Monday, January 28, 2008

Newsletter 01/27/08


Hey Everybody,

I hope that your world is as filled with excitement and opportunity as is mine. Everyday seems to be better than the one before. Every goal I reach seems to bring me closer yet to another goal I am diligently pursuing. It seems to be the way that the Universe goes about getting you where you want and need to be; each completed event serving as the beginning for yet anther one. As always, I would like to welcome all my old friends back and welcome my new friends home. Any of you that either have missed an edition or are new and want to go back and read previous editions can do so by simply going to either..... (bottom left corner of page)


*********************** Success University **********************
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Success University !!! They are three years old this month. Not only that but they are DEBT FREE and growing at OVER 300 % ANNUALLY !!! Success University is taking the Network Marketing Industry by storm. Only a very small percentage of new start up companies even make it past their first year, let alone THREE years and experiencing the level of growth and success that Success University has experienced in that length of time is just unheard of. That speaks volumes for them. The reason for this is that they are a solidly based company in all the correct and necessary places; Training, Support, Mission and Financial Status. If you want to be a part of a true LEADER in the industry (a leader that is not even in Momentum yet), all you have to do is go to:

Ok, without doubt, one of the most commonly asked questions that I get from my fellow Network Marketers is HOW DO I DRIVE TRAFFIC TO MY SITE ??? I normally answer that question by telling them that there is no RIGHT or WRONG way to drive traffic to your site. Different things are more well suited to some people than are others. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses and YOUR strengths and weaknesses will determine largely which methods work best for you. Think about it. Magazine advertising may be effective but it may not be in your budget. Blogging may be very effective but not if you don't have good writing skills. The best way to decide how to get traffic to your site is to take a personal inventory of your overall situation and list of skills then, by the use of logic, choose and test the most obviously viable methods for you. That having been said, I have compiled a list of eleven different ways for you to consider and a little bit about each. You can then decide which ones are most likely suited to you.


1) Provide a Bonus for other site owners to use as a FREE give away with a product or service that they are selling. This could be something as simple as a FREE REPORT that you wrote. Of course, it would need to be relevant to the product or service that the other site owner is providing. By using this method, you are basically acquiring the use or their list.

2) Use large Social Networking groups to get your message out. There are countless ones out there and new ones are popping up every day. You have Myspace, Facebook, Friendswin, and Meetup just to name a few. These are places where people come to because they WANT to form new relationships.

3) If you are not camera shy (If you are, you really need to GET OVER IT !!!), there are many sites such as Youtube and Google Video where you can submit your own little personal commercial. You have complete content control and you can really get your face AND personality out there, along with your message.

4) One resource that is gaining a lot of ground in the industry is Craigslist. It is a FREE online classified ad site that is currently receiving MILLIONS of visitors daily. It is a really good place to do your classified ads. Just be sure to read their TERMS OF SERVICE and be professional by not violating them.

5) Podcasting is a method of promotion that is really gaining momentum in the marketplace. If you can make an MP3, you can simply create and audio file and make it available on any of the many Podcast Networks such as Apple iPod. Just make it informative and interesting.

6) If you are a real Go Getter, you can offer your services to other sites by giving free teleconference calls. They benefit by you providing high quality information to their subscribers and you get to Plug your business during or at the end of the call. But, if you choose this method you really need to be prepared or you will come across as very amateurish and do your business more harm than good.

7) Another excellent way to get your message out there and probably one of the LEAST popular of all is the PUBLIC PRESENTATION. Once again, this is a scenario where professionalism and preparedness are VITAL. You really need to have your ducks in a row to do this but if you do there are very few better ways to get your name out there and establish the very elusive CREDITBILITY !!!


8) Ezine and Email Newsletter advertising is an effective and relatively inexpensive method of advertising. Also, you have a variety of ways to go about it to suit your budget; everything ranging from Classified Ads to Sponsored Ads to Solo Mailings (The most expensive of the three). The benefit of this type of advertising is that you get your message out to a very large list that you did not have to build.

9) Banner ads have been and always will be a very effective method of advertising your business online. Let's face it, putting up a sign will always be a good way to attract attention whether it is on the side of the road or on the side of a web page. The best part is that banner advertising has dropped in price a lot. It usually runs about $1 to $2 for 1,000 banner impressions.

10) Amazon and Ebay are both very much overlooked resources. You don't always have to give away your SPECIAL REPORTS. Many people are more than happy to pay for what they perceive as valuable information. The key is to sell your special report DIRT CHEAP !!! Remember, you are trying to get targeted traffic to your site. You are not concerned with making money from the report. I recommend selling it for about $1.

11) Finally, there is off-line standard marketing practices. These would consist of Newspaper Classifieds, Newspaper Display Ads, Radio Spots and so on. The only draw back to these methods of promoting your site is that, with the exception of the Classified Ad, you can really eat into your advertising budget and not really get that much for your money, not to mention the fact that you have a very much more limited audience than you have on the internet. Also, it's very difficult to target your traffic with these methods.

Obviously, these are not ALL the available ways to drive traffic to your site but they are some of the most common in use today and some of the more innovative ways. Just remember to apply the ones that are most in line with your current budget conditions and, also, in line with your abilities and understanding of the workings of the internet. If you do those things I think you will find these methods very beneficial.

"Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune."

- Jim Rohn

I have had the pleasure of spending the entire weekend with a lot of wonderful people. That is one of the reasons that I'm a day late getting my newsletter out. I was in Atlanta at the Embassy Hotel for an Internet Marketing Business Seminar. This is one of the type of events that I'm always trying to get other people to go to. Did I go because I want to start an online business ? NO !!! Did I go because I want to learn the latest and greatest ways to optimize my web site ? NO !!! I can learn about all these things online without the expense of a three hundred mile drive, two nights in a $150 a night hotel room and paying $20 for a burger, fries and mixed drink. I went there to NETWORK !!!

It simply blows me away the excuses that I hear from people for not attending these events. Some of my favorites are "I don't want to use up my vacation days" or "I can't afford the gas" or "It costs too much to stay at the hotel". Well, if those are the best you can do then don't EVER make the mistake of telling me how much fun you had on vacation last year because I'm going to remind you of EVERY WORD that came out of your mouth when I talked to you about the importance of going to Networking Events to promote your business and make new connections. !!!

Is it that you just don't quite grasp what type of people come to these events? I'm talking about people that are really good to have on your side !!! I'm talking about people like Larry Benet, Gary Ambrose, Matt Bacak, Keith Wellman, and Antonio Thornton, just to name a few. These are people that have been where you are and got where they were by using two things... Their own personal drive AND the help of WHO THEY WERE CONNECTED WITH !!!

People, I made so many connections this weekend that it boggles the mind !!! You've GOT to get out of the house and get to these events. You've GOT to add Networking to your business model, irregardless of the nature of your business. You see, it works like this. Everyone has SOMETHING to offer the world. You may not see what you have to offer as significant but someone else may see it as the missing puzzle piece in their particular scenario. They may not need your help right now and you may not need theirs but wouldn't it be nice to know that, because of a relationship that was born over a cup of coffee a year ago, when the day comes that you DO need a helping hand from somebody that can get things done that you can reach in your back pocket, pull out their business card and KNOW that you have a friend of that caliber on the other end ??? So, the next time you get an email informing you of a Major Networking event, don't look at it and say "I'm not going there. My business can't benefit from what they have to offer." GET OFF YOUR BUTT, PACK A BAG AND GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"I present myself to you in a form suitable to the relationship I wish to achieve with you."

- Luigi Pirandello

Everyone, Life is full of opportunities to enrich itself but YOU have to be the catalyst. You can't sit idly by and wait for it to happen. Opportunities present themselves in many ways, some obvious and others not so much so. It's up to you to pay attention and USE these opportunities when they do come. Get out of your comfort zone because I can tell you one thing FOR SURE !!! The longer you live in that comfort zone, the more UNCOMFORTABLE it is going to get. Until the next time The Good Lord brings us together in brother and sisterhood, just remember to ALWAYS..........



Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Newsletter 01/20/08


Hey Everybody,

I hope all is well with each and every one of you. I have to admit, LIFE has really been challenging me this week but, by the grace of God and the fact that I actually take my own advice, I am making through it. There is a lot of truth in the saying "That which does not kill you only makes you stronger !!!", and added strength is something we can all use. Welcome back to all my loyal readers and welcome home to all of the new people. If you are new and want to read back editions or maybe you just missed one, you can always read my newsletters by going to either... (bottom left corner of page)


******************** Success University *********************
Let me ask you something. What would you say is the Number One thing that is most important to a person when deciding whether or not to be a part of a particular business? Well, as the Director of Support for our team in Success University I can give you a little insight on that. You see, I spend ours a day working with people. It is a very enlightening experience, to say the least. If you said the money you are WRONG !!! If you said having the Best product or service you are WRONG !!! I get told countless times a day that the main reason people come onboard and STAY onboard Success University is the AWESOME Support System we have in place. Above everything else, the most import thing to people , percentage wise, is knowing that they are going to have the necessary training, unlimited assistance and problem solving that is quick and personal. If YOU are looking for those same qualities in a company then YOU need to check out Success University TODAY !!!

I want to talk to you this evening about how you present yourself to others. You see, you can have an awesome product, a killer compensation plan and the nicest suit that money can buy BUT, if you are not perceived as knowledgeable and professional, your efforts can fall on deaf ears !!!

Communication skills are very important in the business world and I don't just mean how well you enunciate. I'm talking about posture, voice inflection, body language and a host of other things that will determine not only how people perceive you but also what level of self confidence you will have. These things will TREMENDOUSLY impact your sales and every aspect of your business.

Here is what I do and I am sure you will find it helpful too. You need two things. You will need a partner that understands how serious you are about your business so they will be serious about helping you and not be a clown and you will need a camcorder with a tripod. If a camcorder is not within your budget then borrow one. The tripod is only $20 at Wal-mart and they fit basically ALL camcorders Universally.

Here is what you need to do. By the way, this is the techniques I use to practice my speeches and self critique. You will want to work two different scenarios. First, let's talk about the ONE-ON-ONE scenario. Explain to your helper what you are wanting to do here. Tell them they are playing the role of the PROSPECT and you are going to give them a short presentation. It will help if you make a short list of questions for them to ask you at the end so you can practice how you handle those as well. Then simply set the camcorder up on the tripod and aim it at a table and two chairs. Check the aim for accuracy, press the RECORD button and do your thing. Now, all you have to do is play the tape back later and you will be AMAZED at the things you will notice about how you handled your presentation. I know I was. Also, ask your helper for some feedback. After all, it was them you were trying to sell on the idea. Even use someone that is in your warm market that you have not yet signed up and they may be so inspired by your pursuit for excellence you may even sign them up on the spot.

Next, you want to do basically the same thing except you are going to be practicing talking to more than one person at a time. Now, a lot of people will say that they don't like doing presentations in front of an audience and that they think this is an outdated method but I have news for them !!! Let them tell that to the people that tell me the only reason that they signed up with me was that they saw my dedication and passion for what I do. It all comes down to HOW BAD DO YOU WANT SUCCESS ??? Anyway, just aim the camcorder at the spot you are going to speak from, check your aim for accuracy and KNOCK'EM OFF THEIR FEET !!! Then, of course, simply follow up as before by asking your helper for feedback and reviewing the tape to see where you are weak and work on strengthening those areas. You will find many things that need correcting but you will also find that you are not quite as bad as you thought you were either.

NOTE: DO NOT stare at the camera !!! You are not on TV. You are using the camera to record your presentation and NOT giving the presentation TO the camera.

The bottom line here it that you are never going to be perfect. GET OVER IT !!! Even the great ones still make mistakes on stage. But, you know what? If you think about it, when they do you are so into what they are talking about that you hardly even notice and by the time you leave the auditorium you have completely put it out of your mind. Other people are going to be the same way by you. Yes, they will notice your little boo boo's BUT that will only label you as being human. It's not PERFECTION you seek. It is PROFESSIONALISM !!!

"Instruction does not prevent wasted time or mistakes; and mistakes themselves are often the best teachers of all."

- James Anthony Froude

I would like for each of you to take just a second to think about it and then answer this question. How much time do you spend WORRYING about things in the course of your day? Now, be honest. How many times a day do you let things come flying out of your mouth such as "Boy, I sure hope they don't start laying anybody off!" or "I hope gas doesn't get any higher!" or "They say there's a virus going around. I sure hope I don't get it!" Just how much time do you spend wasting your day and giving energy to negative thoughts?

First of all, if you can't connect with where I'm coming from then you need to do your homework and study up on the Law of Attraction. I HIGHLY recommend watching the movie THE SECRET. There are other books and other forms of information on the subject but I have personally found THE SECRET to be the most informative and the easiest for the masses to understand.

Worry is one of the most destructive forces in the World !!! And what I really don't understand is why some people do it in a manner that almost seems intentional in nature. Worrying does nothing but increase your stress level and make you miserable. It has ZERO effect on you or the World in general as far as accomplishing anything or impacting the results. If two people are in two IDENTICAL situations and one worries about his while the other chooses to remain totally neutral, when all is said and done the results will be the same so WHY STRESS YOURSELF ON PURPOSE ?!?

Worrying accomplishes one thing and ONE THING ONLY !!! It causes your mental and physical condition to deteriorate. Stress brought on by worrying raises your blood pressure, makes you more vulnerable to heart disease, causes bouts with anxiety, can LITERALLY make you more prone to actual physical ailments and disease and just makes you plain unhappy. Now, considering that you do NOTHING to manipulate the outcome of any situation by worrying, why would any rational person do this to themselves?

Instead of worrying, you need to learn to re-direct your focus. You need to stop feeding energy to what you don't want or what you fear and retrain yourself to think in a manner that feeds energy to positive things. If you are worried about a test you have to take, re-direct that energy to increasing your studies. If you are worried about how things are going to turn out for your business, re-direct that energy into learning new ways to make your business better than the competition. If you are worried about your health, re-direct that energy toward improvements in your eating and exercising habits.

I guess it all comes down to one thing. Worrying is nothing but a non-productive, self-destructive and completely AVOIDABLE thing in people's lives. As for those of you who would argue and say "Well, I just can't help it !!!" I would say to you that the ONLY reason you can't help it is because you just claimed that weakness and made it yours. Remember, WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT, YOU BRING ABOUT and your words are a direct manifestation of your thoughts. So, it's up to you to change your way of thinking and purify what comes out of your mouth. Trust me, the day you stop worrying about everything you will notice MASSIVE improvements in your life !!!

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, worry about the future, or anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly."

- Buddha

Wow, the time has really gotten away from me once again. When I sit down to write it's like time just stands still..... UNTIL I LOOK AT THE CLOCK !!! Writing is very soothing, very relaxing and very fulfilling. I encourage everyone to try it. It doesn't matter if you fancy yourself a grammatical whiz or if you think you can't put two words together to make a sentence. It's just an experience I think everyone should have. You never know, you just may surprise yourself at what ends up on the screen in front of you and you, like I have, may have a new found addition. At least this one isn't bad for your health. Until the next time that The Good Lord let's us have this quality time together, just remember to.......



Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Newsletter 01/13/08


Hey Everybody,

I hope that all of you have had a phenomenal week. I know I have. Every time I think I know exactly what’s going on in my life and think I have a complete GRIP on the situation, along comes all these wonderful surprises and opportunities. I remain and always will remain a totally devoted advocate for the Law of Attraction. Welcome back to all my loyal readers and welcome aboard to all my newly acquired ones. As always, if you are new and want to read previous editions or maybe you just missed an edition you can always go back and read them by simply going to either….. (bottom left corner of page)


************************* Success University **********************
"When was the last time you worked with a company that LITERALLY changed your life ??? Well, that is the honor that I have in my life. It wasn't all that long ago that I was just a Blue Collar worker like most of the rest of the country. But, then I was exposed to Success University. Like I've told people countless times, you can make money anywhere with any company. What really matters is can you make a real DIFFERENCE in your life? Can you wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and be proud of who is looking back at you because you are a better person and are making a wonderful income helping other people to make those exact same changes in their life? I can do that... And I DO that each and every day. Go into business with a company that really cares about your future and really cares about who you have looking back at you in the mirror !!!"

In the position I hold in Success University as the Director of Support for our team combined with the coaching that I provide for people outside of my company, I really have the pulse of what’s going on in this industry in general. When I say that, I’m not just referring to Network Marketing but rather Small Business ownership in general. Out of all the problems that I talk to people about, the number one problem that I see them encounter is spending themselves right out of business !!!

When you come into the world of Small Business ownership it is only human nature to be really excited. In fact, one of the first things you are taught to do is treat your business like a Million Dollar business. Now, that is very true but people, we must maintain a certain perspective here. Having a Million Dollar Mindset doesn’t mean spending money to promote it like you have already made your first million !!!

The first culprit is taking on more projects than you can easily handle. Yes, multiple streams of income are wonderful if you (A) have adequate time to devote to them, (B) have enough marketing skills to juggle more than one concept at a time and (C) HAVE ENOUGH MONEY TO PROMOTE MORE THAN ONE BUSINESS AT A TIME !!!!! Was I at all unclear there ???

Now, the more common culprit is just plain, good ole fashioned OVER SPENDING !!! When you decide to go into business for yourself you need to establish your advertising budget BEFORE you become involved in a business. This is because no matter which business you choose, you will only have what you have to work with. If you choose the business first and then your budget emotion will take over because you are already excited about your new business and you will RATIONALIZE that you have enough to promote it properly whether, in all reality, you do or not.

That having been said, I have put together a bit of a budgeting guide to give you something solid to go by when deciding about a business you are considering or contemplating changes involving the one you may already be in. First, we have to do a personal financial inventory. The first thing you will need to do is take your gross income and cut it in half. The reason for that is this. Taking into account everything from taxes to your spiritual life, here is where the first 50% of your income SHOULD be going...

25% Average Income Earner Tax Bracket
10% Spiritual (church, charity, etc.)
15% Investments For Retirement
50% Total

Isn't it amazing, by acknowledging what you have going out each month, how your Annual Income is no longer your Annual Income ???

Ok, now we need to evaluate your vehicle and mortgage decisions as of now. In order for my formula to pertain to you, you must fall at or above these guidelines.....

1) Total value of all vehicles in your household cannot exceed %50 of your Gross Annual Income

2) Monthly mortgage payments cannot exceed 25% of your total household TAKE HOME PAY.

If you made it past all that with a smile then you can afford to actually SPEND MONEY promoting a business. If you fall below those standards then you really need to consider becoming involved in a business that you can LITERALLY successfully promote by word of mouth and some simple fliers or business cards. Otherwise, you will not be in business very long.

Now, for the final piece of the puzzle. How much should you budget for your business? Having given this much thought, I feel that starting your own business is akin to Personal Development. Therefore, in keeping with industry guidelines, approximately 15% of your Annual Income should keep you afloat and give your new business a fighting chance without jeopardizing your present situation and without much in the way of compromise in the area of Standard of Living.

Just remember, a Million Dollar Mindset is a NECESSITY in building a Small Business into maturity but there is plenty of room in that mindset for a healthy dose of COMMON SENSE !!!

"There was a time when a fool and his money were soon parted, but now it happens to everybody."

- Adlai E. Stevenson

I talk to a lot of people about being in business, relationships, personal fears and a wide array of other subjects. One of the biggest problems people have in any of those areas or others is the Fear of the Unknown. They are always letting that "What if..." mentality stand in the way of their hopes, dreams and ambitions. I, myself, have succumbed to this notion of Unknown Consequences. at earlier points in my life.

On my way back from visiting in Tennessee today I was driving down the freeway thinking about this subject when something amazing happened. (Now, bear in mind that I am a FIRM believer that there are no such things as coincidences or accidents. You bring about that which you think about.) I simply changed lanes and the answer to my query was right before my eyes.

If you have ever been driving down the highway and paying any attention to the tractor trailers you will occasionally see one that the driver has personalized a bit. It may be a "In Loving Memory Of" or he may be immortalizing his favorite sports team. Well, this guy must have known I was coming because he couldn't have done a better job of selecting something to put on the back of his trailer if he had consulted with me first !!! It simply read, "Each moment is a place you've never been".....

Now, spend a minute and think about that, as I had to do. To me the meaning jumps right out of the quote. It merely says that if you fear the unknown then you should fear every moment of your life because you don't know what any given moment holds until it arrives. You may have certain expectations based on past history of similar circumstances but you really don't know what the very next moment holds.

The point I want to make is this. All things being equal, if you don't fear ALL of the moments in your life then why should you fear certain ones??? Just because you had a job when you came home doesn't mean that you will have one when you go back the next day. Just because you are healthy when you go to sleep doesn't mean you won't be sick when you wake up. So, logic dictates that if you don't live in constant fear of those or any other of life's uncertainties, then why do you fear those that have the potential to be of great benefit to you just because you don't know for sure what the outcome will be. It was once said, "Oh, to reach to point of death only to realize that you've never really lived!!!" How many successes.... How many exciting adventures..... How many stories to tell your grandchildren will YOU miss out on because you were AFRAID !?!

"If you listen to your fears, you will die never knowing what a great person you might have been."

- Robert H. Schuller

Well, it's that time again. It's time for me to relax, take in some good reading material, and focus on what tomorrow holds in store. It's time to reflect on last week to help me to make better decisions in regards to how I will handle next week with all it's challenges and obstacles. Just remember that an obstacle is simply a set of circumstances that has not be properly reformatted into an opportunity. You can use a concrete block as a stumbling block or a stepping stone. The choice is yours. So, until we are granted these golden moments together again by the Good Lord, just always remember to.........



Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Newsletter 01/06/08


Hey Everybody,

I hope that this day finds each and every one of you experiencing vast amounts of joy and prosperity. I just go back from a ride myself. The Good Lord has really been blessing me with lots of good riding days here in the middle of Winter. It was over 60 degrees here in Ky today. It is just so fulfilling to spend some time doing something that you love and are passionate about. It’s also when I do my best thinking. Welcome back to all my loyal readers and welcome aboard to my first timers. If you are new and want to read the previous editions or if you missed one and want to catch up you can go to either….. (bottom left corner of page)


****************** Success University ******************
Folks, I’m going to tell you something that may surprise you to hear me say. You can make money in ANY Network Marketing company !!! That’s right. You heard me right. The question is HOW MUCH money will you make ??? If you want to be INCREDIBLY successful in Network Marketing you need to be in a company that enables you to answer YES to the following three questions. Can I, myself, benefit from the product or service I’m promoting, am I promoting a product or service that I can be PROUD of, and do I have a quality support system in place that is going to enable me to optimize my business to it’s FULL POTENTIAL ??? I you can’t HONESTLY answer YES to all three of those questions then you need to take a closer look at Success University. Being able to answer yes to those three questions is exactly why I am still with Success University and is the reason I will ALWAYS be with Success University !!!

Let me ask everyone something. What would you be willing to do to attract attention to your business? Now, really spend a couple of minutes and think about that. As silly as it might be and as embarrassing as you might find it, what would YOU be willing to do to get your business noticed? Be creative, think of a couple of things and then go to the next paragraph.

Have you got your ideas ready? Great. The reason I asked you to do that is this. As I’ve mentioned before, as I travel abroad and even locally I pay close attention to the way other places of business conduct business and advertise to get ideas and to maybe improve on existing ones. This practice has served me well and this holiday season has been no exception.

What I saw was nothing unique and definitely nothing that I hadn’t seen before but it just never struck a chord with me before. It was a guy dressed in a Santa suit standing in front of a furniture store waving a sign advertising a sale. Now, at first all I could think about was how silly he looked and how demeaning of a job that was. I mean, why would I want to buy his furniture just because he was dressed up like Santa Claus? And, so I continued down the street going about my business.

A little later that day I stopped by a friends house who was remodeling and getting ready to move in. We were standing around talking about all the chaos and craziness about the holidays when I popped up and told him about the incredibly stupid looking Santa standing out on the side of the street waving a sign to advertise a sale they were having and then I had one of those 2 X 4 TO THE FACE moments !!!

In my eagerness to make fun of my friend on the side of the street I had just went all the way to other side of the county and advertised his sale FOR HIM to a potential customer who, otherwise, would not have even known about it because he was busy working on his new house. Yes, it took me a few hours to pull that foot out of my mouth which was firmly lodged at the time. I may have thought his sales strategy was silly and ineffective at face value but he had USED ME without me even knowing it !!!

Folks, sales is a numbers game. It’s not just how many direct sales you make but how many seeds you plant that may mature into a sale later. Be unique. Make your business stand out in any way you feel comfortable with and become a fixed memory in everybody’s mind. Make good use of your traffic. They may not buy the first time they are at your site but when they decide the time to buy or join has come, guess who they’re going to remember???

“Creativity is a lot like looking at the world through a kaleidoscope. You look at a set of elements, the same ones everyone else sees, but then reassemble those floating bits and pieces into an enticing new possibility. Effective leaders are able to shake up their thinking as though their brains are kaleidoscopes, permitting an array of different patterns out of the same bits of reality.”

- Rosabeth Moss Kanter

I have a question. What in the world has happened to the work ethic and frame of mind of people these days ??? As many of you know, I work as the Director of Support for my team in Success University so I field a lot of e-mails. You would not BELIEVE some of them I get !!! For some reason (I think it’s guilt) people feel the need to write to me and make sure I know why they have decided to quit my business and just when I think I have heard it all, BAM !!! I get a rude awakening.

Any business endeavor you become involved in online is going to take the same things that a brick and mortar business is going to take. You will have a time commitment, you will have an energy commitment and you will most certainly have a MONEY commitment. That’s just the way it is. I promise you that if you opened a flower shop and told your supplier that you would not be paying for any of your flowers until your business became profitable that you would immediately be in the market for a new supplier.

I understand how it feels to pay for advertising and see no results. I understand how it feels to talk to people till you are blue in the face just to have them say “No thank you, I’m not interested.”. I understand how it feels to get all geared up and excited about your new found passion just to become depressed a few weeks later because you can’t figure out why everyone else doesn’t feel the same about what you have to offer as you do. To be blunt…… IT SUCKS !!!

But, you have to make it through it. Why can some people make it through 4,8 or even 12 years of college to prepare for a career before they make their first dollar and start their career off literally thousands and thousands of dollars in debt but that same person can’t put a couple of hundred bucks and a few hours a week into a business that will make them financially independent and have a ZERO debt factor without getting discouraged and quitting a short few weeks later ??? Am I missing something ? Because, if I am I would really like for someone to straighten me out.

Let me shoot you some numbers here….. In the field of Network Marketing the learning curve is about a year, give or take a little based on your ability and willingness to learn. But, the sad truth is that around 75% of all participants that quit do so within the first 30-90 days. On the other hand, out of those that stick it out and make it through that learning curve, approximately 95% go on to make really good money. Like I tell people every day while providing support for our team, how can you walk away in the middle of the game and then act like you have no idea why you didn’t win???

I actually had someone close to me a long time ago before I made it to where I am now ask me this question. They said, “Jeff, why are you wasting all your time with that worthless Network Marketing crap? It’s never going to get you anywhere and when we both die there won’t be any difference between the two of us”. I looked at them and said, “Oh, yes there will. Even if don’t reach my goals and do fail, the difference between us will be that I will die knowing that at least I tried and never gave up”.

“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something, and that this thing, at whatever cost, must be attained.”

- Marie Curie

Well, looks like the clock is kicking my behind again. Time to relax for a bit, think about tomorrow and then get some rest so I will be physically, mentally and spiritually prepared to do battle with whatever challenges come my way. As always, I cherish my time with all of you and hope that I occasionally have even the slightest positive impact on someone’s life. This newsletter is my way of trying to give back a little of what has come my way, both in the way of Personal Development and all the wonderful opportunities that have come to me. Until the Good Lord grants us this time together again, just remember to…..



Jeff Hodges
Skype ID : jeffhodges1