Hey Everybody,
I hope this past week has treated all of you as well as it has treated me. As if I wasn’t busy enough already, I have just had SO MANY new and wonderful opportunities and projects come my way. But, as I always tell everyone, RESULTS require ACTION !!! And, trust me, there has been no lack of that. I would like to welcome back all my regulars and welcome aboard all my new readers. As always, if you are new and want to read previous editions or maybe you just missed one, all you have to do is go to either: (bottom left corner of the page)
********************* Special Note ************************
I hope that all of you have taken the time to download the FREE 200 Bonus Products that I sent you the link to this past week. (Sorry about the typo in the original email) It is a veritable GOLD MINE of Goodies !!! I was amazed when I first came across it. I’m still trying to get all of it downloaded. IT’S A LOT OF STUFF !!! Also, thanks to all of you that checked out and took advantage of the great quality products that are on the rest of the E-Store page. I am eager to hear the Testimonials that I am SURE will follow. With names like Ewen Chia, Brad Callen and more you just CAN’T GO WRONG !!! If you didn’t get the correction e-mail, the correct link to the FREE 200 Bonus Products is… (First Product Listed)
********************* Success University *********************
For those of you that think Personal Development is a waste of time and money, allow me to run a few statistics by you concerning YOU and the rest of the people in the World:
At age 65: 29% are DEAD !!!
63% depend on family or Soc. Security.
4% are financially secure.
3% are STILL WORKING !!!
1% are WEALTHY !!!!!!!!!
If YOU are interested in being a part of that 1% then YOU need to check out Success University !!!!!
You have probably noticed lately that I’ve been leaning a little bit in the direction of the Techy Dept. with portions of my newsletters. There is a reason for that. That reason is that it doesn’t matter how awesome your business is or how great you are at it, if you don’t have a good working concept of your TOOLS OF THE TRADE then you are holding yourself back from the levels of success that you could otherwise be attaining.
Back when I first started this newsletter I told everyone that if anybody had any particular issues they needed help with or specific subjects they wanted me to cover all they had to do was e-mail me. Well, guess what ? Nobody did !!! BUT, during the course of an average day performing my duties as the Director of Support for my Success University Team at least 25% of the questions and/or concerns that I deal with are of a technical nature. I don’t know if it’s an embarrassment issue or what the problem is but, for some unexplained reason, people would evidently rather go it alone than to break down and ask questions. Now, I’m onboard with the concept that Trial and Error is a good way to teach yourself something because you learn from your mistakes but I will GUARANTEE you this !!! Your website, your email, or anything else having to do with the internet and/or your computer is the WRONG PLACE to practice Trial and Error !!!!!!
That having been said, here is what I would like to do. I would like to start a QUESTION OF THE WEEK program. Quite simply, I would like all of you to e-mail me with any and every question you have about your computer, your website, your equipment in general or anything else having to do with this category. Then I can go through them and every week I can share the question (anonymously of course !!!) and the answer with all the other readers. It will be a good way of getting some quality information out to all of you and helping you to get to that next level of Success that much sooner.
One other area of this subject that seems to jam some people up is Terminology. Lets face it, some of the names that they have for some of this stuff even has me looking up a word or phrase here and there !!! I would like to share a link with you to a web page that I found today. It is a Glossary of Technical Terminology. It is a really good place to look up those often confusing terms. You will find everything there from ACTIVE X to ZIP. Check it out and don’t forget to Bookmark it !!!
I’ll be waiting on those emails. If I don’t get any I’m going to have to call “Foul !!!” I struggle each and every day to keep up with the World of Technology. I know that some of you are doing the same thing. Let me help you and help others in the process. I’ll be waiting…………..
“Correct me if I'm wrong - the gizmo is connected to the flingflang connected to the watzis, watzis connected to the doo-dad connected to the ding dong.”
- Patrick B. Oliphant
Have you ever taken a sticker off of something like maybe a bumper sticker from your car and even though you had removed the sticker that Goo Residue was left behind? Did you leave that residue there or did you get some cleaner and remove it? Well, you just hang onto that thought because it is going to be the point of reference for something that I want to talk to you about today. I have spent a lot of time thinking about the process of going from being a Negative person to being a Positive person and have come to certain conclusions pertaining to the relationship between that transition and the end result.
First, we must agree that there are various levels of Negativity and I am going to list them here as I see them:
1) First, we have COMPLETE NEGATIVITY. This level of Negativity is the most severe and the hardest to transition from. This is the classic “The World is out to get me”, “The little man can’t get ahead”, etc. scenario. Most often it stems from growing up in a Negative environment and basically being taught this way of thinking based on day to day exposure to it. On average, this is not going to be someone you want to have a business relationship with.
2) Next, we have what I call POSI-NEGATIVITY. This form is still severe but is much less detrimental to your day to day life. This is the type of person that you can eventually talk into taking a half-hearted whack at your business but they will ASSURE you from day one that they are not going to like it or do well at it.
3) Now, we have what I call NEGA-POSITIVITY. This is Negativity in it’s gentlest form but still strong enough that it is a HUGE stumbling block in the lives of people that suffer through it. This would be the otherwise Positive person that always harbors a small to moderate amount of fear and/or doubt. They would be the type of person who would leave to go to the amusement park with a forecast of sunny skies and STILL take an umbrella because “With my luck, just as sure as I don’t take it we will get rain !!!” They will embrace your business with open arms but will always hold themselves back due to having this level of Negativity in their lives.
Alright, now suppose that a person from any of these categories decided to make a change in their life. The only way to make this change is to peel away the layers of Negativity. Depending on which category this person falls into, this could be a moderate to difficult task but let’s assume that they finally accomplish this. The problem is that some people stop right there. They have good intentions by deciding to make the change in their mindset and starting a new life full of CORRECT THINKING and they are really serious about this change. But, at this point this is all just a concept to them. They have not educated themselves in this area and have not laid the foundation for this new life.
This is where Personal Development comes in. ACTION without EDUCATION is fruitless and EDUCATION without ACTION is worthless. You must marry the two together. If you just decide to become a Positive person and don’t educate yourself in the various areas of Personal Development to help strengthen your core then you are going to have great difficulty staying the course !!!
Now, think back to my example in the beginning. You have peeled away the bumper stickers of Negativity in your Life but if you don’t take the time to go back and clean off that Goo Residue through Personal Development then you will always carry a certain amount of that "Old You" with you. That is going to hinder you in everything you do from your Business Life to your Personal Life. So, when you make that commitment to peel away those layers of Negativity let Personal Development be your Goo Cleaner. Be sure to FOLLOW UP with a good CLEAN UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Think positively about yourself, keep your thoughts and actions clean, ask God who made you to keep on remaking you.”
- Norman Vincent Peale
My, my, how the time does fly. That’s right, it’s about time for me to call it a night. I have a HOT DATE with a HOT BATH !!! I’m going to relax and visualize the upcoming week. This will put the Law of Attraction to work to put the necessary wheels in motion to bring me my World as I see it. It’s all right there for the taking everybody. Like my favorite ad slogan says, “Just DO IT !!!” and like my favorite Jedi Knight says, "There is no TRY, only DO !!!" LOL Hey, it may be Hollywood but it's the TRUTH. Until the Good Lord sees fit to let us have this time together again, just remember to always.......
Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1
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