Sunday, December 16, 2007

Newsletter 12/16/07


Hey Everyone,

It’s a pleasure to be back with all of you this week. Welcome back to all my regular readers and welcome home to all my new readers. It’s our time together by the fireplace. It’s our chance to channel our thoughts and feelings in such a way that we can improve our businesses, our lives and our futures together. It has been an incredible week for me and I’m sure it has been for you too. As always, if you are new or have missed an edition and want to go back and read it you can by simply going to either…. (lower left corner of page)


Note: If you have your own web site that you CONTROL THE CONTENT of then you absolutely MUST read the following information !!! You will not be sold anything and you will make money EVERYTIME anyone visits your site. They don’t have to click on ANYTHING !!! I’m doing it and you’ll be nuts if YOU don’t…….Oh yeah, did I mentions it’s FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**************** ANNOUNCNING: PAY PER PLAY **************
I want to show you how to get a 100% conversion rate on your website traffic. This is not a sales pitch and there is nothing to buy. There is no squeeze page that is designed to sell you anything later either. This is an event that you should know about... First there was Pay Per Click advertising which pays you on the small percentage of website visitors that actually click on an advertisement. Now there is "Pay Per Play" advertising that will pay you on 100% of your website traffic... NO CLICKS NECESSARY! Pay Per Play caters to an audience that is larger than radio, television and print media combined! Billions of dollars are being spent by big brand advertisers and they are ready to pay you. Will you claim your share of the pie? Or will you let someone else have it? To learn more about Pay Per Play visit:

I’m going to put a little different spin on my usual training in this week’s edition. I’m going to touch on a widely neglected but extremely important area that is CRUCIAL to your success !!! I’m going to talk to you today about your body. Let’s face it, it doesn’t matter how much money you make and how happy you become if you “check out” way before you should.

It is my guess that the one area of all our lives that suffer the most from our pursuit of success in our business endeavors is the area of physical fitness. I am a strong advocate of physical fitness and work everyday at improving my health. But, I DO understand that it can be quite a challenge to fit it in. However, in my opinion, if something has to be left out of my daily schedule it’s going to be something besides my fitness training.

I get up every morning and take my dog for a one mile walk around my neighborhood. It takes discipline and focus but YOU CAN DO IT !!! I don’t want to hear about NOT ENOUGH TIME. Exercise is something that is best done in the morning and the only thing you have to do to make time for it is to change the setting on you alarm clock. Your body needs AT LEAST twenty minutes of cardio and it needs it AT LEAST three times a week. See your doctor about what type and how much is suitable for your particular circumstances.

The other obvious area that is in the same category is what you eat. This is an area that is very easy to falter in but with even the most basic information you can make dramatic changes in your health and the way you feel. I am going to share that basic information with you and IF YOU WILL APPLY IT you too can start to put your body back on the path to good health. What follows are ten basic things to change about the way you eat.

1) Eat six small meals a day, one every two to three hours. This will stabilize your blood sugar levels and cause a more efficient burning of fat and calories.

2) Eat a portion of Protein and Carbohydrates with each meal and DO NOT ELIMINATE FAT from your diet. Your body needs a certain amount of fat for various functions. Just avoid Saturated and Trans Fats.

3) Add a portion of vegetables to at least two of the six meals. This is necessary to ensure that you ingest an adequate amount of essential Vitamins and Minerals.

4) A portion is the size of your palm for flat meats such as pork chops and the size of your clenched fist for carbohydrates and vegetables.

5) Consume one tablespoon of UNSATURATED oil daily or three portions of salmon per week. These fats are necessary to provide your body with all the essential fatty acids it needs.

6) Drink at least ten cups of water a day. Many people don’t know this but a lack of water in the body will actually SLOW DOWN the fat burning process because water is needed for the chemical reaction.

7) Use Meal Replacement Shakes if necessary to make sure that you get your six meals in if a real meal is not possible. Missing a meal slows the metabolism as the body interprets this as a lack of available food.

8) Plan your meals in advance. This will make staying on track much easier and will decrease the chance of missed meals due to unavailability of food. It will also help in the Time Management department.

9) Plan your grocery list. You will probably have a good idea of what you will eat on a regular basis so always make sure you have the basics for preparing those meals.

10) Listen to me !!! This is an important one !!! Once a week take a FREE DAY and eat what you want. It will have a negligible impact on your program and treating yourself increases motivation and diligence.

It may seem like a lot to do at first but once it becomes a part of your life it will become second nature. But, then again, even if it was a nuisance it’s certainly better than the alternative. Wouldn’t you agree ??? Take care of your body. Do it for yourself but, more importantly, do it for the ones you love. I’m sure they would love to have you around as long as possible.

“When you gain control of your body you will gain control of your life.”

- Bill Phillips, International Trainer and Coach

Have you ever known of ANYONE who’s last words as they lay dying on their death bed were “My only regret is that I didn’t spend more time at work away from my family”? Me neither !!! I often comment on the hustle and bustle of the Holiday Season but there is another hustle and bustle lying just beneath the surface. It is the hustle and bustle of the WORK-A-HOLIC.

You see, the work-a-holic has a condition that is difficult to treat because he is under the illusion that he is doing himself and his family a service by all of his devotion and commitment. Now, before you start throwing rocks at me and yelling “Hypocrite” allow me to clarify. I’m not talking about the person who diligently performs all his daily tasks before calling it a night. I’m not talking about the person who goes into the office on his day off or misses a fishing trip with his buddies to make an important deadline. I’m talking about the person who LIVES for his business and spends what ever time may be left over with his family IF he can work it into his schedule !!!

The problem is that it’s easy to cross that line without realizing it. I fight that dragon every day of my life. I doubt that there are many of you that have more going on than I do at any given moment but you have to develop a plan to make sure that you maintain control over it instead of letting it maintain control over you. Trust me, it takes MUCH less time to destroy a family or a life than it does to create and properly develop one.

I was working in my office today (see what I mean? Today is Sunday) and I got so wrapped up in what I was doing that I literally came to a screeching halt. I had to go for a drive to relax my mind and give it pause to go back to a healthy state so that when my son came home later I was able to enjoy my time with him. It’s not just about time. If you don’t give yourself some separation from your work your time with those you love will still suffer from a Quality standpoint.

I stopped at an old bridge in town and parked my truck so I could walk down to the water’s edge. I stood there with the cold wind on my face just watching the water go by. It really made me think. I realized how easy it was to become so involved in what you are doing that so many of life’s simple pleasures can slip right by unnoticed just like that water was slipping by under the bridge, unnoticed by the passers by. How many of life’s simple pleasures have you let slip by because you just needed to work a little bit longer?

“Don’t spend so much time making a living that you fail to make a life !!!”

- Anonymous

Devotion and Commitment are wonderful and vital traits to have but you have to be careful. Even race car engines have to be treated properly. They are built for performance as I am sure you are on top of your game in your business as well but just ask a race driver sometime what happens when you RED LINE !!!! Be Prosperous, be Successful and Be A Winner but just don’t forget where your True Loyalty lies. Don’t ever forget that it’s not your business that you work for but rather yourself and your family. If you don’t take care of the latter the other just DOESN’T MATTER !!!

“The great danger for family life, in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish.”

- Pope John Paul II

Well, the clock hasn’t cut me any more slack this week than it ever does. Seems like I just sat down a few moments ago. But, tomorrow is a new day and a new week. I need to make preparations to be ready to take it HEAD-ON !!! Remember that TIME MANAGEMENT is one of the main keys to your success. It may seem like an unnecessary task to you sometimes but I guarantee you that you save ten times more time than you use up planning your next days activities. I challenge you to find any successful person that would disagree with me on that one. So, that having been said, I wish you all a wonderful week and a wonderful life. Until the Good Lord favors us with the opportunity to do this again just always remember to…….



Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1