Sunday, January 6, 2008

Newsletter 01/06/08


Hey Everybody,

I hope that this day finds each and every one of you experiencing vast amounts of joy and prosperity. I just go back from a ride myself. The Good Lord has really been blessing me with lots of good riding days here in the middle of Winter. It was over 60 degrees here in Ky today. It is just so fulfilling to spend some time doing something that you love and are passionate about. It’s also when I do my best thinking. Welcome back to all my loyal readers and welcome aboard to my first timers. If you are new and want to read the previous editions or if you missed one and want to catch up you can go to either….. (bottom left corner of page)


****************** Success University ******************
Folks, I’m going to tell you something that may surprise you to hear me say. You can make money in ANY Network Marketing company !!! That’s right. You heard me right. The question is HOW MUCH money will you make ??? If you want to be INCREDIBLY successful in Network Marketing you need to be in a company that enables you to answer YES to the following three questions. Can I, myself, benefit from the product or service I’m promoting, am I promoting a product or service that I can be PROUD of, and do I have a quality support system in place that is going to enable me to optimize my business to it’s FULL POTENTIAL ??? I you can’t HONESTLY answer YES to all three of those questions then you need to take a closer look at Success University. Being able to answer yes to those three questions is exactly why I am still with Success University and is the reason I will ALWAYS be with Success University !!!

Let me ask everyone something. What would you be willing to do to attract attention to your business? Now, really spend a couple of minutes and think about that. As silly as it might be and as embarrassing as you might find it, what would YOU be willing to do to get your business noticed? Be creative, think of a couple of things and then go to the next paragraph.

Have you got your ideas ready? Great. The reason I asked you to do that is this. As I’ve mentioned before, as I travel abroad and even locally I pay close attention to the way other places of business conduct business and advertise to get ideas and to maybe improve on existing ones. This practice has served me well and this holiday season has been no exception.

What I saw was nothing unique and definitely nothing that I hadn’t seen before but it just never struck a chord with me before. It was a guy dressed in a Santa suit standing in front of a furniture store waving a sign advertising a sale. Now, at first all I could think about was how silly he looked and how demeaning of a job that was. I mean, why would I want to buy his furniture just because he was dressed up like Santa Claus? And, so I continued down the street going about my business.

A little later that day I stopped by a friends house who was remodeling and getting ready to move in. We were standing around talking about all the chaos and craziness about the holidays when I popped up and told him about the incredibly stupid looking Santa standing out on the side of the street waving a sign to advertise a sale they were having and then I had one of those 2 X 4 TO THE FACE moments !!!

In my eagerness to make fun of my friend on the side of the street I had just went all the way to other side of the county and advertised his sale FOR HIM to a potential customer who, otherwise, would not have even known about it because he was busy working on his new house. Yes, it took me a few hours to pull that foot out of my mouth which was firmly lodged at the time. I may have thought his sales strategy was silly and ineffective at face value but he had USED ME without me even knowing it !!!

Folks, sales is a numbers game. It’s not just how many direct sales you make but how many seeds you plant that may mature into a sale later. Be unique. Make your business stand out in any way you feel comfortable with and become a fixed memory in everybody’s mind. Make good use of your traffic. They may not buy the first time they are at your site but when they decide the time to buy or join has come, guess who they’re going to remember???

“Creativity is a lot like looking at the world through a kaleidoscope. You look at a set of elements, the same ones everyone else sees, but then reassemble those floating bits and pieces into an enticing new possibility. Effective leaders are able to shake up their thinking as though their brains are kaleidoscopes, permitting an array of different patterns out of the same bits of reality.”

- Rosabeth Moss Kanter

I have a question. What in the world has happened to the work ethic and frame of mind of people these days ??? As many of you know, I work as the Director of Support for my team in Success University so I field a lot of e-mails. You would not BELIEVE some of them I get !!! For some reason (I think it’s guilt) people feel the need to write to me and make sure I know why they have decided to quit my business and just when I think I have heard it all, BAM !!! I get a rude awakening.

Any business endeavor you become involved in online is going to take the same things that a brick and mortar business is going to take. You will have a time commitment, you will have an energy commitment and you will most certainly have a MONEY commitment. That’s just the way it is. I promise you that if you opened a flower shop and told your supplier that you would not be paying for any of your flowers until your business became profitable that you would immediately be in the market for a new supplier.

I understand how it feels to pay for advertising and see no results. I understand how it feels to talk to people till you are blue in the face just to have them say “No thank you, I’m not interested.”. I understand how it feels to get all geared up and excited about your new found passion just to become depressed a few weeks later because you can’t figure out why everyone else doesn’t feel the same about what you have to offer as you do. To be blunt…… IT SUCKS !!!

But, you have to make it through it. Why can some people make it through 4,8 or even 12 years of college to prepare for a career before they make their first dollar and start their career off literally thousands and thousands of dollars in debt but that same person can’t put a couple of hundred bucks and a few hours a week into a business that will make them financially independent and have a ZERO debt factor without getting discouraged and quitting a short few weeks later ??? Am I missing something ? Because, if I am I would really like for someone to straighten me out.

Let me shoot you some numbers here….. In the field of Network Marketing the learning curve is about a year, give or take a little based on your ability and willingness to learn. But, the sad truth is that around 75% of all participants that quit do so within the first 30-90 days. On the other hand, out of those that stick it out and make it through that learning curve, approximately 95% go on to make really good money. Like I tell people every day while providing support for our team, how can you walk away in the middle of the game and then act like you have no idea why you didn’t win???

I actually had someone close to me a long time ago before I made it to where I am now ask me this question. They said, “Jeff, why are you wasting all your time with that worthless Network Marketing crap? It’s never going to get you anywhere and when we both die there won’t be any difference between the two of us”. I looked at them and said, “Oh, yes there will. Even if don’t reach my goals and do fail, the difference between us will be that I will die knowing that at least I tried and never gave up”.

“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.”

- Marie Curie

Well, looks like the clock is kicking my behind again. Time to relax for a bit, think about tomorrow and then get some rest so I will be physically, mentally and spiritually prepared to do battle with whatever challenges come my way. As always, I cherish my time with all of you and hope that I occasionally have even the slightest positive impact on someone’s life. This newsletter is my way of trying to give back a little of what has come my way, both in the way of Personal Development and all the wonderful opportunities that have come to me. Until the Good Lord grants us this time together again, just remember to…..



Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1