated blood and nutrients throughout the entire body.

How about this. Humor actually changes our bio-chemistry during the laugh. Laughter decreases stress hormones and increases the production of infection fighting antibodies.

Additionally, humor is VERY good for your heart !!! Laughter may help protect you against a heart attack, according to a study done at the University of Maryland Medical Center. The study, which is the first to indicate that laughter may help prevent heart disease, found that people with heart disease were 40 percent less likely to laugh in a variety of situations compared to people of the same age without heart disease.

Are you into fitness? Check this out. Laughter can be a great workout for your diaphragm, abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg, and back muscles. It massages abdominal organs, tones intestinal functioning, and strengthens the muscles that hold the abdominal organs in place. Not only does laughter give your midsection a workout, it can benefit digestion and absorption functioning as well. It is estimated that extended periods of continuous laughter can burn calories equivalent to several minutes on the rowing machine or the exercise bike.

Ok, how about it’s effects on that big muscle between your ears that RESPONDS to the incoming humor? Laughter stimulates both sides of the brain actually causing enhanced learning. It eases muscle tension and psychological stress, which keeps the brain alert and allows people to retain more information. I guess that explains why a good teacher that can make a subject humorous causes us to remember the material more efficiently.

Well, we have covered the Physical health benefits of humor but that is only the beginning. In short, I came into so much material on the Mental health benefits of laughter that I could not begin to do them justice in this newsletter. However, hopefully I have aroused enough interest and curiosity about this subject in general that you will pursue and obtain additional information on your own.

The point of all this is quite simple. Laughter is Fun and laughter is Healthy for you !!! How many things in the World meet both of those criteria ? In my experience, NOT NEARLY ENOUGH !!! Do yourself a favor. The next time you’re feeling a little under the weather or a little down……


“A person without a sense of humor is like a wagon without springs. It's jolted by every pebble on the road.”

- Henry Ward Beecher

Alright, looks like the clock has, once again, cut me no slack at all. It’s time to start packing it in for the night and getting ready for all the wonders and adventures waiting just around the corner. Monday’s are always fun. They are the “Catch up” day from the week-end and the “Head start” day for the rest of the week. So, all of you be sure and get a good night’s rest tonight and wake up with a smile and unwavering determination tomorrow morning. They will both serve you well. They do me !!! When you are in your bed tonight spend a few minutes being grateful for both what you have AND what you are about to receive. May the Good Lord bless and keep all of you until He affords us this opportunity again. In the meanwhile, always remember to….



Jeff Hodges


Skype ID : jeffhodges1

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Newsletter 03/23/08


Hey Everybody,

I hope this beautiful Easter Sunday has found each and every one of you reaching your goals and living your dreams. It’s Springtime and the air is filled with new life and new energy. I just can’t get enough of it. The grass is turning green, the trees are beginning to bud and I’m ready to take advantage of what Mother Nature has to offer. I would like to welcome all my regulars back and throw out the welcome mat to all my new readers. As always, if you are new and want to read the previous editions or maybe you just missed one, you can take care of that by going to either….. (bottom left corner of the page)


********************* Success University *********************
Jim Rohn is quoted as saying, “Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” There is a lot of truth in that. I have learned that from my own personal experiences. That’s why I choose to get my self-education at Success University. Success University is a place where the Best of the Best, like Jim Rohn, have come together as faculty members to bring you the absolute best in quality information and training !!! And, on top of that, you will earn an amazing residual income while you are learning. How much better can it get than that ??? Take is from me and go check out what Success University has to offer YOU !!!!!

Ok, so you have a web site and everybody is telling you that you just MUST have a landing page !!! Well, I must say that I agree BUT no advertising tool is effective if you don’t create and use it properly. So, I have put together a list of ten tips to take into consideration when creating and using your landing page. I hope you find them helpful.

1. First Impressions Matter: When a prospect scans your landing page, they decide in just a few seconds whether they are going to hang around and check things out or move on. When making this decision, they consider two things: “Does this page look hard or complicated?” and “Is this page relevant to my search?”. Design, copy, font size, and form length all influence the first. To influence the second, make sure your page (especially the headline) is directly geared toward the search criteria that most likely brought them to your site.

2. Have an Offer: Your landing page doesn’t need to sell your product, service, or company. It just needs to sell them on your offer. Focus your page around a single call to action, such as a free report or free sample. And don’t bore them to tears by trying to cram a bunch of information about your company onto the page. They’ll learn about all that after they click through.

3. No Navigation: This isn’t your home page, so don’t have a navigation bar there. Simpler pages almost always work better for lead generation. In eye tracking studies, the navigation draws attention away from your offer and conversion action. It’s tempting to leave those links just in case the visitor wants to dig through your site and learn more. Forget that. Your goal is to sell your offer, and the only thing those links can do is reduce your conversions. You can always share additional information after they convert on the thank you page or by your follow up emails in your auto responder.

4. Use Graphics Wisely: Graphics are the #1 thing that draws the eye. Use them carefully since the wrong graphic can distract from the offer and conversion. Two other tips: Let people click the graphics to get more info (visitors often click on graphics) and be sure to have a caption (besides the headline, captions are the most read copy on the page).

5. Make Your Content Scan-able: People don’t read landing pages, they scan them. Use bullets, if you can. Be sure your copy sells your offer when someone scans just the first three words of each bullet or paragraph. Bold your key words. Consider using things such as an audio clip or short video on your landing page. This can engage buyers who want more infomation without making the page look overwhelming.

6. Only Ask What You Really Need: Every field you ask to be filled in reduces your conversion rate, so collect as little information as you really need to route the lead and stay in touch. You can always collect more during your follow up process.

7. Capture Implicit Information: Use hidden fields to capture additional information about your leads. You can also use “click paths” to capture implicit information. For example, if you want to know the prospect’s occupation, add some navigation on the left that lists all the major occupations. This is different than your site navigation. Prospects are likely to click on the link for their occupation, so you can take them to an even more targeted landing page and capture their occupation as a hidden field.

8. Have Reasons to Give Valid Information: After conversion, don’t just hand the offer to the prospect, email it to them. This is a great method to ensure that you get a valid email address. Also, be sure to place a link to your privacy statement near the location where you ask for their information.

9. Say Thank You: After a customer converts, take them to a thank you page. This is important to track the conversion rate. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to deepen the relationship by making another offer, promoting your blog, asking for feedback, or running a poll. Up to 40% of prospects say they are willing to share additional information after they convert. Why not take advantage of that percentage and rack up all the available information that you can about them?

10. Test: Testing lets visitors vote with their actions, removing any doubt about what works and what doesn’t work. The most valuable things to test are the headline, graphic captions, the submit button, form length, and graphical elements.

Well, there you have it. These tips, properly applied (application is the key to effectiveness), should serve you well and help you to get the absolute MOST out of your landing page efforts. Lets’ face it, we have enough to do without wasting our time learning everything the hard way !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

“As technology advances, it reverses the characteristics of every situation again and again. The age of automation is going to be the age of DO IT YOURSELF.”

- Marshall McLuhan

Do any of you remember a movie called “Pay It Forward”? It was about a little boy who is caught up by an intriguing assignment from his new social studies teacher. The assignment: think of something that would change the world and put it into action. He conjures up the notion of paying a favor not back, but forward--repaying good deeds not with payback, but with new good deeds done to three new people. The idea being that if everyone involved sticks with the concept that in a very short period of time the World in general would be completely engulfed in doing good deeds for their fellow man/woman. How AWESOME of a concept is that !?!

The concept was described by Benjamin Franklin in a letter to Benjamin Webb, dated April 22, 1784:

“I do not pretend to give such a Sum; I only lend it to you. When you meet with another honest Man in similar Distress, you must pay me by lending this Sum to him; enjoining him to discharge the Debt by a like operation, when he shall be able, and shall meet with another opportunity. I hope it may thus go thro' many hands, before it meets with a Knave that will stop its Progress. This is a trick of mine for doing a deal of good with a little money.”

Think about this for a moment. In which way is the Greater Good served; by you Giving to those in need and the kindness ending there, by Loaning them that which they need and then burdening them with the chore of repaying that which they lacked to begin with OR Loaning them what they need with the repayment requirement being that, when it is within their capability to do so, they be required to show that kindness to another and another and another ???

Every time I think about this it just brings such joy to my heart. I’ve always been a giver but throughout most of my life, prior to being exposed to this concept, it always stopped there. I have been cheating the World out of countless acts of kindness until I came upon this new vision. Sometimes I think about what wonderful things could be accomplished if we could ever get the multitudes involved. There are a lot of people in this World that need help and there are equally large numbers of people that are in a position to give that help. How wonderful it would be to set the wheels in motion to cause them to cross paths !!!

The thing is that it isn’t about money !!! In fact, the vast majority of the time, these acts of kindness never have to even involve money. Your elderly neighbor may need you to change the tire on their car. They may not be able to change their own tire but they may be able to pay it forward by babysitting for a young mother that needs to go to work. That young mother may be able to pay it forward by tutoring a child that is experiencing educational challenges. It just goes on and on.

Folks, it can be really easy to get so wrapped up in your day to day business affairs that you don’t even see what’s going on around you. Sometimes I’m as guilty of that as the next person but we all need to work on that. We need to pause occasionally and look around us. Sometimes another person’s needs don’t just jump out at you. Sometimes you have to stop and take note of them. Believe me, if you want to be a help to somebody all you have to do is look around you. I can GUARANTEE you that you are SURROUNDED by people in need. I challenge each and every one of you to do that very thing daily. Believe me when I tell you that you never, never know when that person in need might be YOU !!!!!!!!!! So, PAY IT FORWARD….. It WILL find it’s way back to you !!!!

“When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving much advise, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.”

- Henri Nouwen

Well, I don’t know about you guys and gals but I’m about ready to relax and take in the rest of this beautiful Spring evening. It’s really amazing how the time flies when I’m visiting with all of you and equally amazing how the time flies until the next Sunday. I do LOVE sharing with you and will continue to do so as long as the Good Lord sees fit to make it possible. Here’s to a wonderful and prosperous new week for all of you !!! May each and every one of you reach your goals and live your dreams and until the Good Lord grants us this opportunity again just remember to always………



Jeff Hodges


Skype ID : jeffhodges1

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Newsletter 03/16/08


Hey Everybody,

It’s great to be back. I really missed my time together with all of you last week. I hope you have all had a wonderful and prosperous week and that you are realizing all your hopes and dreams. If you want it and believe that you can have it then you can. Just remember the three steps to having everything you want in life; Ask, Believe and Receive !!! It’s a simple but highly effective method of living your life. Those of you that live your life by the Law of Attraction already know what I’m talking about. Those of you that are not need to start applying it. I would like to welcome back all my long standing readers and welcome aboard all my new ones. As always, if you have missed an edition or are a new reader and want to read previous editions, all you have to do is go to either….. (bottom left corner of the page)


********************* Success University *********************
Let me ask you something. Why would ANYBODY get up before they wanted to so they could go somewhere they didn’t want to go to do something they didn’t want to do ??? The answers is BECAUSE THEY HAVE TO !!! But there is a cure for that particular illness. It’s called having your own business and calling all your own shots. I do it everyday and you can too. A little over a year ago I joined Success University and just this past October I parked that tractor trailer that had me prisoner for the last time. I have to tell you, it was a GREAT feeling !!! If you haven’t found that freedom in your life then you need to find it and it is no further away than Success University. Do yourself a favor for life. Go check it out at…

Well, it’s that time again Boys and Girls !!! Time to play with our favorite uncle….. Uncle Sam. Yes, the time of the year that we all look forward to and cherish every moment of. The thing is, when you are a Small Business owner you have an even more intimate relationship with your favorite uncle than most others do. It’s not that you’re cheap but you just don’t want to have to give him any more than you absolutely have too. I have spent a little time on-line poking around and I’ve put together a list of twelve of the more important Small Business tax tips.

DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a tax professional of any sort !!! This information is information that I found on the internet while doing research on the subject. It is very general in it’s description and you should consult a tax professional for a complete description of all these tips in regards to their use and your qualification to use them.

1) Home Office: The important thing to remember here is that you use the term "home office" the same way the IRS does. The tax agency says it must be a space devoted to your business and absolutely nothing else. Deducting the den where you keep the family computer which also serves as a guest bedroom won't fly with Uncle Sam. The deduction, however, isn't limited to a full room. Your home office can be part of a room. In order to determine just how much of the space is deductible you will need to measure your work area and divide by the square footage of your home. That percentage is the fraction of your home-related business expenses -- rent, mortgage, insurance, electricity, etc.-- that you can claim.

2) Office Supplies: Even if you don't take the home-office deduction, you can deduct the business supplies you buy. Hang onto those receipts, because these expenditures will offset your taxable business income. This includes everything from the ink cartridges to the postage stamps.

3) Furniture: When you purchase office furniture you have another tax-cutting opportunity. Office furniture purchases provide you with a couple of choices. Deduct 100 percent of the cost in the year of the purchase or deduct a portion of the expense over seven years. This is also known as depreciation.

4) Other Equipment: Items such as computers, copiers, fax machines and scanners are also a good source of acceptable tax deductions. As with furniture, you can take 100 percent up front or depreciate it, this time over five years.

5) Software and Subscriptions: Off-the-shelf software and industry related magazine subscriptions are fully deductible. Also, you can use the full price for the year purchased as opposed to having to depreciate them.

6) Mileage: At the end of the year, you have two choices. You can total the mileage and add in the tolls and parking to calculate your deduction. Once you have your mileage total, multiply it by the allowable mileage rate. Or you can measure your business usage against your personal driving and deduct that portion of your auto-related expenses. Remember to include gas, repairs and insurance. If you are leasing, include those payments. If you buying the car, factor in the interest on your loan and depreciation on your vehicle.
And if your company's office is at your house you can deduct the entire business-related mileage, from the minute you pull out of the driveway until you return home.

7) Travel, Meals, Entertainment and Gifts: Be sure and hang onto your travel expense receipts because the entire cost of the trip is tax deductible as long as the expenses are costs associated with life on the road (dry cleaning, rental cars and tipping the bellboy). The only exception is eating out. You can deduct only 50 percent of your meals while traveling. Likewise, the 50 percent rule applies to client entertainment except in the case of a gift which is completely tax deductible up to a certain limit.

8) Insurance Premiums: Self-employed health insurance premium costs are 100 percent deductible. This break primarily benefits proprietorships, but there are limits. The deduction can't be more than your business' net profit. And it's not allowed if you were eligible for other health care coverage, including that offered by your employed spouse's medical plan. You also can include some of the premiums you pay for long-term care insurance for yourself, your spouse or dependents. Do your homework on this tip folks !!!

9) Retirement Contributions: Are you self-employed and saving for your own retirement with a SEP-IRA or Keogh? Don't forget that these are tax deductible and that you need to deduct your contribution on your personal income tax return.

10) Social Security: If you're self-employed or starting a small business, you have to pay double the Social Security contributions you would as an employee. That's because federal law requires the employer pay half and the employee pay half. Self-employed workers are both. However, You can deduct half of the contribution on your 1040.

11) Telephone Charges: As a small business owner, 100 percent of all your business calls are deductible even when calling from home. Now, since most all homes have a phone anyway, regular fees and charges don't count toward your deduction. But if you have a second line installed and use it only for business, all of these charges are deductible.

12) Child Labor: There is no Social Security tax when you hire your child who is 17 or younger and you can deduct the salary as a business expense. This break is available, however, only if you operate as a sole proprietor or as a partnership in which you and your spouse are the only partners. If your business runs as a corporation, then it, not you, are considered the employer and the corporation is not relieved of the tax liabilities.

“Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not an alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a President and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country.”

- Franklin D. Roosevelt

I know that I spend a lot of time on the subject of Mindset and our thought processes but there is a very valid reason for that. Your mind controls every other aspect of your life. It decides if you are going to eat healthy or eat junk. It decides if you are going to drive recklessly or be safe. It decides if you are going to be a good parent and play an active role in your children’s lives or if you are going to just let them fend for themselves. And, it decides if you are going to KEEP ON KEEPING ON when the going gets tuff (and it WILL) in your business sometimes.

You know, if you don’t have perseverance then it doesn’t matter what other great qualities you have. You can have all the knowledge that there is to attain in the industry you work in. You can have the top-of-the-line product in your industry. You can have any and every advantage you can think of but if you don’t have perseverance then you are doomed !!! Now, why would I say such a thing.

I say it for this reason. No business has ever went from concept to all out success without going through some growing pains. The difference between the ones that made it through those growing pains and the ones that fell by the wayside is that the ones that made it had perseverance. They had that GET UP AND BRUSH THE DIRT OFF THEIR KNEES mentality. They looked their adversities in the eye and screamed, “IS THAT ALL YOU GOT ???”

I’m reminded of a fly. Just think about all of the qualities that a fly has and what is the one that comes mainly to mind? Well, have you ever tried to get rid of a fly? Have you ever successfully talked a fly into leaving you alone? Have you ever successfully discouraged a fly in any manner? Seriously, a fly gets on a mission and determines that SUCCESS is the only possible scenario. Even under the threat and possibility of DEATH the fly persists and persists, unyielding in it’s methods. Let’s look at Webster’s definition of perseverance:

Perseverance: steady persistence in a course of action, a purpose, a state, etc., esp. in spite of difficulties, obstacles, or discouragement.

Now, read that definition and tell me that there shouldn’t be a picture of a fly next to it !!! Ladies and Gentlemen, it has been said that getting from one mountain top to another involves traveling through a valley and that is quite obviously true. It’s easy to fall from one and often times a difficult climb to the top of the other. So, the next time you are in that valley and staring up at the next mountain top that you are tying to reach just pray a little prayer and ask for the perseverance of a fly !!!

“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.”

- Marie Curie

I have got to tell you that it feels so good to be doing what I love so much on a Sunday Night again !!! It felt like a part of me was missing when I didn’t get to hang out with all of you last week. With the help of the Good Lord that won’t happen again. Don’t forget, if there are any subjects that you would like me to cover or maybe you have a specific question that needs answering and the rest of the readers could benefit from that answer too, don’t hesitate to email me and let me know. Take care of yourselves everyone and until we get the chance to do this again next week by the Grace of God, just remember to always……



Jeff Hodges


Skype ID : jeffhodges1

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Newsletter 03/02/08


Hey Everybody,

I don’t know what it is doing in your part of the World but here today it broke the seventy degree mark for the first time this year. Warm and sunny weather is just so therapeutic !!! I couldn’t let it go to waste so I spent the majority of the day doing some long overdue visiting. Of course, riding with the window down and some good music playing made the trip that much more enjoyable. But, now it’s time to spend some quality time with all of you. So, as always, welcome back to all my regulars and welcome aboard to all the new comers. If you are new and want to read the back editions or if you just missed one you can find them all by going to either: (bottom left corner of the page)


********************* Success University *********************
It’s that time of year again !!! It’s time for the Success University Annual Leadership Conference. This year’s event is being held in London, England. You see, Success University is not just your average online business opportunity company. These people are all about Leadership and Support for their members. They go the EXTRA MILE. Now, being in over 175 countries and having become approximately 80,000 students strong, they continue to reach new levels of excellence and are showing the World that THEY MEAN BUSINESS !!! They even have a Special Promotion going on right now that will provide YOU with a FREE ticket to the event by simply having a few of your downline to purchase tickets. What’s that ??? You say you’re not a member ??? Well, then you need to finish reading this newsletter so you can go check them out at…….

Almost on a daily basis I get emails asking me what the best advertising methods are. I always tell people that there are no right or wrong methods. There are the methods that are best suited for you, based on your strengths and weaknesses in certain areas. For example, you may be a good talker but not know your way around the internet. Or, you may be a real computer geek but can’t carry on a conversation in person. However, there is another dimension to advertising and it is really the actual KEY to any and all kinds of advertising you may use. The KEY that I’m talking about is Psychology !!!

To be competent in advertising you must understand Human Psychology. You see, Human Nature is perpetual so the principles of psychology are basically unchanging. Therefore, once you learn them all you have to do is apply them to attain the desired results. All advertising is trial and error but the more you understand how people think the more error you will eliminate and the faster you will dramatically improve your results.

One of the most effective methods of advertising is the Curiosity Factor. People are naturally curious and when hooked with an exciting lead in or a catchy phrase, they are drawn in and want to know more. I must point out, however, that you should never confuse arousing curiosity with generating Hype !!! People are very burned out on hype and will run from it screaming !!! A good example of arousing curiosity without hype is stating a true fact about the product or service that is a real attention getter without actually telling them what the product or service is. Curiosity will take over at that point and they will check further into what you have to offer.

Next, never fall into the Cheapness Trap !!! People are not attracted by CHEAP. They have a very high level of a self deserving mindset and want quality because they feel deserving of only the very best. When people look to purchase something they have a tendency to judge it’s value by the price that is being charged for it. If it is something that is going to benefit them greatly in some way and you have it priced much too low the first thing they are going to do is assume that it is of low quality. Believe me, it is just as important to charge ENOUGH for your product or service and it is to not OVER CHARGE !!!

Another aspect to consider is the Guarantee you place on your product or service. In recent years the most popular method has been a Money Back Guarantee. The customer receives a written promise that if they are not happy with what you sell them that you will willingly and swiftly refund their money. Unfortunately, we live in a World of scams and rip offs so people are not very willing to let go of their money and HOPE they can get it back if they are not happy. Have YOU ever tried to get a refund from an online purchase ??? A more preferred method is to NOT take payment at the time of sale but rather let them try your product or service for a pre-determined amount of time then, if they are happy they pay and if not they return the item. If you are not comfortable letting it go without receiving payment then simply take their payment information and agree to not charge them until after the Trial Period. If they do not return it then you are assured of payment.

Be bold in the confidence you place on what you have to offer. But, be bolder in the manner in which you exhibit that confidence. Don’t be selfishly bold and talk only of how great your offer is. INSIST that they try your competitor’s offer. Show them that you know that your product or service will stand on it’s own merits. Most people will react to this type of approach by skipping the comparison purchase and going immediately for yours. They will deduce that if you are that confident of what you have that they will EVENTUALLY be buying yours anyway so they may as well start with the best.

These are just a few of the more important aspects of Human Psychology but there are far too many for me to be able to address in this newsletter. I just wanted to give you a basic idea of how important it is to get INSIDE THE HEADS of your potential customers. I’m not implying that you should go out and take a college course on the subject but I do recommend that you expose yourself to as much of this aspect of the sales process as possible. It all comes down to one basic idea. It’s not just what you say but, rather, HOW YOU SAY IT !!!

“The mind is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled.”

- Plutarch

“Iron rusts from disuse; water loses its purity from stagnation ... even so does inaction sap the vigour of the mind.”

- Leonardo da Vinci

Ok, allow me to take this opportunity to catch all of you a little off guard. It just came to me today that it has been sixty days since the beginning of the New Year. Guess what that means. That means that you are sixty days into your New Years’ Resolutions !!! That’s right, just sixty short days ago you made yourself a LOT of promises. The question is, how many of them have you made good on ???

You see, the average person, at the end of sixty days will have defaulted on 95% of their New Year’s Resolutions. That is a staggering statistic and one we should NOT be very proud of. Think about that for a moment. Every year we make countless promises to ourselves that are doomed for failure. Now, what you need to do right now is take a little personal inventory and determine if YOU are a statistic !!!

The first thing you need to do is get out your list of resolutions. You DID write them down, right ??? The first rule of Goal Setting, which is basically what a resolution is, is to WRITE THEM DOWN !!! Now, go down the list one at a time. Read each one out loud and evaluate where you stand on that particular one. No gray area. No excuses. No justification of failure. Just plain and simply, if it should have been completed by now, IS IT ??? If it was not scheduled for completion yet, ARE YOU ACTUALLY ON TRACK ???

Ok, now take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Of the ones that you are falling short on, it is VERY important that you accept FULL RESPONSIBILITY for the fact that you missed the mark. This is an essential part of getting it right the next time. If you try to blame something or someone else then, instead of doing it differently on the next attempt, you will simply eliminate what you are blaming for the failure and repeat your unsuccessful methods again. Now, don’t make me remind you of what Einstein said about his definition of Insanity !!!

Next, take a look at the ones that you DID accomplish or ARE on track with. I want you to take them to the next level. Remember, you are NEVER as good or as successful as you can be. There is always room for improvement. Hold yourself to a higher standard. If you set certain physical fitness goals and attained them then set stricter ones for next time. If you set certain financial goals and attained them then add a zero next time. I think you get the point. Never become stagnant in your development. Always see yourself as a work in progress. Always keep the mindset that success is not a Destination but rather a Journey through the Universe of your life, never ending and magnificent !!!

What ever you do, take this as a learning experience. If you have been predominantly successful in your Resolutions then intensify your efforts and achieve greatness. If you fell a little short, be firm but not hard on yourself. You should never punish yourself for any level of failure. Accepting the responsibility of the failure and responding to it by aspiring to do better next time will serve you much better than coming down on yourself. Always remember, A SET BACK IS A SET UP FOR A COMEBACK !!!

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experiences of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired and success achieved.”

- Helen Keller

“Those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly.”

- John F. Kennedy

As usual, the time has just flown by. It seems like I just sat down here a few minutes ago when, in fact, I have been here for quite a while. That’s what happens when you are so involved in and enjoying what you are doing. It is always a joy as well as a learning experience and I eagerly await each week reaching this point. Each week it is my hope that I have helped someone in some way. If anyone ever has any suggestions for something you would like for me to cover just let me know. I will be happy to accommodate all of you in that respect. Well, I’m off to bed. Tomorrow and all it’s adventures and challenges are waiting just around the corner. So, until the Good Lord let’s us do this again next week just remember to always………………….



Jeff Hodges


Skype ID : jeffhodges1