Hello Everybody,
First of all, I would like to thank all of you for your kind calls and emails wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving. I wish the same for each and every one of you. It is a time of the year that seems to bring out the best in people, sometimes even people that would otherwise not exactly be the essence of right thinking. Welcome to both my regular readers and, also, my newcomers to the newsletter. It’s nice to have all of you join me by the fire. As always, if you have missed an issue or if you are new and want to read my previous editions, just go to either: (bottom left corner of page)
********************** Success University *********************
Wow !!! That’s all I can say. Every day this phenomenal company grows by leaps and bounds. The good news for all of you is that it still has not reached momentum. What’s that? You say you don’t know what momentum is? Well, allow me to educate you. There are four phases that ANY network marketing company goes through, irregardless of the nature of their business. Those phases are Formulation, Concentration, Momentum and Stabilization. Momentum is the phase where everything just TAKES OFF!!! It is the phase where over night millionaires are made. Success University is just a few months away from momentum. I just have one question for you…….. WHERE WILL YOU BE WHEN IT HAPPENS ???
I have spent a lot of my life traveling and, let me tell you, after a few hundred miles it can get tough to keep yourself entertained. You can only listen to so much music, so much talk radio and play so many travel games in your head before you need a break. Sometimes I just shut everything off, set the cruise and actually take in the scenery. A part of that scenery is billboards.
I was driving across Arkansas a few weeks ago just checking out the billboards. I like to do this because it amazes me the different ways that they come up with to convey the idea behind their product or service. Being in marketing myself, I’m always on the look out for new and innovative ways to promote my own business. Then I came across one that just really grabbed my attention. It was simply a picture of a field of corn and these three words……. PLAN, PLANT, PROSPER.
You know, that applies to a lot more than growing corn. It applies to you and your business. Think about it. In my mind these are the three key elements to running a successful business. And sadly, I think that the vast majority of business owners out there don’t apply them. The reason I say that is because I handle the support for the team in my business and the proof is in the calls and emails that I deal with on a daily basis. If they were implementing these three elements, most of them would not have needed my help.
Let’s examine these elements for a moment:
PLAN - This is the most important and most neglected of the three. Look around you. Look at the highways, the buildings, anything you can see that started as an idea. Do you think the people that built the school that your kids go to just showed up one day with a load of 2 x 4’s and a bucket of nails then just started nailing things together? Of course not. Months and months of planning and research went into those things. The same is true of your business. I don’t know how many people I get emails from on a daily basis that have spent hundreds of dollars and literally months of time on various forms of advertising THEN email me wanting to know what to use to promote their business because they are going broke slinging money at everything that comes along. If they had researched and planned they would have saved a lot of time and certainly a lot of money.
PLANT - The next thing is that even when people do get a plan together they fail miserably when it comes time to put it into action. I have never been able to figure it out. I have known people that are on every training call and read all the materials but just can’t seem to get their motor running. In all likelihood, it is a form of FEAR OF FAILURE but that is something that they should have dealt with in the planning stages. It does no good to have a PERFECT plan if you won’t go when the light turns green. The only way you ever get results at anything in life is to take action. Great battle plans never won a war but going out there and implementing them did. Just ask Patton or McArthur.
PROSPER - Here is where a lot of people REALLY drop the ball !!! Listen, I’m going to get right in your face with this one. You can have the best business in the world, the best compensation plan in the world, be the best at what you do and if you don’t have the brains to take your earnings and use it to further your business by investing and increasing your marketing efforts because you are too busy KEEPING UP WITH THE JONES’S……. YOU WILL FAIL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! “Fake it till you make it” DOES NOT mean that Little Johnny just must have a bigger four wheeler than the neighbor’s kid. It doesn’t mean that you need to blow money on a new car because the one you have now doesn’t fold your laundry for you. You need to stay focused and use wisdom. The sad fact is that MOST lottery winners are broke five years later. People, that is ABSOLUTE INSANITY !!!! And it’s no different with your business. I you begin turning a profit and go on a spending spree and fall on your face, to be honest with you….. YOU DESERVE IT !!! You are not ready to go out blowing cash until you have reached a point that, if you needed to, you could live on the interests from your investments alone. Enjoy your life and enjoy your success but not until AFTER you can afford to and AFTER you have your business growing at a rate that can outrun your spending habits !!!
So, take a moment and evaluate your own situation. Do you have a plan? Is that plan well thought out and based on adequate research? Are you ready to take action? Are you ready to go do what you planned to do? And, when the fruits of your labors begin coming in (and they will if you properly utilized the first two elements) are you prepared to exercise restraint and wisdom in the use of those fruits? Will you use your fruits to plant more seeds? It’s up to you………..
“He does not posses wealth that allows it to possess him.”
- Benjamin Franklin
What is it about growing up that causes us to lose our ability to dream? When exactly does that happen? Think back to when you were a kid. If somebody asked you what you were going to be when you grew up you didn’t even hesitate. You would spout off something like, “I’m gonna be a doctor” or “I’m gonna be a policeman”. You never let it cross your mind that there was a possibility that you were not going to become that person.
Then you grew up. You began to cater to concepts like failure, doubt and impossibilities. This has been the breakdown in the course of life for far too many people. It has shattered hopes and taken away dreams. So, why do we let it happen to us? Why do we accept those terms for our lives? Why do we spend our childhood living in the land of Possibility only to end up living in the land of Pessimism?
Because most people have a misguided idea of what reality is. Most people think that their present reality is JUST THE WAY IT IS. They don’t understand that they create their reality. Winston Churchill said, “We create our Universe as we go along”. He understood that the power we all had as children still exists in our adult lives. He understood that if you could suppress the idea that life is the hand you get dealt and that you control your future with right thinking, you really could make dreams come true.
I challenge you to do something you probably haven’t done in a long, long time. I challenge you to do something that, if you do with all your heart and all your childlike nature, will make dramatic changes in your life. I challenge you to take time to dream. When you go to bed tonight and the next night and the next night and just dream. Forget about everything else. Visualize your life as you want it to be. No obstacles or restrictions exist. Picture every detail just as you would have it be. Picture yourself doing the job you want to do. Picture yourself living in the house you want in the location you want. Picture every aspect of your life in it’s most perfect form. NO RESTRICTIONS, NO LIMITATIONS AND NO OBSTACLES !!! You know……… Just like it was when you were a kid. You just might be surprised at the results. Hey, what have you got to lose, right?
“I have learned, that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.”
- Henry David Thoreau
Well, I suppose I should close now and get ready for tomorrow. Mondays always excite me. It’s like a fresh start. It’s a chance to spend another week pursuing my dreams and helping you pursue yours. Working in personal development and coaching people on getting where they want to be in life is a career that has rewards that will never be equaled with a paycheck. To see a smile where there was none or a look of relief and new found hope where before there was only fear and uncertainty gives me things a dollar never will. I hope that your lives are equally fulfilling and that each day has new hope and new promise for you. Until the Good Lord grants us this opportunity again, always remember to…….
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
The purpose of this blog is to create a community of like minded people pursuing their dreams and sharing the wealth of information that they collectively have. "None of us are as smart as ALL of us".
Monday, November 26, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Newsletter 11/18/07
Hello Everyone,
My goodness !!! Where has the week gone? It always amazes me how the passing of time almost seems to speed up during this time of year. There is such a hustle and bustle. But, it is a wonderful time of the year and it’s worth every moment of the chaos. Welcome back to my usual friends here and welcome aboard to all my new ones. As always, if you missed an edition or are new and want to read the previous ones that I’ve written simply go to either: (bottom, left corner of page)
******************* Success University ******************
Wow folks, I have got to tell you that these new Empower Magazines that Success University is using to promote our company are absolutely PHENOMENAL !!! Talk about third party credibility !!! And, with a $50,000 ANNUAL INCOME GUARANTEE how can you go wrong? If you haven’t been to my site and checked out Success University you are just cheating yourself out of a wealth of information and the opportunity to change your whole family’s financial tree. Even if there were no compensation plan, the changes you could make in your life from what you learn through the curriculum are EXTRAORDINARY! Do yourself a favor. Go to my site, watch the movie, read the material then give me a call. You’ll be glad you did !!!
Ok, let’s talk about Networking today. As we all know, Networking is an absolute ESSENTIAL part of conducting business. In order to get where you want to be you need to make all the right connections to help you get there. There are many different reasons for those connections; financial backing, information, mentoring, etc. But, there is one catch. In order for Networking to do you any good you have to go about it properly. You can go to a Networking event and meet 100 of the most powerful people on the planet but if you don’t handle the situation properly then you have gained nothing. What follows are some basic rules to go by. If you will gain understanding of these rules and actually USE them, I feel confident that you will find yourself becoming a CONNECTION MAGNET. While you read these keep one question in mind…..
“Would I want to develop a close business relationship with me?”
1. BE FRIENDLY: Being friendly makes it easier for people to like and trust you. And people tend to be more likely to do business with people that they like and trust.
2. PROJECT SELF CONFIDENCE: Projecting self confidence can come in many forms including your attitude, your dress and the way you walk. Self confidence creates an improved first impression.
3. MAKE EYE CONTACT: Making eye contact is a display of honesty and respect. Most people that won’t look you in the eye when they talk to you aren’t comfortable with what they are saying.
4. PROJECT A POSITIVE ATTITUDE: People without positive attitudes show it in many ways, usually completely unconsciously. It comes out in everything from their speech to their demeanor.
5. ALWAYS BE PREPARED: Even when you are not anticipating an encounter, always be prepared for one to take place. Always have that little Networking program running in the back of your head.
6. DON’T FOCUS ON YOUR MOTIVE: Many times a great connection is lost because someone was too overbearing in what they were after. Seek their friendship and acceptance. The rest will come on it’s own.
7. TAKE A GENUINE INTEREST: Another sure fire way to blow a potentially great connection it to have a nasty case of “It’s all about me!!!” Take an interest in them first. They will appreciate it.
8. FIND COMMON GROUND: A great way to relieve the tension of a new association with someone is to find out what you have in common. This leads to quality conversations and friendship.
9. POLICE YOUR ACTIONS: Always remember that even though your are building a friendship that ultimately this is business. So, take care and watch your actions. THEY WILL !!! Always First Class…
10. BE A GIVER: Once again, don’t make this all about you. Don’t jump straight into a new business relationship pursuing your own agenda. Give first and create Perceived Value for yourself.
11. HAVE EXCELLENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS: When you are talking to someone it is vitally important that you can communicate effectively. Deals can be blown with simple mis-communications.
12. KEEP A RESPECTABLE REPUTATION: It’s fine if you don’t care what other people think about you. But, trust me, the people you want to connect with WILL care what other people think about you !!!
13. BE YOURSELF: This could easily be the most important point of all. People can smell a phony a mile away !!! Besides, like attracts like. Do you want phonies for business associates? I know I don’t !!!
I hope these points of interest have cast a little light on the whole Networking concept for you. The main thing is USING THEM !!! Knowledge without actions is worthless. You have to apply what you learn.
“I present myself to you in a form suitable to the relationship I wish to achieve with you.”
- Luigi Pirandello
I’m quite sure all of you have heard of the importance of constantly improving your knowledge of your business and everything associated with it., thus making yourself more of an asset to both yourself and others. I heard a cute story about that very thing and I wanted to share it with you.
After an Engineer retired, his company called him back to solve what seemed to be an impossible problem. They had tried everything, but had not been able to repair a multimillion dollar machine. The engineer returned to the plant and spent a day studying the problem. At the end of the day he marked a small “x” with chalk on a particular component of the machine and said, “Replace this and it’ll be repaired.” The machine worked perfectly after the part was replaced. A few days later the company received a bill from the engineer for $10,001. Thinking the price was a little steep, they asked that his charges be itemized. The engineer wrote back: $1.00 for the chalk mark. $10,000 for knowing where to put it !!!
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
- Nelson Mandela
As Thanksgiving Day draws near, I have been spending a lot of time thinking about our troops overseas. I have an extra special place in my heart for those guys and gals because I know what’s it like to be thousands of miles from home for the holidays. I gave 6 years of my life serving this country. I’m a veteran of the Grenada invasion, I did one tour of duty in Korea and I am an official member of the American Legion. I proudly fly our country’s colors from my front porch and I thank God for the opportunity to serve and for the freedom we enjoy as others continue to serve.
As I opened my newest copy of the American Legion magazine I began to think back to those years. You can never understand the true meaning of comradery until you have worn that uniform. Unfortunately today, we live in a time when the world seeks to destroy itself with issues such as racism, sexism, homophobia, religious hatred and the like. But, let me tell you this; when a soldier puts on that uniform and climbs into a fighting position with another fellow soldier, the last thing on anyone’s mind is what color you are, what sex you are, what your sexual preference is or what church you go to !!! They are your brother or sister and you are theirs. And it’s that same love, respect and level of comradery that has kept this country free for over 200 years.
I think as we go through the holiday season that, above and beyond everything else, we should be thankful for those young men and women because let’s face it folks… If it wasn’t for them you might not be living in a country with the freedoms that we all too frequently take for granted. You might not be able to go to the church you want to. You might not be able to choose who you want for leaders. You might not be able to enjoy all the prosperity that comes with capitalism. As the saying goes, “Freedom isn’t FREE !!!” It comes with a hefty price tag and right now those wonderful individuals are over there making payments EVERY DAY !!! May God bless them all and may God bless these United States of America…….
“God of our fathers, who by land and sea have ever lead us to victory, please continue your inspiring guidance in this the greatest of all conflicts.”
- George S. Patton
Well, as we reach the end of another Sunday evening together we go to into a state or preparation for the coming week. Tomorrow we will, each to their own understanding, go forth and do the best we can to make our lives and the lives of those around us just a little bit better. Every day is a new opportunity to go places you’ve never been, do things you’ve never done and become someone you’ve never been. We all have an equal shot at making our lives what ever we want them to be. I have no advantage over you. You have no advantage over your neighbor. The world is in perfect balance. So, when you get up in the morning, decide what it is you want from that day and then GO GET IT !!! Until The Good Lord affords us this opportunity again next week just remember to………
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Hello Everyone,
My goodness !!! Where has the week gone? It always amazes me how the passing of time almost seems to speed up during this time of year. There is such a hustle and bustle. But, it is a wonderful time of the year and it’s worth every moment of the chaos. Welcome back to my usual friends here and welcome aboard to all my new ones. As always, if you missed an edition or are new and want to read the previous ones that I’ve written simply go to either: (bottom, left corner of page)
******************* Success University ******************
Wow folks, I have got to tell you that these new Empower Magazines that Success University is using to promote our company are absolutely PHENOMENAL !!! Talk about third party credibility !!! And, with a $50,000 ANNUAL INCOME GUARANTEE how can you go wrong? If you haven’t been to my site and checked out Success University you are just cheating yourself out of a wealth of information and the opportunity to change your whole family’s financial tree. Even if there were no compensation plan, the changes you could make in your life from what you learn through the curriculum are EXTRAORDINARY! Do yourself a favor. Go to my site, watch the movie, read the material then give me a call. You’ll be glad you did !!!
Ok, let’s talk about Networking today. As we all know, Networking is an absolute ESSENTIAL part of conducting business. In order to get where you want to be you need to make all the right connections to help you get there. There are many different reasons for those connections; financial backing, information, mentoring, etc. But, there is one catch. In order for Networking to do you any good you have to go about it properly. You can go to a Networking event and meet 100 of the most powerful people on the planet but if you don’t handle the situation properly then you have gained nothing. What follows are some basic rules to go by. If you will gain understanding of these rules and actually USE them, I feel confident that you will find yourself becoming a CONNECTION MAGNET. While you read these keep one question in mind…..
“Would I want to develop a close business relationship with me?”
1. BE FRIENDLY: Being friendly makes it easier for people to like and trust you. And people tend to be more likely to do business with people that they like and trust.
2. PROJECT SELF CONFIDENCE: Projecting self confidence can come in many forms including your attitude, your dress and the way you walk. Self confidence creates an improved first impression.
3. MAKE EYE CONTACT: Making eye contact is a display of honesty and respect. Most people that won’t look you in the eye when they talk to you aren’t comfortable with what they are saying.
4. PROJECT A POSITIVE ATTITUDE: People without positive attitudes show it in many ways, usually completely unconsciously. It comes out in everything from their speech to their demeanor.
5. ALWAYS BE PREPARED: Even when you are not anticipating an encounter, always be prepared for one to take place. Always have that little Networking program running in the back of your head.
6. DON’T FOCUS ON YOUR MOTIVE: Many times a great connection is lost because someone was too overbearing in what they were after. Seek their friendship and acceptance. The rest will come on it’s own.
7. TAKE A GENUINE INTEREST: Another sure fire way to blow a potentially great connection it to have a nasty case of “It’s all about me!!!” Take an interest in them first. They will appreciate it.
8. FIND COMMON GROUND: A great way to relieve the tension of a new association with someone is to find out what you have in common. This leads to quality conversations and friendship.
9. POLICE YOUR ACTIONS: Always remember that even though your are building a friendship that ultimately this is business. So, take care and watch your actions. THEY WILL !!! Always First Class…
10. BE A GIVER: Once again, don’t make this all about you. Don’t jump straight into a new business relationship pursuing your own agenda. Give first and create Perceived Value for yourself.
11. HAVE EXCELLENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS: When you are talking to someone it is vitally important that you can communicate effectively. Deals can be blown with simple mis-communications.
12. KEEP A RESPECTABLE REPUTATION: It’s fine if you don’t care what other people think about you. But, trust me, the people you want to connect with WILL care what other people think about you !!!
13. BE YOURSELF: This could easily be the most important point of all. People can smell a phony a mile away !!! Besides, like attracts like. Do you want phonies for business associates? I know I don’t !!!
I hope these points of interest have cast a little light on the whole Networking concept for you. The main thing is USING THEM !!! Knowledge without actions is worthless. You have to apply what you learn.
“I present myself to you in a form suitable to the relationship I wish to achieve with you.”
- Luigi Pirandello
I’m quite sure all of you have heard of the importance of constantly improving your knowledge of your business and everything associated with it., thus making yourself more of an asset to both yourself and others. I heard a cute story about that very thing and I wanted to share it with you.
After an Engineer retired, his company called him back to solve what seemed to be an impossible problem. They had tried everything, but had not been able to repair a multimillion dollar machine. The engineer returned to the plant and spent a day studying the problem. At the end of the day he marked a small “x” with chalk on a particular component of the machine and said, “Replace this and it’ll be repaired.” The machine worked perfectly after the part was replaced. A few days later the company received a bill from the engineer for $10,001. Thinking the price was a little steep, they asked that his charges be itemized. The engineer wrote back: $1.00 for the chalk mark. $10,000 for knowing where to put it !!!
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
- Nelson Mandela
As Thanksgiving Day draws near, I have been spending a lot of time thinking about our troops overseas. I have an extra special place in my heart for those guys and gals because I know what’s it like to be thousands of miles from home for the holidays. I gave 6 years of my life serving this country. I’m a veteran of the Grenada invasion, I did one tour of duty in Korea and I am an official member of the American Legion. I proudly fly our country’s colors from my front porch and I thank God for the opportunity to serve and for the freedom we enjoy as others continue to serve.
As I opened my newest copy of the American Legion magazine I began to think back to those years. You can never understand the true meaning of comradery until you have worn that uniform. Unfortunately today, we live in a time when the world seeks to destroy itself with issues such as racism, sexism, homophobia, religious hatred and the like. But, let me tell you this; when a soldier puts on that uniform and climbs into a fighting position with another fellow soldier, the last thing on anyone’s mind is what color you are, what sex you are, what your sexual preference is or what church you go to !!! They are your brother or sister and you are theirs. And it’s that same love, respect and level of comradery that has kept this country free for over 200 years.
I think as we go through the holiday season that, above and beyond everything else, we should be thankful for those young men and women because let’s face it folks… If it wasn’t for them you might not be living in a country with the freedoms that we all too frequently take for granted. You might not be able to go to the church you want to. You might not be able to choose who you want for leaders. You might not be able to enjoy all the prosperity that comes with capitalism. As the saying goes, “Freedom isn’t FREE !!!” It comes with a hefty price tag and right now those wonderful individuals are over there making payments EVERY DAY !!! May God bless them all and may God bless these United States of America…….
“God of our fathers, who by land and sea have ever lead us to victory, please continue your inspiring guidance in this the greatest of all conflicts.”
- George S. Patton
Well, as we reach the end of another Sunday evening together we go to into a state or preparation for the coming week. Tomorrow we will, each to their own understanding, go forth and do the best we can to make our lives and the lives of those around us just a little bit better. Every day is a new opportunity to go places you’ve never been, do things you’ve never done and become someone you’ve never been. We all have an equal shot at making our lives what ever we want them to be. I have no advantage over you. You have no advantage over your neighbor. The world is in perfect balance. So, when you get up in the morning, decide what it is you want from that day and then GO GET IT !!! Until The Good Lord affords us this opportunity again next week just remember to………
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Newsletter 11/11/07
Hey Everybody,
Well, it has been yet another wonder filled week in the world of Entrepreneurship. I hope it has been as good to you as it has been to me. Every day brings a new piece of the Prosperity Pie to the table. It’s all there for the taking. You just have to claim it, believe it and receive it. You can laugh at that if you choose but the things that are happening in my life are NOT my imagination. Welcome back to all my loyal readers and welcome home to those of you just joining us. As always, if you are new and want to catch up or just missed an edition, you can go to : (bottom left corner of page)
************** Success University *****************
Ladies and gentlemen, if you are not already a member of Success University you have NO IDEA what you are missing !!! I think the fact that just a year ago I was a blue collar worker trying to get by and now, one year later, I am a team leader in the company and PERMANENTLY RETIRED from the workforce should speak for itself. Where else in the world can you have access to the curriculum of great authors, speakers and trainers such as Les Brown, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy and more for less than $2 a day AND be able to generate an AWESOME income in the process. Imagine, making life altering changes to your own life, exposing others to the opportunity to do the same AND get paid to do it; Not to mention the fact that you can TEST DRIVE the company for $2 for 2 full weeks of FULL, UNRESTRICTED ACCESS to the training, the classes and compensation plan with the entire $2 going to an international children’s charity. How much more of a NO BRAINER could this be ??? Do yourself a favor and check it out at:
Ok, I want to talk about a technique that very few people seem to use in their business for some reason and I’m not sure if it’s because they just don’t know about it, don’t know how to do it or just never thought about implementing it into their business. I’m talking about Joint Ventures. Now, there are different aspects of a Joint Venture and I will cover them one a time here.
First of all, who is a good candidate for a Joint Venture? Well, here is what to look for. First, you want someone that is in a business or organization that, based on their position there, are likely to have an extensive contact list; for example, doctors, lawyers, organization leaders, independent contractors, company and corporate ceo’s, realtors, investors, etc. I think you get the idea. Now, they don’t necessarily have to be quite that high up the food chain but you always want to think big !!! The sad fact is that most of you are probably one good connection away from having direct contact with a prime candidate and don’t even know it. It happened to me just a while back. I found out by complete accident through casual conversation that a close friend of mine was long time friends with the President of a local bank! Don’t you think for a minute that I’m not ON TOP OF THAT !!! Maybe you belong to a health club. Open your ears while you’re lounging in the sauna. You may be sitting right next to the new star player in your company.
Note: It will also help if the potential Joint Venture prospect is of a similar mindset as that of the company that you represent; for example, if you represent a company that provides a nutritional product then it would strengthen your chances it the Joint Venture prospect was into health and nutrition. Consequently, a lot of people on their contact list will probably fit the same profile.
Next, anyone who is a likely candidate for a Joint Venture is most likely EXTREMELY BUSY but that is what you want. Busy people make things happen. That’s why it cracks me up when people give up on a prospect for their business when the prospect’s only objection is “I don’t have enough time.” When I meet someone who tells me that I tell them “I’ve been looking for you for six months !!!” You see, a successful person that is TOO BUSY to take part in your business is PRIME PICKINGS for a Joint Venture. They have something you want (Lots of contacts) and you have something they want (time to build their business for them if they just refer those contacts). It’s a WIN-WIN situation and that is what a Joint Venture is all about.
Also, you want to provide them with an incentive to work with you. This is where the good ole “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” mentality comes into play. And, BY ALL MEANS, give before you ask to receive. Don’t just try to get them into your business by offering to do all the work for them and that is it. They are already successful which means they have other things going on such as other businesses. Send them some business and make sure they know you sent it. Show them that you are not just ALL ABOUT YOU !!! Become an asset in their eyes. Put a sincere effort into being someone that they benefit from associating with. Maybe they have a garage. Start getting your oil changed there and send all your friends. The world revolves on RELATIONSHIPS !!! Make yours count.
“You can have anything you want if you just help enough other people get what they want.”
- Zig Ziglar
As some of you know, I am a personal coach. I work with people to open their eyes to what the real issues in their lives are and then teach them methods to make the appropriate changes. One of the MAIN things I teach them is the Law of Attraction. It is a phenomenal tool and it works EVERY TIME for EVERY PERSON !!! Because I use it consciously, it shows up literally daily in my life. Today was a perfect example of that and also ties into the holiday season.
I went for a ride on my Harley today because I needed some time to think and I always do my best thinking with all that power under me and the wind in my face. It’s exhilarating in a way I can’t begin to explain. Anyway, it started out simple. And, believe me when I tell you, some really big things in life can come from the most seemingly insignificant things.
When I left home I put what had to be a pound of loose change in my pocket. I have a tendency to be in a hurry most of the time and so instead of paying with exact change I turn my pants pocket into a piggy bank. As I was leaving, my predominant thought was that of getting rid of that change. Since I was on no particular mission as to where I was riding, I went to Wal-mart, thinking that I needed some envelopes and that would be a good thing to spend the change on.
Also, bear in mind that for the last several weeks the predominant thought in my mind had been what I wanted to do for the holidays in the way of charity. I am a big fan of Dave Ramsey, a popular radio talk show host, and many times people would call in with a hard luck story and Dave would get swamped with calls and emails of people volunteering to help. Dave would always be quick to point out that if you really wanted to help you didn’t need to listen to a radio show to find someone but that rather you probably didn’t need to look any further than your own neighborhood and I have found that to be exactly the case.
As I approached the entrance I noticed this little ole white haired lady sitting at a card table with a young boy that was obviously suffering from certain challenges in life. I slowed my stride so that I could read the poster board sign she had made. It said that she was collecting money so that she could give a Christmas party for disabled children in the local group homes. Well, my hand went for my pocket faster than if I was getting out a business card for a prospect. I told that lady that I needed her help getting rid of a big pocket full of change and would certainly appreciate her helping me with that. Needless to say, she smiled and very graciously thanked me. I then handed her my business card, told her I worked in personal development and invited her to sign up for my free newsletter. I went on in the store, decided I didn’t really need the envelopes and so I went back out and continued my ride.
I road for a good 2 hours just thinking about things but it was supposed to rain so I decided to head home. Strangely though, every time I came to my turn to go home, something made me pass it by. I rationalized that it was just me not wanting to stop riding just yet and continued on. As I approached the end of town where the Wal-mart is located I decided to cruise the lot then turn for home. As I went through, that little old lady was getting ready to pack it in for the day. I stopped and parked and, as I watched her, this HUGE light bulb in my head came on. The Law of Attraction, never having failed me, had done it’s job once again. I walked over to the lady and asked her if she was a part of an organization that helped these children and that is when she informed me that the she did this all on her own and had been doing it for 17 years !!! It was then that I was CERTAIN that I had found my charity for the holidays.
Do you get it? Do you see what I see? This whole day and every event that took place in it brought me to this woman. From something as seemingly insignificant as a need to get rid of a pocket full of change to an unexplainable urge to NOT GO HOME YET, came the opportunity to help someone in need and, thus, the answer to my request. People, don’t be blind to the power of your mind. It creates your very world around you. My large desire was to find a good charity to help for Christmas. The Universe then took a smaller desire, manipulated my day and made BOTH come true!!! How incredible is that??? The Law of Attraction is at work in your life whether you believe it or not and whether you want it to be or not. Why not use it and make a difference, not only in your own life but in the life of others? Think about it……
“Think truly, and thy thoughts shall the world’s famine feed.”
- Horatio Bonar (1808-1889)
Well, everyone, as I close this edition and prepare for another week of joy, happiness, excitement and new adventures I hope that you will join me in a similar fashion. It’s out there… waiting for all of you. If you already have it then you can appreciate what I am saying. If you don’t then all I can tell you is that true opportunity, true success and true happiness does NOT come knocking at your door !!! They are things that you must ATTRACT into your life with your thoughts. Believe me….. Ed McMahon is NOT coming down the street in a van with your address written on a sticky note !!! But true opportunity, true success and true happiness are all there waiting for you to claim them in your life. Until our Gracious Heavenly Father affords us the opportunity to do this again next week, just remember…….
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Hey Everybody,
Well, it has been yet another wonder filled week in the world of Entrepreneurship. I hope it has been as good to you as it has been to me. Every day brings a new piece of the Prosperity Pie to the table. It’s all there for the taking. You just have to claim it, believe it and receive it. You can laugh at that if you choose but the things that are happening in my life are NOT my imagination. Welcome back to all my loyal readers and welcome home to those of you just joining us. As always, if you are new and want to catch up or just missed an edition, you can go to : (bottom left corner of page)
************** Success University *****************
Ladies and gentlemen, if you are not already a member of Success University you have NO IDEA what you are missing !!! I think the fact that just a year ago I was a blue collar worker trying to get by and now, one year later, I am a team leader in the company and PERMANENTLY RETIRED from the workforce should speak for itself. Where else in the world can you have access to the curriculum of great authors, speakers and trainers such as Les Brown, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy and more for less than $2 a day AND be able to generate an AWESOME income in the process. Imagine, making life altering changes to your own life, exposing others to the opportunity to do the same AND get paid to do it; Not to mention the fact that you can TEST DRIVE the company for $2 for 2 full weeks of FULL, UNRESTRICTED ACCESS to the training, the classes and compensation plan with the entire $2 going to an international children’s charity. How much more of a NO BRAINER could this be ??? Do yourself a favor and check it out at:
Ok, I want to talk about a technique that very few people seem to use in their business for some reason and I’m not sure if it’s because they just don’t know about it, don’t know how to do it or just never thought about implementing it into their business. I’m talking about Joint Ventures. Now, there are different aspects of a Joint Venture and I will cover them one a time here.
First of all, who is a good candidate for a Joint Venture? Well, here is what to look for. First, you want someone that is in a business or organization that, based on their position there, are likely to have an extensive contact list; for example, doctors, lawyers, organization leaders, independent contractors, company and corporate ceo’s, realtors, investors, etc. I think you get the idea. Now, they don’t necessarily have to be quite that high up the food chain but you always want to think big !!! The sad fact is that most of you are probably one good connection away from having direct contact with a prime candidate and don’t even know it. It happened to me just a while back. I found out by complete accident through casual conversation that a close friend of mine was long time friends with the President of a local bank! Don’t you think for a minute that I’m not ON TOP OF THAT !!! Maybe you belong to a health club. Open your ears while you’re lounging in the sauna. You may be sitting right next to the new star player in your company.
Note: It will also help if the potential Joint Venture prospect is of a similar mindset as that of the company that you represent; for example, if you represent a company that provides a nutritional product then it would strengthen your chances it the Joint Venture prospect was into health and nutrition. Consequently, a lot of people on their contact list will probably fit the same profile.
Next, anyone who is a likely candidate for a Joint Venture is most likely EXTREMELY BUSY but that is what you want. Busy people make things happen. That’s why it cracks me up when people give up on a prospect for their business when the prospect’s only objection is “I don’t have enough time.” When I meet someone who tells me that I tell them “I’ve been looking for you for six months !!!” You see, a successful person that is TOO BUSY to take part in your business is PRIME PICKINGS for a Joint Venture. They have something you want (Lots of contacts) and you have something they want (time to build their business for them if they just refer those contacts). It’s a WIN-WIN situation and that is what a Joint Venture is all about.
Also, you want to provide them with an incentive to work with you. This is where the good ole “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” mentality comes into play. And, BY ALL MEANS, give before you ask to receive. Don’t just try to get them into your business by offering to do all the work for them and that is it. They are already successful which means they have other things going on such as other businesses. Send them some business and make sure they know you sent it. Show them that you are not just ALL ABOUT YOU !!! Become an asset in their eyes. Put a sincere effort into being someone that they benefit from associating with. Maybe they have a garage. Start getting your oil changed there and send all your friends. The world revolves on RELATIONSHIPS !!! Make yours count.
“You can have anything you want if you just help enough other people get what they want.”
- Zig Ziglar
As some of you know, I am a personal coach. I work with people to open their eyes to what the real issues in their lives are and then teach them methods to make the appropriate changes. One of the MAIN things I teach them is the Law of Attraction. It is a phenomenal tool and it works EVERY TIME for EVERY PERSON !!! Because I use it consciously, it shows up literally daily in my life. Today was a perfect example of that and also ties into the holiday season.
I went for a ride on my Harley today because I needed some time to think and I always do my best thinking with all that power under me and the wind in my face. It’s exhilarating in a way I can’t begin to explain. Anyway, it started out simple. And, believe me when I tell you, some really big things in life can come from the most seemingly insignificant things.
When I left home I put what had to be a pound of loose change in my pocket. I have a tendency to be in a hurry most of the time and so instead of paying with exact change I turn my pants pocket into a piggy bank. As I was leaving, my predominant thought was that of getting rid of that change. Since I was on no particular mission as to where I was riding, I went to Wal-mart, thinking that I needed some envelopes and that would be a good thing to spend the change on.
Also, bear in mind that for the last several weeks the predominant thought in my mind had been what I wanted to do for the holidays in the way of charity. I am a big fan of Dave Ramsey, a popular radio talk show host, and many times people would call in with a hard luck story and Dave would get swamped with calls and emails of people volunteering to help. Dave would always be quick to point out that if you really wanted to help you didn’t need to listen to a radio show to find someone but that rather you probably didn’t need to look any further than your own neighborhood and I have found that to be exactly the case.
As I approached the entrance I noticed this little ole white haired lady sitting at a card table with a young boy that was obviously suffering from certain challenges in life. I slowed my stride so that I could read the poster board sign she had made. It said that she was collecting money so that she could give a Christmas party for disabled children in the local group homes. Well, my hand went for my pocket faster than if I was getting out a business card for a prospect. I told that lady that I needed her help getting rid of a big pocket full of change and would certainly appreciate her helping me with that. Needless to say, she smiled and very graciously thanked me. I then handed her my business card, told her I worked in personal development and invited her to sign up for my free newsletter. I went on in the store, decided I didn’t really need the envelopes and so I went back out and continued my ride.
I road for a good 2 hours just thinking about things but it was supposed to rain so I decided to head home. Strangely though, every time I came to my turn to go home, something made me pass it by. I rationalized that it was just me not wanting to stop riding just yet and continued on. As I approached the end of town where the Wal-mart is located I decided to cruise the lot then turn for home. As I went through, that little old lady was getting ready to pack it in for the day. I stopped and parked and, as I watched her, this HUGE light bulb in my head came on. The Law of Attraction, never having failed me, had done it’s job once again. I walked over to the lady and asked her if she was a part of an organization that helped these children and that is when she informed me that the she did this all on her own and had been doing it for 17 years !!! It was then that I was CERTAIN that I had found my charity for the holidays.
Do you get it? Do you see what I see? This whole day and every event that took place in it brought me to this woman. From something as seemingly insignificant as a need to get rid of a pocket full of change to an unexplainable urge to NOT GO HOME YET, came the opportunity to help someone in need and, thus, the answer to my request. People, don’t be blind to the power of your mind. It creates your very world around you. My large desire was to find a good charity to help for Christmas. The Universe then took a smaller desire, manipulated my day and made BOTH come true!!! How incredible is that??? The Law of Attraction is at work in your life whether you believe it or not and whether you want it to be or not. Why not use it and make a difference, not only in your own life but in the life of others? Think about it……
“Think truly, and thy thoughts shall the world’s famine feed.”
- Horatio Bonar (1808-1889)
Well, everyone, as I close this edition and prepare for another week of joy, happiness, excitement and new adventures I hope that you will join me in a similar fashion. It’s out there… waiting for all of you. If you already have it then you can appreciate what I am saying. If you don’t then all I can tell you is that true opportunity, true success and true happiness does NOT come knocking at your door !!! They are things that you must ATTRACT into your life with your thoughts. Believe me….. Ed McMahon is NOT coming down the street in a van with your address written on a sticky note !!! But true opportunity, true success and true happiness are all there waiting for you to claim them in your life. Until our Gracious Heavenly Father affords us the opportunity to do this again next week, just remember…….
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Newsletter 11/04/07
Hey Guys and Gals,
Well, we’ve made it yet another week in this world of exceptional opportunities and unending possibilities. I trust that all is well with each and every one of you. Welcome back to my usual friends and welcome aboard to all my new ones. As always, if you have missed an edition or are new and just joining us, you can access previous editions by going to either: (bottom left corner of page)
*************** advertisement *****************
“Are you trying to think of new, interesting and effective ways to advertise your business ??? Are you trying to capture someone’s eye and make them take note of what you are doing??? Well, I have just the thing for you. If you go to my website ( ) you will see me standing by my truck with my domain name proudly displayed across the windshield. I have a friend, who’s name is Gary, that provides that plus many other creative ways to bring attention to your business and allows you to be a moving billboard whether you are driving OR walking. He does decals, magnetic signs, t-shirts, banners and more. If you are interested in furthering your advertising methods in a creative and effective way, contact me for more details and SPECAIL PRICING !!!
Well gang, I want to cover what appears to be a chink in some peoples armor, and that is blowing your advertising dollars on bogus advertising and marketing. A week doesn’t go by that I don’t get a call or an email from someone that is spending sometimes hundreds of dollars on their advertising and marketing only to succeed in nothing more than spending more money than they are making. I have actually had people quit my business because they had exhausted there budget on gimmicks and traps. It is an easy trap to fall into, especially if you are new to being in business for yourself and, more importantly, if you are new to being in business on the internet. Now, this is not about which is the best method to advertise and market. This is about making sure that whatever method you choose that you don’t get taken for THE RIDE !!!
Here’s the deal. Years ago we lived in a time when people had morals, character and actually cared about their customers. Welcome to the 21st century !!! Now, we have a breeding ground for scams and rip offs known as THE INTERNET. It is the perfect place to take advantage of unsuspecting individuals who, do to their inexperience, usually can’t even tell they’ve been ripped off !!!
Please, don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying to not do business on the internet. I’m simply saying to be careful of WHO you do business with. There is a wide variety of things that you can do to protect yourself but the most effective method is to remember this. If it sounds like they are trying to sell you oceanfront property in Arizona then they probably are !!!
That having been said, I would like to make some recommendations. First of all, look for evidence that they are a real company. I personally won’t do business with anybody that doesn’t have a verifiable brick and mortar address and phone number. If they are so secretive that they don’t want me to be able to contact them or find them on a map they are not going to see one thin dime of my money.
Secondly, ask questions around your company. Maybe someone has heard things about them whether good or bad. Or, even better, maybe they have actually used them and can tell you what they think of the product or service that they were provided. If there is a company out there that is using less than desirable methods of conducting business, news usually travels pretty fast. Also, before even choosing the company that you want to use you might consider going straight to one of the leaders in your company and asking for a referral. They probably have particular places that they conduct business with on a regular basis.
Thirdly, (and this is one of my biggest pet peeves !!!) NEVER do business with an advertising company that GUARANTEES any particular success rate. That is absolute HORSE HOCKEY !!! How, in the name of all that is intelligent, can they tell you how many people are going to buy your product or sign up for your opportunity ??? That’s INSANE but you would be floored at how many of them make those very claims.
Lastly, be very careful of Bulk E-mail companies and companies that sell GUARANTEED TRAFFIC to your site. The email companies almost NEVER provide any kind of proof that they even mailed your ad. As far as the guaranteed traffic people, there is this neat little tool called an IP ADDRESS GENERATOR. In other words, you buy 20,000 visitors (for example) and they give you a control panel site, back office or whatever they want to call it for you to supposedly SEE the ip addresses of all your VISITORS. This back office tracks the ip addresses of all your visitors that supposedly visited your site. The only problem is that they DON’T EXIST !!! The company was just hitting your site repeatedly with a different ip address each time. FOR THE RECORD, there are plenty of honorable traffic companies out there. The one I recommend is . The lady that runs that company is Michelle Raybourn. She is very nice and I have been doing business with her for a while now.
The bottom line is that there are plenty of good companies out there to do business with while advertising and promoting your business. You just have to pick through all the chunks of coal to find the diamonds.
I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an "Honest Man."
- George Washington
I read a poem once that has really stuck with me throughout the years. It has made me spend many hours thinking about my life. You see, sometimes we get so caught up in life and the pursuit of success that it’s kind of like living inside the eye of a hurricane. To you everything looks fine but all around you is turmoil, chaos and destruction.
Everything in life has a potential for a POSITIVE or NEGATIVE effect on your life. Success is no different. You get so focused on MAKING IT that you lose site of the very life that you are trying to make it FOR. You miss out on important things that, at the moment may not seem important but they are things that will never happen again and some day you’ll regret missing them. You treat people poorly because you stress over your business and take it out on them. You allow things to go in a direction that you don’t even realize they are going in until it’s TOO LATE !!!
Don’t get me wrong !!! Nobody is more for being successful than me. It’s just that I grew up really poor and even I had issues with dealing with success when I first started pursuing it. Success, PROPERLY MANAGED, is a phenomenal thing but it has an equally DEVASTATING effect on your life if you obsess over it and allow it to come between you and the REALLY important things in life. It’s like a medication that, if taken in the proper dosage, will do wonderful things for you but take the wrong amount and it can KILL YOU !!!
I would like for you to read this poem and then I want you to do some real soul searching. Sometimes it only takes a tiny nudge on the shoulder to make you see that you are off course and to put you back on it…….
“I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone from the beginning…… to the end.”
“He noted that first came the date of her birth and spoke of the following date with tears.
But he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.”
“For that dash represents all the time that she spent alive on earth
And now only those who loved her know what that little line is worth.”
“For it matters not, how much we own, the cars….. The house…….
What matters is how we live and love…. And how we spend our dash.”
“So think about this long and hard; are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left that can still be rearranged.”
“If we could just slow down long enough to consider what’s true and real…
And always try to understand the way other people feel.”
“And be less quick to anger and show appreciation more.
And love the people in our lives….. Like we’ve never loved before.”
“If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile…
Remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.”
“So, when your eulogy is being read…. With your life’s actions to rehash
Would you be proud of the things they say….. About how you spent your dash?”
- Linda Ellis
“The man is a success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had.”
- Bessie Stanley
Well, I always hate this part because this newsletter has become such an extension of myself.. Such a RELEASE… A way for me to reach out to all of you on a personal level and that is important to me. I always end with the thought in my mind, “If I could only know that I touched just one person in a productive way….” I truly enjoy this method of joining the end of one week with the beginning of another. It rejuvenates me. It clears my mind and strengthens my Spirit. I hope that all of you enjoy being here as much as I do. Until the Good Lord affords us the opportunity to do this again, just remember……
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
Hey Guys and Gals,
Well, we’ve made it yet another week in this world of exceptional opportunities and unending possibilities. I trust that all is well with each and every one of you. Welcome back to my usual friends and welcome aboard to all my new ones. As always, if you have missed an edition or are new and just joining us, you can access previous editions by going to either: (bottom left corner of page)
*************** advertisement *****************
“Are you trying to think of new, interesting and effective ways to advertise your business ??? Are you trying to capture someone’s eye and make them take note of what you are doing??? Well, I have just the thing for you. If you go to my website ( ) you will see me standing by my truck with my domain name proudly displayed across the windshield. I have a friend, who’s name is Gary, that provides that plus many other creative ways to bring attention to your business and allows you to be a moving billboard whether you are driving OR walking. He does decals, magnetic signs, t-shirts, banners and more. If you are interested in furthering your advertising methods in a creative and effective way, contact me for more details and SPECAIL PRICING !!!
Well gang, I want to cover what appears to be a chink in some peoples armor, and that is blowing your advertising dollars on bogus advertising and marketing. A week doesn’t go by that I don’t get a call or an email from someone that is spending sometimes hundreds of dollars on their advertising and marketing only to succeed in nothing more than spending more money than they are making. I have actually had people quit my business because they had exhausted there budget on gimmicks and traps. It is an easy trap to fall into, especially if you are new to being in business for yourself and, more importantly, if you are new to being in business on the internet. Now, this is not about which is the best method to advertise and market. This is about making sure that whatever method you choose that you don’t get taken for THE RIDE !!!
Here’s the deal. Years ago we lived in a time when people had morals, character and actually cared about their customers. Welcome to the 21st century !!! Now, we have a breeding ground for scams and rip offs known as THE INTERNET. It is the perfect place to take advantage of unsuspecting individuals who, do to their inexperience, usually can’t even tell they’ve been ripped off !!!
Please, don’t misunderstand me. I’m not saying to not do business on the internet. I’m simply saying to be careful of WHO you do business with. There is a wide variety of things that you can do to protect yourself but the most effective method is to remember this. If it sounds like they are trying to sell you oceanfront property in Arizona then they probably are !!!
That having been said, I would like to make some recommendations. First of all, look for evidence that they are a real company. I personally won’t do business with anybody that doesn’t have a verifiable brick and mortar address and phone number. If they are so secretive that they don’t want me to be able to contact them or find them on a map they are not going to see one thin dime of my money.
Secondly, ask questions around your company. Maybe someone has heard things about them whether good or bad. Or, even better, maybe they have actually used them and can tell you what they think of the product or service that they were provided. If there is a company out there that is using less than desirable methods of conducting business, news usually travels pretty fast. Also, before even choosing the company that you want to use you might consider going straight to one of the leaders in your company and asking for a referral. They probably have particular places that they conduct business with on a regular basis.
Thirdly, (and this is one of my biggest pet peeves !!!) NEVER do business with an advertising company that GUARANTEES any particular success rate. That is absolute HORSE HOCKEY !!! How, in the name of all that is intelligent, can they tell you how many people are going to buy your product or sign up for your opportunity ??? That’s INSANE but you would be floored at how many of them make those very claims.
Lastly, be very careful of Bulk E-mail companies and companies that sell GUARANTEED TRAFFIC to your site. The email companies almost NEVER provide any kind of proof that they even mailed your ad. As far as the guaranteed traffic people, there is this neat little tool called an IP ADDRESS GENERATOR. In other words, you buy 20,000 visitors (for example) and they give you a control panel site, back office or whatever they want to call it for you to supposedly SEE the ip addresses of all your VISITORS. This back office tracks the ip addresses of all your visitors that supposedly visited your site. The only problem is that they DON’T EXIST !!! The company was just hitting your site repeatedly with a different ip address each time. FOR THE RECORD, there are plenty of honorable traffic companies out there. The one I recommend is . The lady that runs that company is Michelle Raybourn. She is very nice and I have been doing business with her for a while now.
The bottom line is that there are plenty of good companies out there to do business with while advertising and promoting your business. You just have to pick through all the chunks of coal to find the diamonds.
I hope I shall always possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an "Honest Man."
- George Washington
I read a poem once that has really stuck with me throughout the years. It has made me spend many hours thinking about my life. You see, sometimes we get so caught up in life and the pursuit of success that it’s kind of like living inside the eye of a hurricane. To you everything looks fine but all around you is turmoil, chaos and destruction.
Everything in life has a potential for a POSITIVE or NEGATIVE effect on your life. Success is no different. You get so focused on MAKING IT that you lose site of the very life that you are trying to make it FOR. You miss out on important things that, at the moment may not seem important but they are things that will never happen again and some day you’ll regret missing them. You treat people poorly because you stress over your business and take it out on them. You allow things to go in a direction that you don’t even realize they are going in until it’s TOO LATE !!!
Don’t get me wrong !!! Nobody is more for being successful than me. It’s just that I grew up really poor and even I had issues with dealing with success when I first started pursuing it. Success, PROPERLY MANAGED, is a phenomenal thing but it has an equally DEVASTATING effect on your life if you obsess over it and allow it to come between you and the REALLY important things in life. It’s like a medication that, if taken in the proper dosage, will do wonderful things for you but take the wrong amount and it can KILL YOU !!!
I would like for you to read this poem and then I want you to do some real soul searching. Sometimes it only takes a tiny nudge on the shoulder to make you see that you are off course and to put you back on it…….
“I read of a man who stood to speak at the funeral of a friend.
He referred to the dates on her tombstone from the beginning…… to the end.”
“He noted that first came the date of her birth and spoke of the following date with tears.
But he said what mattered most of all was the dash between those years.”
“For that dash represents all the time that she spent alive on earth
And now only those who loved her know what that little line is worth.”
“For it matters not, how much we own, the cars….. The house…….
What matters is how we live and love…. And how we spend our dash.”
“So think about this long and hard; are there things you’d like to change?
For you never know how much time is left that can still be rearranged.”
“If we could just slow down long enough to consider what’s true and real…
And always try to understand the way other people feel.”
“And be less quick to anger and show appreciation more.
And love the people in our lives….. Like we’ve never loved before.”
“If we treat each other with respect and more often wear a smile…
Remembering that this special dash might only last a little while.”
“So, when your eulogy is being read…. With your life’s actions to rehash
Would you be proud of the things they say….. About how you spent your dash?”
- Linda Ellis
“The man is a success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; who has gained the respect of intelligent men and the love of children; who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; who leaves the world better than he found it, whether by an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; who never lacked appreciation of earth's beauty or failed to express it; who looked for the best in others and gave the best he had.”
- Bessie Stanley
Well, I always hate this part because this newsletter has become such an extension of myself.. Such a RELEASE… A way for me to reach out to all of you on a personal level and that is important to me. I always end with the thought in my mind, “If I could only know that I touched just one person in a productive way….” I truly enjoy this method of joining the end of one week with the beginning of another. It rejuvenates me. It clears my mind and strengthens my Spirit. I hope that all of you enjoy being here as much as I do. Until the Good Lord affords us the opportunity to do this again, just remember……
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
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