Sunday, November 11, 2007

Newsletter 11/11/07


Hey Everybody,

Well, it has been yet another wonder filled week in the world of Entrepreneurship. I hope it has been as good to you as it has been to me. Every day brings a new piece of the Prosperity Pie to the table. It’s all there for the taking. You just have to claim it, believe it and receive it. You can laugh at that if you choose but the things that are happening in my life are NOT my imagination. Welcome back to all my loyal readers and welcome home to those of you just joining us. As always, if you are new and want to catch up or just missed an edition, you can go to : (bottom left corner of page)


************** Success University *****************
Ladies and gentlemen, if you are not already a member of Success University you have NO IDEA what you are missing !!! I think the fact that just a year ago I was a blue collar worker trying to get by and now, one year later, I am a team leader in the company and PERMANENTLY RETIRED from the workforce should speak for itself. Where else in the world can you have access to the curriculum of great authors, speakers and trainers such as Les Brown, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy and more for less than $2 a day AND be able to generate an AWESOME income in the process. Imagine, making life altering changes to your own life, exposing others to the opportunity to do the same AND get paid to do it; Not to mention the fact that you can TEST DRIVE the company for $2 for 2 full weeks of FULL, UNRESTRICTED ACCESS to the training, the classes and compensation plan with the entire $2 going to an international children’s charity. How much more of a NO BRAINER could this be ??? Do yourself a favor and check it out at:

Ok, I want to talk about a technique that very few people seem to use in their business for some reason and I’m not sure if it’s because they just don’t know about it, don’t know how to do it or just never thought about implementing it into their business. I’m talking about Joint Ventures. Now, there are different aspects of a Joint Venture and I will cover them one a time here.

First of all, who is a good candidate for a Joint Venture? Well, here is what to look for. First, you want someone that is in a business or organization that, based on their position there, are likely to have an extensive contact list; for example, doctors, lawyers, organization leaders, independent contractors, company and corporate ceo’s, realtors, investors, etc. I think you get the idea. Now, they don’t necessarily have to be quite that high up the food chain but you always want to think big !!! The sad fact is that most of you are probably one good connection away from having direct contact with a prime candidate and don’t even know it. It happened to me just a while back. I found out by complete accident through casual conversation that a close friend of mine was long time friends with the President of a local bank! Don’t you think for a minute that I’m not ON TOP OF THAT !!! Maybe you belong to a health club. Open your ears while you’re lounging in the sauna. You may be sitting right next to the new star player in your company.

Note: It will also help if the potential Joint Venture prospect is of a similar mindset as that of the company that you represent; for example, if you represent a company that provides a nutritional product then it would strengthen your chances it the Joint Venture prospect was into health and nutrition. Consequently, a lot of people on their contact list will probably fit the same profile.

Next, anyone who is a likely candidate for a Joint Venture is most likely EXTREMELY BUSY but that is what you want. Busy people make things happen. That’s why it cracks me up when people give up on a prospect for their business when the prospect’s only objection is “I don’t have enough time.” When I meet someone who tells me that I tell them “I’ve been looking for you for six months !!!” You see, a successful person that is TOO BUSY to take part in your business is PRIME PICKINGS for a Joint Venture. They have something you want (Lots of contacts) and you have something they want (time to build their business for them if they just refer those contacts). It’s a WIN-WIN situation and that is what a Joint Venture is all about.

Also, you want to provide them with an incentive to work with you. This is where the good ole “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” mentality comes into play. And, BY ALL MEANS, give before you ask to receive. Don’t just try to get them into your business by offering to do all the work for them and that is it. They are already successful which means they have other things going on such as other businesses. Send them some business and make sure they know you sent it. Show them that you are not just ALL ABOUT YOU !!! Become an asset in their eyes. Put a sincere effort into being someone that they benefit from associating with. Maybe they have a garage. Start getting your oil changed there and send all your friends. The world revolves on RELATIONSHIPS !!! Make yours count.

“You can have anything you want if you just help enough other people get what they want.”
- Zig Ziglar

As some of you know, I am a personal coach. I work with people to open their eyes to what the real issues in their lives are and then teach them methods to make the appropriate changes. One of the MAIN things I teach them is the Law of Attraction. It is a phenomenal tool and it works EVERY TIME for EVERY PERSON !!! Because I use it consciously, it shows up literally daily in my life. Today was a perfect example of that and also ties into the holiday season.

I went for a ride on my Harley today because I needed some time to think and I always do my best thinking with all that power under me and the wind in my face. It’s exhilarating in a way I can’t begin to explain. Anyway, it started out simple. And, believe me when I tell you, some really big things in life can come from the most seemingly insignificant things.

When I left home I put what had to be a pound of loose change in my pocket. I have a tendency to be in a hurry most of the time and so instead of paying with exact change I turn my pants pocket into a piggy bank. As I was leaving, my predominant thought was that of getting rid of that change. Since I was on no particular mission as to where I was riding, I went to Wal-mart, thinking that I needed some envelopes and that would be a good thing to spend the change on.

Also, bear in mind that for the last several weeks the predominant thought in my mind had been what I wanted to do for the holidays in the way of charity. I am a big fan of Dave Ramsey, a popular radio talk show host, and many times people would call in with a hard luck story and Dave would get swamped with calls and emails of people volunteering to help. Dave would always be quick to point out that if you really wanted to help you didn’t need to listen to a radio show to find someone but that rather you probably didn’t need to look any further than your own neighborhood and I have found that to be exactly the case.

As I approached the entrance I noticed this little ole white haired lady sitting at a card table with a young boy that was obviously suffering from certain challenges in life. I slowed my stride so that I could read the poster board sign she had made. It said that she was collecting money so that she could give a Christmas party for disabled children in the local group homes. Well, my hand went for my pocket faster than if I was getting out a business card for a prospect. I told that lady that I needed her help getting rid of a big pocket full of change and would certainly appreciate her helping me with that. Needless to say, she smiled and very graciously thanked me. I then handed her my business card, told her I worked in personal development and invited her to sign up for my free newsletter. I went on in the store, decided I didn’t really need the envelopes and so I went back out and continued my ride.

I road for a good 2 hours just thinking about things but it was supposed to rain so I decided to head home. Strangely though, every time I came to my turn to go home, something made me pass it by. I rationalized that it was just me not wanting to stop riding just yet and continued on. As I approached the end of town where the Wal-mart is located I decided to cruise the lot then turn for home. As I went through, that little old lady was getting ready to pack it in for the day. I stopped and parked and, as I watched her, this HUGE light bulb in my head came on. The Law of Attraction, never having failed me, had done it’s job once again. I walked over to the lady and asked her if she was a part of an organization that helped these children and that is when she informed me that the she did this all on her own and had been doing it for 17 years !!! It was then that I was CERTAIN that I had found my charity for the holidays.

Do you get it? Do you see what I see? This whole day and every event that took place in it brought me to this woman. From something as seemingly insignificant as a need to get rid of a pocket full of change to an unexplainable urge to NOT GO HOME YET, came the opportunity to help someone in need and, thus, the answer to my request. People, don’t be blind to the power of your mind. It creates your very world around you. My large desire was to find a good charity to help for Christmas. The Universe then took a smaller desire, manipulated my day and made BOTH come true!!! How incredible is that??? The Law of Attraction is at work in your life whether you believe it or not and whether you want it to be or not. Why not use it and make a difference, not only in your own life but in the life of others? Think about it……

“Think truly, and thy thoughts shall the world’s famine feed.”
- Horatio Bonar (1808-1889)

Well, everyone, as I close this edition and prepare for another week of joy, happiness, excitement and new adventures I hope that you will join me in a similar fashion. It’s out there… waiting for all of you. If you already have it then you can appreciate what I am saying. If you don’t then all I can tell you is that true opportunity, true success and true happiness does NOT come knocking at your door !!! They are things that you must ATTRACT into your life with your thoughts. Believe me….. Ed McMahon is NOT coming down the street in a van with your address written on a sticky note !!! But true opportunity, true success and true happiness are all there waiting for you to claim them in your life. Until our Gracious Heavenly Father affords us the opportunity to do this again next week, just remember…….



Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1