Hey Everybody,
Here we are again, gathered together to share Life’s adventures, lesson’s learned and plan for Tomorrow to make it the way we want it. Winston Churchill said, “We create our own Universe as we go along.” And, he was ABSOLUTELY RIGHT !!! You should start each day by accepting the fact that you are where you are because YOU attracted the events into YOUR Life that put you there. Good or bad, our Lives are what we have made them to this point. Sometimes it’s a rough pill to swallow but I take one with my daily vitamins every morning. I would like to Welcome Back all my regulars and Welcome Home all my new readers. As always, if you missed an edition or are new and want to read back editions you can by simply going to …
********************* Success University *********************
If I gave you an UNLIMITED number of FREE memberships to a program that teaches Success and Wealth Principles (Including 175 Training Audios and Videos worth almost $2,000.00 !!!) how many of them do you think that YOU could GIVE AWAY ??? If you just thought to yourself, “I can probably give away a bunch of them", then you now realize how simple this business is and why so many people are having unprecedented success with it. Listen, I know that this Program works because in just my first 10 months I was able to QUIT MY JOB and go FULL TIME simply by posting free and low cost ads online and being Coachable and Trainable. And, I didn't have any advantage over you !!! I was just a REGULAR JOE. Now, when you throw in the fact that we donate the $2 that we charge for our 14 day Trial Membership to an International Children’s Charity how can you go wrong ??? Don’t waste another minute. Go see what I found that has LITERALLY transformed my Life !!!
Today instead of hitting this edition from the teaching angle I want to take this opportunity to show all of you a couple of things that I have recently come across. I just feel that it is my obligation to share the things that I find that can be of some value to all of you. Am I going to make money from it ??? OF COURSE I AM !!! But, that’s the whole point !!! Yes, I’m going to make money if you participate BUT SO ARE YOU !!! I run across things and get sent things by others on a DAILY basis but I turn my nose up to the majority of them because they are junk. The things that I bring to the table here are things that I have researched, tried and am actually GETTING RESULTS from. Believe me, I’m far too busy to waste my time with things that are not profitable.
The first thing I want to share with you is a new Social Networking site. As we all know, Social Networking is the latest CRAZE in business and relationship building. Just look at Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, etc. But, this site is FAR from average. The really cool thing about it is that you can join for FREE, there are NEVER any upgrades or fees and you make money simply by logging on a certain number of times a month. The way this works is simple. They sell advertising on the site. The advertisers want there ads SEEN so they want visitors to the site. By becoming a member and logging in plus referring others to do the same thing you are GUARANTEEING the advertisers that their ads are being seen. In return, the site is taking a chunk of their advertising revenues and paying it back to the FREE members. How much easier could it possibly get ??? Here’s the link for it:
The next thing I want to share with you is a site that has compiled a MASSIVE listing of FREEBIES !!! You know what I mean, like when a company gives away free samples of there product to get you to try it and hopefully become a customer. I know you’ve seen the ads where Purina will send you a 4 lb bag of dog food for free just for the asking. Well, this company has taken it to the next level. Not only can you get access to LITERALLY thousands of FREE GOODIES for a monthly member ship fee of only $10 but they have incorporated a revenue sharing program so that you can make a passive income in the process. My very first day after paying my $10 I was able to download and print a coupon that paid me $25 just to go test drive a brand new Ford Mustang Saleen !!! That one item alone caused me to break even on the monthly fee and cleared me a $15 profit !!! Additionally, this company is set up as a 5 x 7 forced matrix and pays you $1 a month for EVERY active member in your group in addition to the percentage of revenue you will receive every month. BUT… Even if this company DIDN’T have a compensation plan, wouldn’t you be just a little bit CRAZY to not pay $10 a month to have access to THOUSANDS of freebies that range from FREE appetizers at your favorite restaurant to FREE 2 gig flash drives to $25 GIFT CERTIFICATES and more ???
Now, for the REALLY great news !!! My group and I are advocates of PAY IT FORWARD. We believe in what Zig Ziglar says, “If you want to get what you want in Life all you have to do is help enough other people get what they want.” In keeping with that Spirit and based on the 5 x 7 matrix that this company is set up as, we each are paying our first level of 5 new members there $10 dollars back for their first month of membership. But I’m taking that one step further. I’m paying the $10 back to EVERYONE that signs up under me !!! That’s right, you go sign up and pay your $10. I’ll PayPal you the $10 dollars back. Then you can either stay and work this thing for all it’s worth while continuing our tradition (If you will, we can’t make you…) or you can stay for 30 days ON US, take advantage of ALL the freebies you can get your hands on and then just cancel. How in the World could you possibly go wrong there ??? But, then again, if you’re making money on top of it, WHY QUIT ??? Anyway, here’s the link for it:
Folks, I spend HOURS a week finding, checking out and implementing these type things. Then I pass them on to you either via this newsletter or on my Favorite Links page of my website. Yes, some of these things are Nickel and Dime stuff but guess what ??? You get enough of these Nickel and Dime things going and you end up like me, sitting on my butt in my house everyday instead of getting up every morning, going to work at a JOB and making SOMEBDOY ELSE’S dreams come true !!! Do the smart thing, go take a look at these two and you’ll see the potential for a passive income, some great FREE stuff and a boost to your Social Networking efforts in your business !!!
“Property may be destroyed and money may lose its purchasing power; but character, health, knowledge and good judgment will always be in demand under all conditions.”
- Roger Babson
It has been my experience that the problem with people and the opportunities in their Life is NOT that they don’t have any come their way but rather two things; First, they don’t recognize them and second, they are fearful of them when they do. This fear has a DEVASTATING on their ability to act on them and often eliminates the opportunity completely !!!
Since not recognizing an Opportunity seems to be the first problem, let’s first look at the definition of an Opportunity:
1. an appropriate or favorable time or occasion: Their meeting afforded an opportunity to exchange views.
2. a situation or condition favorable for attainment of a goal.
3. a good position, chance, or prospect, as for advancement or success.
Ok, now that we have that out of the way let’s cover the worst of the two problems; Fear to pursue the opportunity. I was reading an article online today and it was talking about some very unlikely success stories but success stories all the same. The reason that they were deemed unlikely was that they were so NOT OBVIOUS in their very nature that the average person would probably have never put enough faith in the idea OR themselves to pursue them and, consequently, we as a People would have never had the benefit of what they had stumbled across.
I had two particular favorites out of the bunch. The first one was two very unassuming college kids by the name of Josh Abramson and Ricky Van Veen. They came up with the idea of setting up a website to trade jokes back and forth while they attended different colleges. While this may not seem like an Opportunity to you, they put a little faith in themselves, went with their heart despite the ridicule of their friends and now have a thriving website that boasts over 8 MILLION Unique Visitor a month !!! My other favorite will be much more relatable to most of you. Richard and Betty James, a Navy tool worker and homemaker, saw a collective LIGHT BULB go off in their heads when they witnessed the simple act of a coil spring falling off a table. I wonder how many of you already know how their lives changed after that. Can you say, “250 Million Slinkys sold !!!” ??? I wonder how many people told them that they were crazy, that it was a stupid idea, that they were wasting their time and effort, etc. ?
What I’m getting at here is that you could be FLOODED with Opportunities in your Life but if you don’t have the foresight and vision to recognize them and the Fearlessness to GO FOR IT then the chances are that those Opportunities are going to pass you by !!! Stay alert, be open and be willing to step outside that comfort zone and take some REASONABLE risks to make your dreams com true. Look where THEY are now because they did…..
“The Chinese use two brush strokes to write the word 'crisis.' One brush stroke stands for danger; the other for opportunity. In a crisis, be aware of the danger - but recognize the opportunity.”
- Richard M. Nixon
It never ceases to amaze me where the time goes. It’s time to call it a night once again. But, as we all know, tomorrow will be full of new Life, new adventures and NEW OPPORTUNITIES !!! I hope you will take advantage of ALL of them. I know I will be. If you use the Intellect, the Passion and the Courage God gave you there is NOTHING in this Life that you can’t have, do or be. Until He graces us with each other’s presence again, just remember to always…
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
The purpose of this blog is to create a community of like minded people pursuing their dreams and sharing the wealth of information that they collectively have. "None of us are as smart as ALL of us".
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Newsletter 06/08/08
Hey Everybody,
Wow, It’s great to be back talking with all of you !!! It seems like forever since we had this time together. But, all things happen for a reason and I must admit that the last few weeks have been very transformational for me. Many things have been completed and many new projects have hit the table. All that having been said, I’ve missed all of you and it’s great to be back at the keyboard. I would like to welcome back all my long time readers and welcome home all my new readers. As always, if you have missed an edition or if you are new and want to read the previous editions you can by simply going to:
(I will NO LONGER be archiving my newsletters on my personal site. There really is no need for it since you can go to my blogspot account and read it there.)
********************* Success University *********************
There is a quote that I always refer to when people tell me that they don’t think they would be good at Network Marketing. It goes like this, “You don’t have to be Great to start BUT you do have to start to be Great !!!” That’s why at Success University we have the inexperienced marketer in mind as well as the seasoned veteran. Nobody woke up one morning and was a great Network Marketer. It takes work, it takes dedication and it takes time but what in Life that is worth anything doesn’t ??? What we have to offer you besides the benefits of Personal Development and besides the Awesome compensation plan is the SUPPORT and TEAM ATMOSPHERE that is an absolute necessity to anyone’s Success !!! We have all been there at the starting line and none of us have forgotten what it feels like. That’s why when we say that we will be there for you and help you MAKE IT HAPPEN we really mean it. Do yourself a favor, don’t waste another day making someone else’s dreams come true !!! See what we have for you…
Every day I work with people helping them to build their online business and many of these people are just committing to an online business for the first time in their entire lives. Consequently, many of them have come into their respective businesses with a lot of misconceptions and bad information. Because of this, they often times have a skewed view of what they can do and how they can do it on the internet. They are often times disillusioned about how easy or hard their business is going to be and what they can expect in the way of success. Now, some of you are already in business for yourself on the internet and will have first hand experience at what I’m going to go over but many of you are either just starting an online business or possibly still in the deciding stage. The following segment is geared primarily toward you folks but I may possibly also generate a WAKE UP CALL for a few others. The following paragraphs are going to be Advantages/Disadvantages of an internet business.
1. LOTS OF OPPORTUNITY: The Internet reaches a World-Wide audience with a wide variety of interests. There are countless niches on which you can focus your vision.
HARD WORK AND LONG HOURS: Building a successful business, whether online or offline, requires a great deal of effort. Patience, persistence and determination are all essential qualities.
2. IT’S EXCITING !!!: If you love change and unpredictability, not to mention a good challenge, the internet is one of the best places to be.
ALWAYS CHANGING: What works online today just might not work tomorrow. You need the ability to adapt to changes, keep up with the times and move forward.
3. THE INTERNET IS EVER GROWING: Every day more and more people are getting connected to the internet. As time goes by, people are getting increasingly comfortable with making their purchases on the internet as well. That’s definitely a big a plus for you as an online merchant.
WAY TOO MUCH HYPE !!!: You are going to find many misleading promises and outright bad information on the internet that will try to sell you on the idea that there really are so-called “MAGIC BULLETS or SECRETS” to making money on the internet. There isn’t. Only many long hours of trying different marketing techniques to see which ones work for YOU will make sales for you.
4. THE POSSIBILITY OF LESS TIME FOR MONEY: Some kinds of online businesses can be automated to a certain extent so automation, later after you are up and running, can usually give you a much more unrestrictive lifestyle.
NOT THE PATH TO EASY RICHES: Contrary to what you may have heard or read, the internet is NOT the path to quick, easy money and many people DO go broke in that pursuit. There is no guarantee of success with an online business any more than there is with a regular business.
5. ONLINE TESTING, RESEARCH AND MARKETING IS RELATIVELY CHEAP: There is so much you can do on the internet with little or no money. You just have to spend a little time looking around to find it but it will be time well spent when you factor in how much you saved by finding it.
“IF YOU BUILD IT THEY WILL COME” - MYTH: Your web page is going to be one out of literally BILLIONS of other sites out there, many with content about the same thing as yours is about. You have to learn how to not only get people to you site but how to get the RIGHT people to your site, while in competition with all the other sites of similar content.
6. FLEXIBILITY: Since you are working from home and on your computer you get to call the shots. You work when you want, how you want and only IF you want !!!
BEING PERSISTENT IS THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL PREVAIL: There is tremendous amounts you will need to learn in order to be successful online. It’s very easy to give up and start jumping from one online business to the next looking for that PERFECT one. But, if you keep starting over you will NEVER be successful or make any money online.
Now, I could drone on and on if I wanted to but, in addition to making some very valid SPECIFIC points, I also wanted to make the general point that there is MUCH to be considered when you are making the decision to be or not to be an online marketer as well as the decision as to whether to continue being one or not. I hope this has served to give you a little more insight into the world of Online Entrepreneurship !!!
“Most new jobs won’t come from our biggest employers. They will come from our smallest. We’ve got to do everything we can to make entrepreneurial dreams a reality.”
- Ross Perot
Let me ask you something. When was the last time you were young again ??? Yes, you read that right. When was the last time that you rewound the tape and remembered what life was like before it got so complicated ??? You know, the hustle and bustle of day to day life, the job or business, the endless stream of errands on your day off, the Parent/Teacher conferences, the never-ending TO DO list around the house….. I think you get the picture.
Try this little eye opening experiment. Now, some of you are going to far better than others at this and if you are I applaud you. As for the rest of you, PUT ON YOUR SEATBELT !!! I want you to close your eyes and go through an entire week in your mind. In order for this to work you need to really be detail oriented. Start on Monday morning from the time you get up in the morning until you go to bed at night. Repeat this process for the remainder of the week and then go through your average weekend. As you are going through this process I want you to do one other thing. Every time one of the items has anything to do with Joy, Happiness, Playfulness, Silliness, Pretending, Imagining or just being plain CARE FREE I want you to make a note of that item. Are some of you getting worried already ???
As always, there is a method to my madness here. Look at your week and see how many times you were in one of those categories. Did it scare you ??? You see, at some point in everyone’s Life for some unexplainable reason our efforts at responsibility, productivity and all around Success cause us to become “OLD” !!!!! Now, allow me to explain something here. There are two types of old. Those two types are your body and your heart. We won’t cover the body here today.
It’s a strange process, this “old age of the heart”. Nobody sees it coming and nobody seems to try to do anything about it after it arrives. It’s like it’s an accepted part of being grown up. I, myself, have had to do battle with this very formidable enemy. It’s no easy battle but it IS a battle you can win !!! You see, being successful and responsible doesn’t have to take the joy and fun out of Life. It doesn’t have to make you OLD !!! Each should compliment the other, both sides being a necessary component of the Life equation.
I spend a lot of time at the park walking, listening to good motivational audios and working on materials for my projects. Sometimes I’ll just sit there and pick out a child or a young teenage couple and just watch them for a while. As I watch, I go back in my mind to a time that I was their age and relive all those fond moments THROUGH them. It’s a very POWERFUL experience. I always leave feeling happy and refreshed. Try it sometime. You’ll be AMAZED !!!
Folks, Life is meant to be a BLAST, not a drudgery. We can’t stop the hands of time in a general sense but we CAN prevent them from choking us around the neck !!! However, we CAN turn back the hands of time in our hearts and make Life FUN again. Reclaim your youth, denounce the “old age of the heart” mentality and live Life like the Adventure that it is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
- Sophia Loren
Well, it’s about time for me to wrap things up here. Tomorrow is a new day which I am confident will be filled with new adventures and new challenges. I look forward to one just as much as the other because, while one may be more enjoyable than the other, they are both a necessity in order for me to be able to grow to my fullest potential and so goes the same for each and every one of you. Remember what Jim Rohn said…
"Don’t wish it was easier; wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems; wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges; wish for more wisdom."
It’s great to be with all of you again. Take care and God Bless. Until we have this opportunity again, just remember to…
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Hey Everybody,
Wow, It’s great to be back talking with all of you !!! It seems like forever since we had this time together. But, all things happen for a reason and I must admit that the last few weeks have been very transformational for me. Many things have been completed and many new projects have hit the table. All that having been said, I’ve missed all of you and it’s great to be back at the keyboard. I would like to welcome back all my long time readers and welcome home all my new readers. As always, if you have missed an edition or if you are new and want to read the previous editions you can by simply going to:
(I will NO LONGER be archiving my newsletters on my personal site. There really is no need for it since you can go to my blogspot account and read it there.)
********************* Success University *********************
There is a quote that I always refer to when people tell me that they don’t think they would be good at Network Marketing. It goes like this, “You don’t have to be Great to start BUT you do have to start to be Great !!!” That’s why at Success University we have the inexperienced marketer in mind as well as the seasoned veteran. Nobody woke up one morning and was a great Network Marketer. It takes work, it takes dedication and it takes time but what in Life that is worth anything doesn’t ??? What we have to offer you besides the benefits of Personal Development and besides the Awesome compensation plan is the SUPPORT and TEAM ATMOSPHERE that is an absolute necessity to anyone’s Success !!! We have all been there at the starting line and none of us have forgotten what it feels like. That’s why when we say that we will be there for you and help you MAKE IT HAPPEN we really mean it. Do yourself a favor, don’t waste another day making someone else’s dreams come true !!! See what we have for you…
Every day I work with people helping them to build their online business and many of these people are just committing to an online business for the first time in their entire lives. Consequently, many of them have come into their respective businesses with a lot of misconceptions and bad information. Because of this, they often times have a skewed view of what they can do and how they can do it on the internet. They are often times disillusioned about how easy or hard their business is going to be and what they can expect in the way of success. Now, some of you are already in business for yourself on the internet and will have first hand experience at what I’m going to go over but many of you are either just starting an online business or possibly still in the deciding stage. The following segment is geared primarily toward you folks but I may possibly also generate a WAKE UP CALL for a few others. The following paragraphs are going to be Advantages/Disadvantages of an internet business.
1. LOTS OF OPPORTUNITY: The Internet reaches a World-Wide audience with a wide variety of interests. There are countless niches on which you can focus your vision.
HARD WORK AND LONG HOURS: Building a successful business, whether online or offline, requires a great deal of effort. Patience, persistence and determination are all essential qualities.
2. IT’S EXCITING !!!: If you love change and unpredictability, not to mention a good challenge, the internet is one of the best places to be.
ALWAYS CHANGING: What works online today just might not work tomorrow. You need the ability to adapt to changes, keep up with the times and move forward.
3. THE INTERNET IS EVER GROWING: Every day more and more people are getting connected to the internet. As time goes by, people are getting increasingly comfortable with making their purchases on the internet as well. That’s definitely a big a plus for you as an online merchant.
WAY TOO MUCH HYPE !!!: You are going to find many misleading promises and outright bad information on the internet that will try to sell you on the idea that there really are so-called “MAGIC BULLETS or SECRETS” to making money on the internet. There isn’t. Only many long hours of trying different marketing techniques to see which ones work for YOU will make sales for you.
4. THE POSSIBILITY OF LESS TIME FOR MONEY: Some kinds of online businesses can be automated to a certain extent so automation, later after you are up and running, can usually give you a much more unrestrictive lifestyle.
NOT THE PATH TO EASY RICHES: Contrary to what you may have heard or read, the internet is NOT the path to quick, easy money and many people DO go broke in that pursuit. There is no guarantee of success with an online business any more than there is with a regular business.
5. ONLINE TESTING, RESEARCH AND MARKETING IS RELATIVELY CHEAP: There is so much you can do on the internet with little or no money. You just have to spend a little time looking around to find it but it will be time well spent when you factor in how much you saved by finding it.
“IF YOU BUILD IT THEY WILL COME” - MYTH: Your web page is going to be one out of literally BILLIONS of other sites out there, many with content about the same thing as yours is about. You have to learn how to not only get people to you site but how to get the RIGHT people to your site, while in competition with all the other sites of similar content.
6. FLEXIBILITY: Since you are working from home and on your computer you get to call the shots. You work when you want, how you want and only IF you want !!!
BEING PERSISTENT IS THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL PREVAIL: There is tremendous amounts you will need to learn in order to be successful online. It’s very easy to give up and start jumping from one online business to the next looking for that PERFECT one. But, if you keep starting over you will NEVER be successful or make any money online.
Now, I could drone on and on if I wanted to but, in addition to making some very valid SPECIFIC points, I also wanted to make the general point that there is MUCH to be considered when you are making the decision to be or not to be an online marketer as well as the decision as to whether to continue being one or not. I hope this has served to give you a little more insight into the world of Online Entrepreneurship !!!
“Most new jobs won’t come from our biggest employers. They will come from our smallest. We’ve got to do everything we can to make entrepreneurial dreams a reality.”
- Ross Perot
Let me ask you something. When was the last time you were young again ??? Yes, you read that right. When was the last time that you rewound the tape and remembered what life was like before it got so complicated ??? You know, the hustle and bustle of day to day life, the job or business, the endless stream of errands on your day off, the Parent/Teacher conferences, the never-ending TO DO list around the house….. I think you get the picture.
Try this little eye opening experiment. Now, some of you are going to far better than others at this and if you are I applaud you. As for the rest of you, PUT ON YOUR SEATBELT !!! I want you to close your eyes and go through an entire week in your mind. In order for this to work you need to really be detail oriented. Start on Monday morning from the time you get up in the morning until you go to bed at night. Repeat this process for the remainder of the week and then go through your average weekend. As you are going through this process I want you to do one other thing. Every time one of the items has anything to do with Joy, Happiness, Playfulness, Silliness, Pretending, Imagining or just being plain CARE FREE I want you to make a note of that item. Are some of you getting worried already ???
As always, there is a method to my madness here. Look at your week and see how many times you were in one of those categories. Did it scare you ??? You see, at some point in everyone’s Life for some unexplainable reason our efforts at responsibility, productivity and all around Success cause us to become “OLD” !!!!! Now, allow me to explain something here. There are two types of old. Those two types are your body and your heart. We won’t cover the body here today.
It’s a strange process, this “old age of the heart”. Nobody sees it coming and nobody seems to try to do anything about it after it arrives. It’s like it’s an accepted part of being grown up. I, myself, have had to do battle with this very formidable enemy. It’s no easy battle but it IS a battle you can win !!! You see, being successful and responsible doesn’t have to take the joy and fun out of Life. It doesn’t have to make you OLD !!! Each should compliment the other, both sides being a necessary component of the Life equation.
I spend a lot of time at the park walking, listening to good motivational audios and working on materials for my projects. Sometimes I’ll just sit there and pick out a child or a young teenage couple and just watch them for a while. As I watch, I go back in my mind to a time that I was their age and relive all those fond moments THROUGH them. It’s a very POWERFUL experience. I always leave feeling happy and refreshed. Try it sometime. You’ll be AMAZED !!!
Folks, Life is meant to be a BLAST, not a drudgery. We can’t stop the hands of time in a general sense but we CAN prevent them from choking us around the neck !!! However, we CAN turn back the hands of time in our hearts and make Life FUN again. Reclaim your youth, denounce the “old age of the heart” mentality and live Life like the Adventure that it is !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
- Sophia Loren
Well, it’s about time for me to wrap things up here. Tomorrow is a new day which I am confident will be filled with new adventures and new challenges. I look forward to one just as much as the other because, while one may be more enjoyable than the other, they are both a necessity in order for me to be able to grow to my fullest potential and so goes the same for each and every one of you. Remember what Jim Rohn said…
"Don’t wish it was easier; wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems; wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges; wish for more wisdom."
It’s great to be with all of you again. Take care and God Bless. Until we have this opportunity again, just remember to…
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
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