Hello Everyone,
My goodness !!! Where has the week gone? It always amazes me how the passing of time almost seems to speed up during this time of year. There is such a hustle and bustle. But, it is a wonderful time of the year and it’s worth every moment of the chaos. Welcome back to my usual friends here and welcome aboard to all my new ones. As always, if you missed an edition or are new and want to read the previous ones that I’ve written simply go to either: (bottom, left corner of page)
******************* Success University ******************
Wow folks, I have got to tell you that these new Empower Magazines that Success University is using to promote our company are absolutely PHENOMENAL !!! Talk about third party credibility !!! And, with a $50,000 ANNUAL INCOME GUARANTEE how can you go wrong? If you haven’t been to my site and checked out Success University you are just cheating yourself out of a wealth of information and the opportunity to change your whole family’s financial tree. Even if there were no compensation plan, the changes you could make in your life from what you learn through the curriculum are EXTRAORDINARY! Do yourself a favor. Go to my site, watch the movie, read the material then give me a call. You’ll be glad you did !!!
Ok, let’s talk about Networking today. As we all know, Networking is an absolute ESSENTIAL part of conducting business. In order to get where you want to be you need to make all the right connections to help you get there. There are many different reasons for those connections; financial backing, information, mentoring, etc. But, there is one catch. In order for Networking to do you any good you have to go about it properly. You can go to a Networking event and meet 100 of the most powerful people on the planet but if you don’t handle the situation properly then you have gained nothing. What follows are some basic rules to go by. If you will gain understanding of these rules and actually USE them, I feel confident that you will find yourself becoming a CONNECTION MAGNET. While you read these keep one question in mind…..
“Would I want to develop a close business relationship with me?”
1. BE FRIENDLY: Being friendly makes it easier for people to like and trust you. And people tend to be more likely to do business with people that they like and trust.
2. PROJECT SELF CONFIDENCE: Projecting self confidence can come in many forms including your attitude, your dress and the way you walk. Self confidence creates an improved first impression.
3. MAKE EYE CONTACT: Making eye contact is a display of honesty and respect. Most people that won’t look you in the eye when they talk to you aren’t comfortable with what they are saying.
4. PROJECT A POSITIVE ATTITUDE: People without positive attitudes show it in many ways, usually completely unconsciously. It comes out in everything from their speech to their demeanor.
5. ALWAYS BE PREPARED: Even when you are not anticipating an encounter, always be prepared for one to take place. Always have that little Networking program running in the back of your head.
6. DON’T FOCUS ON YOUR MOTIVE: Many times a great connection is lost because someone was too overbearing in what they were after. Seek their friendship and acceptance. The rest will come on it’s own.
7. TAKE A GENUINE INTEREST: Another sure fire way to blow a potentially great connection it to have a nasty case of “It’s all about me!!!” Take an interest in them first. They will appreciate it.
8. FIND COMMON GROUND: A great way to relieve the tension of a new association with someone is to find out what you have in common. This leads to quality conversations and friendship.
9. POLICE YOUR ACTIONS: Always remember that even though your are building a friendship that ultimately this is business. So, take care and watch your actions. THEY WILL !!! Always First Class…
10. BE A GIVER: Once again, don’t make this all about you. Don’t jump straight into a new business relationship pursuing your own agenda. Give first and create Perceived Value for yourself.
11. HAVE EXCELLENT COMMUNICATION SKILLS: When you are talking to someone it is vitally important that you can communicate effectively. Deals can be blown with simple mis-communications.
12. KEEP A RESPECTABLE REPUTATION: It’s fine if you don’t care what other people think about you. But, trust me, the people you want to connect with WILL care what other people think about you !!!
13. BE YOURSELF: This could easily be the most important point of all. People can smell a phony a mile away !!! Besides, like attracts like. Do you want phonies for business associates? I know I don’t !!!
I hope these points of interest have cast a little light on the whole Networking concept for you. The main thing is USING THEM !!! Knowledge without actions is worthless. You have to apply what you learn.
“I present myself to you in a form suitable to the relationship I wish to achieve with you.”
- Luigi Pirandello
I’m quite sure all of you have heard of the importance of constantly improving your knowledge of your business and everything associated with it., thus making yourself more of an asset to both yourself and others. I heard a cute story about that very thing and I wanted to share it with you.
After an Engineer retired, his company called him back to solve what seemed to be an impossible problem. They had tried everything, but had not been able to repair a multimillion dollar machine. The engineer returned to the plant and spent a day studying the problem. At the end of the day he marked a small “x” with chalk on a particular component of the machine and said, “Replace this and it’ll be repaired.” The machine worked perfectly after the part was replaced. A few days later the company received a bill from the engineer for $10,001. Thinking the price was a little steep, they asked that his charges be itemized. The engineer wrote back: $1.00 for the chalk mark. $10,000 for knowing where to put it !!!
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
- Nelson Mandela
As Thanksgiving Day draws near, I have been spending a lot of time thinking about our troops overseas. I have an extra special place in my heart for those guys and gals because I know what’s it like to be thousands of miles from home for the holidays. I gave 6 years of my life serving this country. I’m a veteran of the Grenada invasion, I did one tour of duty in Korea and I am an official member of the American Legion. I proudly fly our country’s colors from my front porch and I thank God for the opportunity to serve and for the freedom we enjoy as others continue to serve.
As I opened my newest copy of the American Legion magazine I began to think back to those years. You can never understand the true meaning of comradery until you have worn that uniform. Unfortunately today, we live in a time when the world seeks to destroy itself with issues such as racism, sexism, homophobia, religious hatred and the like. But, let me tell you this; when a soldier puts on that uniform and climbs into a fighting position with another fellow soldier, the last thing on anyone’s mind is what color you are, what sex you are, what your sexual preference is or what church you go to !!! They are your brother or sister and you are theirs. And it’s that same love, respect and level of comradery that has kept this country free for over 200 years.
I think as we go through the holiday season that, above and beyond everything else, we should be thankful for those young men and women because let’s face it folks… If it wasn’t for them you might not be living in a country with the freedoms that we all too frequently take for granted. You might not be able to go to the church you want to. You might not be able to choose who you want for leaders. You might not be able to enjoy all the prosperity that comes with capitalism. As the saying goes, “Freedom isn’t FREE !!!” It comes with a hefty price tag and right now those wonderful individuals are over there making payments EVERY DAY !!! May God bless them all and may God bless these United States of America…….
“God of our fathers, who by land and sea have ever lead us to victory, please continue your inspiring guidance in this the greatest of all conflicts.”
- George S. Patton
Well, as we reach the end of another Sunday evening together we go to into a state or preparation for the coming week. Tomorrow we will, each to their own understanding, go forth and do the best we can to make our lives and the lives of those around us just a little bit better. Every day is a new opportunity to go places you’ve never been, do things you’ve never done and become someone you’ve never been. We all have an equal shot at making our lives what ever we want them to be. I have no advantage over you. You have no advantage over your neighbor. The world is in perfect balance. So, when you get up in the morning, decide what it is you want from that day and then GO GET IT !!! Until The Good Lord affords us this opportunity again next week just remember to………
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
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