Hey Everybody,
I hope that all of you have had a phenomenal week. I know I have. Every time I think I know exactly what’s going on in my life and think I have a complete GRIP on the situation, along comes all these wonderful surprises and opportunities. I remain and always will remain a totally devoted advocate for the Law of Attraction. Welcome back to all my loyal readers and welcome aboard to all my newly acquired ones. As always, if you are new and want to read previous editions or maybe you just missed an edition you can always go back and read them by simply going to either….. (bottom left corner of page)
************************* Success University **********************
"When was the last time you worked with a company that LITERALLY changed your life ??? Well, that is the honor that I have in my life. It wasn't all that long ago that I was just a Blue Collar worker like most of the rest of the country. But, then I was exposed to Success University. Like I've told people countless times, you can make money anywhere with any company. What really matters is can you make a real DIFFERENCE in your life? Can you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and be proud of who is looking back at you because you are a better person and are making a wonderful income helping other people to make those exact same changes in their life? I can do that... And I DO that each and every day. Go into business with a company that really cares about your future and really cares about who you have looking back at you in the mirror !!!"
In the position I hold in Success University as the Director of Support for our team combined with the coaching that I provide for people outside of my company, I really have the pulse of what’s going on in this industry in general. When I say that, I’m not just referring to Network Marketing but rather Small Business ownership in general. Out of all the problems that I talk to people about, the number one problem that I see them encounter is spending themselves right out of business !!!
When you come into the world of Small Business ownership it is only human nature to be really excited. In fact, one of the first things you are taught to do is treat your business like a Million Dollar business. Now, that is very true but people, we must maintain a certain perspective here. Having a Million Dollar Mindset doesn’t mean spending money to promote it like you have already made your first million !!!
The first culprit is taking on more projects than you can easily handle. Yes, multiple streams of income are wonderful if you (A) have adequate time to devote to them, (B) have enough marketing skills to juggle more than one concept at a time and (C) HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO PROMOTE MORE THAN ONE BUSINESS AT A TIME !!!!! Was I at all unclear there ???
Now, the more common culprit is just plain, good ole fashioned OVER SPENDING !!! When you decide to go into business for yourself you need to establish your advertising budget BEFORE you become involved in a business. This is because no matter which business you choose, you will only have what you have to work with. If you choose the business first and then your budget emotion will take over because you are already excited about your new business and you will RATIONALIZE that you have enough to promote it properly whether, in all reality, you do or not.
That having been said, I have put together a bit of a budgeting guide to give you something solid to go by when deciding about a business you are considering or contemplating changes involving the one you may already be in. First, we have to do a personal financial inventory. The first thing you will need to do is take your gross income and cut it in half. The reason for that is this. Taking into account everything from taxes to your spiritual life, here is where the first 50% of your income SHOULD be going...
25% Average Income Earner Tax Bracket
10% Spiritual (church, charity, etc.)
15% Investments For Retirement
50% Total
Isn't it amazing, by acknowledging what you have going out each month, how your Annual Income is no longer your Annual Income ???
Ok, now we need to evaluate your vehicle and mortgage decisions as of now. In order for my formula to pertain to you, you must fall at or above these guidelines.....
1) Total value of all vehicles in your household cannot exceed %50 of your Gross Annual Income
2) Monthly mortgage payments cannot exceed 25% of your total household TAKE HOME PAY.
If you made it past all that with a smile then you can afford to actually SPEND MONEY promoting a business. If you fall below those standards then you really need to consider becoming involved in a business that you can LITERALLY successfully promote by word of mouth and some simple fliers or business cards. Otherwise, you will not be in business very long.
Now, for the final piece of the puzzle. How much should you budget for your business? Having given this much thought, I feel that starting your own business is akin to Personal Development. Therefore, in keeping with industry guidelines, approximately 15% of your Annual Income should keep you afloat and give your new business a fighting chance without jeopardizing your present situation and without much in the way of compromise in the area of Standard of Living.
Just remember, a Million Dollar Mindset is a NECESSITY in building a Small Business into maturity but there is plenty of room in that mindset for a healthy dose of COMMON SENSE !!!
"There was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted, but now it happens to everybody."
- Adlai E. Stevenson
I talk to a lot of people about being in business, relationships, personal fears and a wide array of other subjects. One of the biggest problems people have in any of those areas or others is the Fear of the Unknown. They are always letting that "What if..." mentality stand in the way of their hopes, dreams and ambitions. I, myself, have succumbed to this notion of Unknown Consequences. at earlier points in my life.
On my way back from visiting in Tennessee today I was driving down the freeway thinking about this subject when something amazing happened. (Now, bear in mind that I am a FIRM believer that there are no such things as coincidences or accidents. You bring about that which you think about.) I simply changed lanes and the answer to my query was right before my eyes.
If you have ever been driving down the highway and paying any attention to the tractor trailers you will occasionally see one that the driver has personalized a bit. It may be a "In Loving Memory Of" or he may be immortalizing his favorite sports team. Well, this guy must have known I was coming because he couldn't have done a better job of selecting something to put on the back of his trailer if he had consulted with me first !!! It simply read, "Each moment is a place you've never been".....
Now, spend a minute and think about that, as I had to do. To me the meaning jumps right out of the quote. It merely says that if you fear the unknown then you should fear every moment of your life because you don't know what any given moment holds until it arrives. You may have certain expectations based on past history of similar circumstances but you really don't know what the very next moment holds.
The point I want to make is this. All things being equal, if you don't fear ALL of the moments in your life then why should you fear certain ones??? Just because you had a job when you came home doesn't mean that you will have one when you go back the next day. Just because you are healthy when you go to sleep doesn't mean you won't be sick when you wake up. So, logic dictates that if you don't live in constant fear of those or any other of life's uncertainties, then why do you fear those that have the potential to be of great benefit to you just because you don't know for sure what the outcome will be. It was once said, "Oh, to reach to point of death only to realize that you've never really lived!!!" How many successes.... How many exciting adventures..... How many stories to tell your grandchildren will YOU miss out on because you were AFRAID !?!
"If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been."
- Robert H. Schuller
Well, it's that time again. It's time for me to relax, take in some good reading material, and focus on what tomorrow holds in store. It's time to reflect on last week to help me to make better decisions in regards to how I will handle next week with all it's challenges and obstacles. Just remember that an obstacle is simply a set of circumstances that has not be properly reformatted into an opportunity. You can use a concrete block as a stumbling block or a stepping stone. The choice is yours. So, until we are granted these golden moments together again by the Good Lord, just always remember to.........
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
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